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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. Bajan Blue

    kissin up

    cool track Jack, like this a lot - a got a bit of a Talking Heads vibe!! Excellent Nigel
  2. Bajan Blue

    Cool it Down

    Kurt Love this on a Sunday morning - great guitar work, really cool Excellent track Nigel
  3. loved the drum sound and the track overall I think this sounds really cool Great stuff Nigel
  4. loved the way you have used the Yangqin - very impressive loved the track, excellent Nigel
  5. John Good track, well sung - only thing I would say is that perhaps you could put a little more reverb on the vocals Otherwise cool Nigel
  6. Hi Mark I really loved this - just playing it for the third time! the Cajon is an interesting instrument - i had a jam a few years ago with some guys and they used a Cajon (remember the days when we could all play music together!!) - ever since then i have been meaning to get one to play around with but never quite got around to it. And I loved your comments re the Violin - I tried my best on a violin for about a year before giving up I did the same, and wow was it frustrating - then i resolved the issue of not being able to play it properly - one day as i was rewiring one of my old, heavy Synthes and i accidentally knocked it from its stand - fell right on top of the violin and smashed it to smithereens! Problem solved!! Great stuff Nigel
  7. this is really good - i do like your vocals, excellent very good production on this as well Overall, just great Nigel
  8. Bajan Blue

    My New Song

    good track for only a few hours work - wish i could do things that quickly!! Cool Nigel
  9. Bajan Blue

    Warp 6

    Hi Wookie, this Warp series has been absolutely stellar and i think this is my favorite so far - those arp patterns, killer my friend Cool stuff indeed Nigel
  10. Bjorn brilliant stuff - i was made to sit through films like this when I was at school - the one i remember was called the Dinner Party I think - everything was going well at the dinner, then someone got out a joint then all hell, ***** and pillage begun!! we were all a bit bemused as when we smoked all we got were the munchies!! we did ask the Teacher if she could get us some stuff like the stuff they were smoking in the film, but she was not impressed!!!!! Great stuff Nigel
  11. Freddy / Lynn This is really great - you definitely scored a direct hit with what you were trying to achieve!! Loved it Cool stuff Nigel
  12. Strong song, very well sung - i would echo the comment re some of the sibilance Apart from that good track, well done Nigel
  13. Bajan Blue


    Hi Makke - definitely stretching out!!! - like this, sounds cool Nigel
  14. Hi Everyone We have just released the sixth track off our new album Regeneration. The track is called Sounds Like Heaven. Hope you enjoy it. Nigel https://devinelie.com https://music.amazon.co.uk/artists/B002GLCV8K/devine-lie https://open.spotify.com/artist/2Sd0BBWtT5fv0GaXLoKTAC https://www.youtube.com/c/DevineLie/videos
  15. Hi Lynn Thanks my friend and of course fully excused!!!! Hope you keeping well Thanks again, really appreciated Nigel
  16. Hi - thanks for the very kind comments - I'm really pleased you liked it Cheers Nigel
  17. Bajan Blue

    AIR Updates

    Exactly what ABACAB said! i wrote to them recently re the BDF Drum purchase to enquire re all my AIR stuff - although i received an automated "how did we do" response a few days later, I have not had a reply re my enquiry. shame. Nigel
  18. Hi Tom Thanks for those great comments - we really appreciate them more than people realize!! Again Thanks Nigel
  19. Hi tom thanks so much as per usual for taking the time to have a watch and make a comment -always appreciated Keep well Nigel
  20. Hi Freddy - wow thanks for those great comments - really pleased you liked this Thanks nigel
  21. Hi - so pleased you enjoyed the music and video - really appreciate the comments Nigel
  22. Hi David, Glad you enjoyed the Devil Dog!! Thanks for taking the time to watch Nigel Hi Makke Thanks for those great comments - appreciated Nigel Hi Wookie - ha ha? - perhaps you weren't DJing in the right places!!! Thanks for the watch and the comments - always appreciated Nigel
  23. Wow, thanks for that, really appreciate those comments Cheers Nigel
  24. I've had Dubstation for YEARS - started V1 - i still use it quite regularly - i just like that dub type of delay sound - a really solid product. Nigel
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