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Everything posted by Billy86

  1. Are both Scaler and EZ Keys generating (ie doubling) sound?
  2. I’m curious about this plugin. The gain match feature before/after is pretty straightforward. I’m most curious about the “group“ function. Can you insert this program across all your tracks and have it auto adjust levels to a predetermined setting, say -12 dB? Or whatever level you choose? I would do this as a project gain stage before mixing. Hornet has something that does this, but I just couldn’t get my head around it. Thanks.
  3. Oh! Thanks for the suggestion. I've never used that view before, but it won't work for what I'm trying to do: navigate around song sections in the PRV using the navigator function. My work around is to place markers in the track timeline (I use navigator tab/sections too) because they DO show up in the PRV, unlike the color-coded navigation tabs in the navigator. It does the job, but adds extra workflow housework. I need more resolution that what the inline view seems to have.
  4. So, to get back on track… the answer is no?
  5. according to the Toontrack site in the release notes section, there is a known issue with VST 3 version in CbB. https://www.toontrack.com/release-notes/superior-drummer-3/ Inserting the VST 3 in Cakewalk can cause a crash. I’m still waiting for the fix before downloading the latest version.
  6. Currently, I use the arranger track in track view to navigate and keep track of where I am — intro, verse 1, verse 2, chorus, etc. Super helpful. Is there a way to make that strip visible in PRV? If I insert markers in track view they also appear in PRV. Very helpful to the way I work, but an extra step to accomplish such organizational housework.
  7. https://audioplugin.deals/acousticsamples4in1-guitar-bundle?utm_source=APD+Subscribers&utm_campaign=15968e756c-AcousticSamples_Bundle_Weekender&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_766211a9e5-15968e756c-40476702&ct=t(AcousticSamples_Bundle_Weekender)&goal=0_766211a9e5-15968e756c-40476702&mc_cid=15968e756c&mc_eid=6e756d8dad
  8. Having made a video tutorial or two, I know the time it takes to do these. Very well done. Straightforward and to the point. Thank you for these! Curious to know the benefit of exporting at 48/32 if the project is 44/24.
  9. @azslow3 Here is the tag for the creator of AZControl, a wellspring of knowledge about that amazing and versatile piece of engineering. Perhaps he can help.
  10. Nothing in the project but an instantiation of EZ Keys as a simple instrument track with a few bars of MIDI. EZ Keys is set to follow host. When I engage the transport, the readout goes from 1:01:000 to 1:01:040 or 1:01:080, then stops and returns to 1:01:000. I can play the EZ Keys midi fine if I use the transport inside EZ Keys. Then, I inserted a .wav file for a "dummy" audio track, thinking maybe the DAW needed something to "read." Muted the audio track with the .wav file. Worked fine--EZ Keys played as expected in follow host mode. So, I could mute the dummy wav and transport works fine with EZ Keys playing along in follow host mode. Hmm... so, then I deleted the dummy .wav file from its audio track, hit the transport play, and it works fine with just EZ Key's in follow host mode. Not sure why. Anyone else ever seen this?
  11. Curious to know. Been considering an external. How do speeds of externals compare with an internal SATA SSD? No doubt the externals aren’t as fast as an NVMe m.2, right?
  12. @Craig Anderton To avoid the CPU hit, I change Cakewalk's sample rate as high as it will go with the plug-in (even 192 kHz if possible), render the track as audio, then ratchet the sample rate back down to whatever I was using. is this as simple as going into Preferences, making the change, rendering, and switching I back to 44.1, which is what I use… and, short of “rendering out” as a track export, by rendering do you mean freezing? Thanks much.
  13. Hey. Thanks for the strategic insight. @Fleer pointed out it's half price via Native Instruments. So, $299 instead of the $599. Nice!
  14. Thanks for the reply. I see people on the thread are getting the V Collection for half price? I go the the website at it's $599 for the collection. I don't own any Arturia products at this point, so maybe I don't get the discount? I did sign up for the newsletter hoping to get an introductory offer of some sort. But it's been a week and no love.
  15. Hi all. New to Arturia. Interested in the Mini V, Moog synth. Do individual instruments ever go on sale? Thanks.
  16. Why would a track, when soloed, prevent every other track from soling along with it, AND mute itself when you try to solo anything else with it? It only happens with one track: EZ Bass, inserted as a simple instrument. 1. Dim solo off 2. Exclusive solo off 3. Solo EZ Bass track... result: as expected, plays in solo 4. Solo ANY other track OR buss... result: nothing will solo with with EZ Bass, AND EZ Bass goes silent, even though EZ Bass is still soloed, and the console view indicates the presence of audio in the track. 5. Un-solo whatever track or buss I soloed to try to get to sound with EZ Bass soloed, and EZ Bass is audible again. 6. Un-solo EZ Bass (so, now nothing is soloed) and everything plays fine. 7. Turn on DIM Solo... none of the above happens. If EZ Bass is soloed with Dim Solo engaged, I can solo other tracks to play along with the EZ Bass track, and non-soloed tracks drop in volume according to my setting for that function. There's so sidechain anything coming out of EZ Bass to impact anything else. It's a standard set up group tracks (drum multi's, guitars, keys, etc.) going into group busses, those busses going into master buss. Putting EZ Bass in solo has the same effect as above on the busses. I don't get it. Help please?
  17. Do you know if the ReMatrix Player can load 3rd party IRs?
  18. The manual notes this when exporting a mix: “Click Bit Depth and select the desired bit depth. If your source file is 16 and you export to 24, you get more precision for any audio effects in the mix (and a larger file).” Does the same hold true if the project depth is 24 bits and you export to 32 for mastering?
  19. I once was blind, but now I see... Thanks a bunch.
  20. Trying to use this new feature in 2021.12... New behavior when dragging tracks/folders Dragging a track to the left side moves it out of the folder. (This is what I'm trying to do to remove a track from a folder where it doesn't belong. I know I can use the dropdown to move the track out of the folder, but then the removed track is dropped all the way to the bottom of the tracks in track view. I want the track next to the folder I'm trying to drag it out of. I keep having to use this method and am constantly having to reposition tracks.) I'm clicking and dragging left, but nothing is happening. Dragging to the right side moves it to the bottom of the existing folder at the target location (i.e. same level as the track above). Will use this eventually, too, I'm sure. Tip: While dragging, look at the left edge of the drop indicator - it will be exactly at the folder depth the track will be placed at. What is the "drop indicator"? Moving my mouse around the track all I see is the "move track" indicator that allows me to drag the track up and down. I don't see one that indicates left/right. What am I missing? Thanks.
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