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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. A normal track for Wookie - well, I'll be!! Nicely done, enjoyed the listen Nigel
  2. Bajan Blue

    More Like Me

    Bjorn Great lyrics and nicely sung Cool track indeed Nigel
  3. Nicely played and great tones Enjoyed the listen Nigel
  4. Nicely played / sung and a good song Cool Stuff Nigel
  5. Hi Kurt Thanks for having a listen - comments always appreciated Cheers Nigel
  6. Hi Everyone We have just released the eighth track off our new album Regeneration. The track is called Troubled Times. This track is pretty old, but it seems quite a good title for what has been happening this past year or so! Hope you enjoy it. Nigel https://devinelie.com https://music.amazon.co.uk/artists/B002GLCV8K/devine-lie https://open.spotify.com/artist/2Sd0BBWtT5fv0GaXLoKTAC https://www.youtube.com/c/DevineLie/videos
  7. Lars Really sympathise about the Power Cuts - we know all about them here in South Africa - since 2007 we have had constant power cuts - in fact we have our own name for them, Load Shedding!! When one of our ancient Power stations goes down, we have them once / twice a day, 2 to 3 hours at a time for weeks at a time!! We had our last dose of Load Shedding about a week ago - the next dose will be on its way soon! Thankfully, I invested in solar power and a generator quite a few years ago!! Keep well my friend Nigel
  8. had a bit of time to install and try this today - i was very surprised, in fact I liked it quite a lot. I'm just tracking some guitars at the moment - I normally record direct from my amp (either an Orange, Laney or Blackstar) for this sort of stuff - pretty heavy powercord guitars but i'm recording clean then using Electrum - results so far are good. In conclusion, you can't go wrong for$6!!!! Nigel
  9. Haven't had a chance to try it today - will install and try tomorrow - I'll post some thoughts then Cheers Nigel
  10. No idea if this is any good, but on introductory sale at Euro15 instead of Euro149 And apparently i had some coins or something like that, so this ended up costing me 4 pounds!!!! Nigel https://unitedplugins.com/Electrum/
  11. Mix sounds really good, as do your production skills Cool Nigel
  12. Can't say I was ever a Carpenters fan, but I really like the way you have changed this and put on that Bossa Nova groove Cool Nigel
  13. HI Makke Definitely a bit different but very well done Sounds a good mix to me - only thing i could hear was some hiss i think when one of the vocals comes in - one example was at about 1.27 Otherwise all good Cool Nigel
  14. cool track - very nicely put together indeed and i echo what Bjorn said re the Cello Great stuff Nigel
  15. Hi Jack Like this one a lot - interesting groove and production Cool Stuff Nigel
  16. Bajan Blue


    HI Barry - good song and great vocals as usual!! Guitar work is great as well Mix first class Cool stuff Nigel
  17. Mark - missed this first time around I think - like this a lot and yes definitely getting the Bowie vibe - cool stuff Nigel
  18. Bajan Blue


    Allan - great track, like the lyrics and a great vocal performance Mix sounds good to me Cool stuff Nigel
  19. Bajan Blue

    No Worries

    Like this Bjorn and as David said great theme track for some dark Swedish crime drama!! Cool Nigel
  20. I have provocative and use it a lot - an excellent plug in and this is a great price Nigel
  21. Hi Anders I love this - always been my favourite Bowie track and this is a great version Really enjoyed the listen - actually its on repeat for a while!!! Cool Nigel
  22. wow never heard of this - I'm married to a Black South African who went through Apartheid and I campaigned against Apartheid Some of the things that went on in America smell very similar to the evils of Apartheid Thanks for the track Jack Nigel
  23. Wow just what I was thinking - and Meddle is probably my favourite Floyd album. Great stuff Wookie - think you saved the best for last!!! What do you think of the Drums of Hansa library - i've been looking at this for sometime but i've been waiting for a sale!! Cool Nigel
  24. cool track, enjoyed it and it went nicely with the video Nigel
  25. Bajan Blue

    The Journey

    Hi Tim Really enjoyed this - love the synth sounds you have used Cool Nigel
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