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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. HI Like this - sounds good. Whenever I load anything into YouTube / Facebook I can always hear a difference and not in a good way - but as so many people listen to music on their phones or other not great reproduction systems these days, I stopped worrying sometime ago!! Cool track Nigel
  2. Hi Paul Great track, very well written. Good playing especially the lead solo and a good mix Really enjoyed the listen Cool stuff Nigel
  3. Hi Mark Great track with a really calming vibe Some truly excellent playing and a good mix loved it Nigel
  4. Hi Jeff this is great - I had no idea 3D printing tech had advanced so much - also the uke sounds great great job and cool stuff Nigel
  5. Hi Bruce I like this a lot - guitars sound good - well played and mixed. Really enjoyed this Cool Nigel
  6. Bajan Blue


    HI Wookie As others have said, a sad vibe to this one, but very enjoyable none the less Cool stuff Nigel
  7. Hi Steve Enjoyed this a lot - you've done a great job with this Cool Nigel
  8. Agree with KS - cymbals definitely need dialing back or if it were me I would take them out in most places Hope this helps Nigel
  9. Hi i think this sounds good - personally I would have liked the vocals up a little bit but apart from that, really good stuff Nigel
  10. Hi Lars Thanks for the heads up - i didn't see any email from D16 re this upgrade. Just got it for $19 I use Sigmund quite a bit, although as Starship said, programming can be interesting! Hopefully a bit easier with the new version cheers Nigel
  11. Hi Freddy - thanks so much for those super comments - really appreciate these my friend Keep well Nigel
  12. Exactly what Freddy said - wow second song today where I totally agree with Freddy - we must be getting in sync!! Great song and great lyrics - really cool and enjoyable Nigel
  13. Bajan Blue

    Morning fog

    Hi Makke I was going to say exactly what Freddy said!! Cool Nigel
  14. Hi - nice song - thought the drums sounded a bit false Apart from that enjoyable Nigel
  15. Hi - great playing and I love that Guitar tone I enjoyed this a lot Great listen on a bright Cape Town Sunday morning!! Nigel
  16. Hi - I'm not sure which mix I listened to but I enjoyed it Think that lead guitar sound - is this the twelve string - doesn't sound quite right Loved the Bass tone Apart from that liked it Nigel
  17. Hi steve This is great - I really enjoyed listening to it Listening on cheap headphones via my phone, but still sounds good. I shall definitly listen to it again when I can get back into my studio - got hit in the eye playing squash and now onto my third operation - not allowed to move for about a week after each one!!!! My favorites - A Few and Fallen Great album Nigel
  18. Hi Bjorn - I liked this - a great listen on a Sunday morning! Very nice indeed Nigel
  19. Hi Pascal Very nice indeed - really enjoyed listening to this Cool Nigel
  20. Hi - I can only echo what people have already said - I really did like the Bass - extremely cool Nigel
  21. Hi - I liked this and I thought a good mix Cool Nigel
  22. Hi Paul - I really likethis - good track And lyrics are spot on - great stuff Nigel
  23. Hi Terry - I think Lynn said it all! Nice track Nigel
  24. Hi Jack - I like this a lot - Loved that intro - bass sounds good as well Cool Track Nigel
  25. Hi Larry - loved the intro and that Guitar tone / delay - what delay did you use on that? Liked the track as well although there was just something re the Bass - sounded like a chorus on that but it sounded slightly boxy I thought - however I am restricted to listening on headphones at the moment so please feel free to ignore the comments re the Bass!!!! Cool Nigel
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