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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. Smoke From A Distant Fire – Sanford Townsend Band
  2. I like this one a lot. One of my all-time favorite tenor sax players. Walkin' – Stanley Turrentine
  3. The bennies go to the spanker, not the spankee. It is better to give than receive.
  4. Ours were white pills with a little cross etched on the top. The reds were downers.
  5. Cry, Cry, Cry – Bobby “Blue” Bland (On one of the first blues albums I bought as a child)
  6. Probably here. The good thing about having a short memory is that I can laugh at the same joke twice.
  7. Ah, we took out a 15-year mortgage, paid an extra $100 every month, paid early and had it paid off in 10 years. It's nice not having to pay for our house every month. We bought it for 60K in 1990, a vacant lot, farther away from the water (less valuable around these parts) just sold for $250K. We'd cash in on our investment, but everything else is so damn expensive now, and we like where we are living.
  8. The Visa/MC merchant's account issuer, Authorize.net, web host, shopping cart provider, insurance company, business bank account, state sales tax authority, and the IRS who make a share of everything I sell doesn't think so. They all want to be my silent partners.
  9. The http://s-cats.com is only something that redirects to my Norton Music website, https://www.nortonmusic.com/cats/cats.html It seems foolish to me to spend money putting the money on the S site when it immediately switches to a site with the https So the site is https, but the pointer to the site is not. As long as you don't have the add-on “https everywhere” on your browser, you will never notice it. --------- Funny story. When getting the pesky little S, and wanting to register the S to my business site, my webhost put the application to a German company that authorizes and either approves or disapproves it. They are the ultimate authority, and if you get their approval, every anti-viral or browser extension will not reject your certificate. After my application was sent ... ... They rejected it saying that Norton Music isn't a real business. I referred them to my website where you can buy things, and it also seamlessly links to a secure, well established shopping cart site. Didn't work. Tried proving I have a Visa/MasterCard merchant's account. Zip Gave them a link to my Authorization.net account where they authorize Visa/MC cards online. Nada. So I sent them a picture of my Florida state sales tax license, plus my EIN number for federal income tax (Employer Identification Number). No dice. I sent copies of sales invoices when I sold my Band-in-a-Box aftermarket software to customers in the 1990s. No good. Next, I sent a copy of a voided check to my business banking account. Didn't work. About a week later, and probably over 30 hours total hold time (with lousy on-hold music and constant “your call is important” interruptions) and another few hours actually talking to a human, I'm at my wits' end. I'm asking to speak to a supervisor – and another – and another. With their thick German accents, I'm having trouble and asking them to repeat a lot, and I'm getting more and more frustrated. I have a lot of other work to do, and it seems like my life is now a futile attempt to get that all essential S at the end of my http. Finally, I get to a guy who says, OK I did a Google search, and your site came up, so that proves you are a legitimate business. Website - no Shopping cart - no Visa/Mc merchant's account - no Authorize.net account - no Florida Merchant's sales tax account - no EIN number for the USA IRS - no Sales invoices dating from the 1990s to the present - no Business checking account - no Google search - YES!!! Go figure. I spent hundreds of dollars plus 10 dollars a month to get this "business” S because the lesser priced ones are sometimes rejected as unsafe by those with the strictest protection on their browsers and/or anti-malware apps. All the "no“ answers above take a piece of the money I earn for every sale I make. But the FREE google search finally means I'm really in business. Sometimes the world doesn't make sense. Insights, incites, and unintentional humor by Notes ♫
  10. I have some samples at http://www.s-cats.com or https://www.nortonmusic.com/cats/cats.html Same page, but those with https only will need the second link The samples are old, from around 2005. I suppose I need to make some new ones, but I'm busy gigging Video: https://www.nortonmusic.com/catsvideo/index.html Audio https://www.nortonmusic.com/mp3/sophisticats128.mp3 And for work I've done for Band-in-a-Box https://www.nortonmusic.com/styledemo.html They are intended to be generic background styles. Notes ♫
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