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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. Bajan Blue

    Make me Smile

    Hi Well, with the hard lockdown we are enduring here in South Africa, as we didn’t have much to do, we thought we would do some videos for the album we released in 2017, On Top of the World – the first one , Make me Smile, went live today. Hope you enjoy – oh and turn up the volume!!!! Nigel
  2. Lemar What a great and useful list - thanks for posting. There are some very good products on the list - this will be especially useful for people just starting I think. Nigel
  3. fantastic my friend - great stuff Nigel
  4. Wow Daryl, that's really great - the video must have taken ages!! Really Fantastic The Village in the UK where my brother lives has done a sort of picture tribute - my brother put up these pictures of our father - nice thing I think Shame I couldn't be there to see them but I'm still in Africa!! Nigel
  5. Nice track - great job At 3.28 on my system the bass sounded a bit off - but this could be what I am listening on - pretty small monitors Nigel
  6. Hi Tom The video is great and adds to the song - whenever I think that Africa has the monopoly on lunatic / corrupt Political leaders, there's always something about The Donald that reminds me we ALL suffer from Political schisters in one way or another - or they are just plain stupid crooks - that's more our line down here!!!!! Cool job Nigel
  7. Hi Wookie Like this, my sort of music - ah I remember the days looking at the cover of the latest Floyd / Gong / Magma / Amon Dull vinyl alum , passing around the communal cigarette, and discussing the virtues of the music - or hopefully the lack of virtue of my latest potential girl friend!!!!!!!!! Love it Great job Nigel
  8. Paul - nice guitar - not getting a lot of bottom end on either the drums nor base - could well be my end, as listening on some pretty small monitors today!! Other than that, pretty good Good job Nigel
  9. Hi I agree with Wookie and Tom re the kick / drums - but otherwise like the track Cool Nigel
  10. I'm a big fan of Kevin Yost, so I like this Good stuff Nigel
  11. Good cover of one of my favorite bands - what's not to like Cool - great job Nigel
  12. Tom this is great - I love the lyrics and personally I think they sound totally sane to me not leftist at all..........and at the moment I am stuck in Cape Town (well actually I'm stranded, can’t get back home to Barbados until goodness knows when) Unfortunately what goes on here sometimes (I did say sometimes!!) makes The Donald almost seem normal!! We have had for the past 5 weeks an army enforced total lock down - you are only allowed outside to buy food. Which is OK for me as I have a house and some money but for many millions in South Africa the reality is no food and being kept in your squatters shack 24/7 - we have already killed through starvation, other illness, hunger or the Police / Army more people than have died through this Covid virus............and in two months we have only had 86 covid related deaths So is Covid a jolly good excuse for a silent coup d’état - we do so love a good coup d'état here in Africa!!!! Many of our songs have a political message so good on you I say!! Great job Nigel
  13. Great stuff, smooth jazz at its best Love it Nigel
  14. love the jangly ethereal sound to this - good effort, like it
  15. I like this, cool track Great job Nigel
  16. Love the Bass - great song - good job Nigel
  17. This is my copy of Wavestation - and you know I've never updated the software ?? - best $50 I've ever spent I think - someone i knew was "downsizing" their studio and going totally software and basically begged me to take it!!!! Nigel
  18. I always liked this as well - enjoyed the cover - great job Nigel
  19. Doug Good track - I like the guitar playing - my only comments would perhaps a bit more of something on the vocals (reverb/compression??) and personally i would put the bass up just a little bit Great stuff Nigel
  20. Hi Daryl - great track, well produced - got a bit of a squeeze vibe going there!! Cool Nigel
  21. I like this - but have to agree on the drums - that could really turn this into a great track Good stuff Nigel
  22. Keith Like the song - defintely a good old 80's vibe - if i was to comment on the mix, i would say a bit less reverb on the vocals, or perhaps a different type of reverb but that's my personal taste!! Great job Nigel
  23. I love this sort of magic stuff - i went to a wedding last year and they had this brilliant magician doing stuff like this - i got a bout a meter away from his hands, watched him like a hawk and I STILL could not see how he was doing it - brilliant!! Nigel
  24. For me, I would probably donate it - living in Africa, we learn to never throw things away - someone will always find a use for something!! Nigel
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