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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. Hi Steve Never heard of the TV series but love this. I didn't get to hear the first mix but this sounds spot on to me Cool Nigel
  2. Bajan Blue


    Wow I love this - superb vocals and beautifully played Mix is excellent Truly a great track Fabulous Nigel
  3. Hi Jesse Really like this track and love your post! You DO NOT have to read music to be an artist - in some ways, I think knowing too much Music Theory might be restricting, so who needs it!!!!! Keep doing what you do, love it always Nigel
  4. Hi Wookie As others have said, very evocative and catches the idea of a Gull in flight perfectly - the tempo changes really work. Really enjoyed this, excellent Nigel
  5. Bajan Blue

    Lament To God

    Exactly - very powerful track Nigel
  6. Hi Paul I like this a lot - and the lyrics are great. I think the arrangement works - personally I wouldn't do too much more to this, I like it as it is!! Cool Nigel
  7. Glenn Great track and I really like your vocals, they are perfect in this track - great arrangement Cool Nigel
  8. Bajan Blue


    Hi Bjorn Really liked this one - reminded me of Tangerine Dream, a very very good thing in my book! Cool Nigel
  9. Bajan Blue

    Man Alive

    Hi keith Good track and loved the lyrics - mix sounded excellent Cheers Nigel
  10. Hi Wookie Thanks for the great comments - hope you keeping well Cheers Nigel Hi HS Thanks really appreciated Cheers Nigel Hi Larry - thanks so much - always appreciate your comments Cheers Nigel Hi Terry - yes definitely no to AI? tanks for the comments - much appreciated Nigel
  11. loved the video of the build - great stuff Nigel
  12. Hi Kevin I LOVE the lyrics - really cool. The track is great as well - great Guitar A Real cool track Nigel
  13. Hi Lynn Thanks so much, appreciate the very kind comments Cheers Nigel Hi Steve Thanks my friend - always appreciate the comments Cheers Nigel
  14. Hi Makke Thanks for the great comments - really appreciate them as always Cheers Nigel
  15. Hi Audio Assault got back to me this morning - seems my account had somehow become duplicated or something like that. Anyway, that is sorted now and I could Authorise ReAmp 2 Now I can start to play with it! Cheers for the help Nigel
  16. I emailed them on Monday then again today - I have checked my user area but went to check again now and can't seem to access it - will try again later thanks for the input - will come back once I have tried again or if I hear anything from them Cheers Nigel
  17. Hi guys So I purchased ReAmp2 - only problem is I cannot seem to get it authorised - I have written to Audio Assault at 'support@audio-assault.com' but they dont reply unfortunately. Anyone got any idea how to either get this authorized or to contact someone at Audio Assault?? Thanks Nigel
  18. Hi Freddy Thanks so much for the very kind comments - really appreciated Keep well Nigel
  19. Hi Thanks for this and thanks for the very kind comments - always appreciated Cheers Nigel
  20. Hi Larry - agree with Bjorn 100% Great job well done Nigel
  21. Hi This is a pretty good cover - on the mix, if me I would try and do something re the sibilance first - sounds like you might have a lot of compression on the vocals - when I have issues with everything getting too near the red zone - and it happens quite a bit - for instance on a track I am working on at the moment for our new album, had real issues with that - what I do is make sure first all tracks are OK, not too loud and not clipping - also they are all panned correctly - I use Pan Knob by Boz Digital for this. I try not to have any tracks with too much compression on them if possible. Then i pull all the bus levels down and slowly adjust to get a better but quieter overall mix I always mix into my master bus which always has Cytomic Glue on it - nothing else - I look for around 4db compression - just enough to keep everything level Apart from the clipping issues, enjoyed this - cool Nigel
  22. Bajan Blue


    Hi Bjorn - enjoyed this - I've never heard anything from the EastWest's Voices of the Empire library before - sounds cool Great Stuff Nigel
  23. Bajan Blue


    Hi Really enjoyed this - love the mix - on repeat now!! There were bits that reminded me of Zappa - anyway, great stuff Nigel
  24. Hi Bjorn Thanks for the great comments, appreciated. With regards to this video, it was done by the lad I was mentoring here in South Africa - he was really getting very good indeed - unfortunately we all had a desperately sad experience with him - he was convinced, a few months ago, by someone unbeknown to all of us I should add, that he should have a Covid Booster shot - unfortunately he suffered the dreaded blood clot reaction within a day and although we rushed him to Hospital, he died almost immediately - it was so so sad. Again unfortunately, we have seen a lot of this here in South Africa. At least his videos are still here to remind us of his promise Again thanks Nigel
  25. Hi Kevin Thanks so much for those very kind comments - always appreciated Cheers Nigel
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