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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. Memphis - Lonnie Mack (one of Rock's first guitar heroes, who owns serial number 5, the first commercial Gibson Flying V guitar)
  2. That was too funny Steve. I'm jealous, I wish I had though of that ???
  3. Going Up the Country - Canned Heat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0PjECSyJ7w
  4. Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead - Warren Zevon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfSQOgu0ZJg
  5. There were too many donations from our 3 county area for a boat lift so my tent, food and paper plus the contributions of hundreds of others are now on an ocean-going barge pulled by a tug to the Bahamas. It should get there by tomorrow. It's a good start, but our good neighbors to the east will need help for a long time to come. Notes
  6. Isle Of The Dead -Sergei Rachmaninoff It's in 5/4 time, it's dark, it's brooding, and it's heavy. Give it a listen - this is not your grandfather's orchestral music
  7. They started collecting for a Boat-Lift today. The paper listed a number of collection points, I chose the closest and was happy to see a half dozen people there making donations. I had an 8'x10' cabin tent I haven't used in a few years and figured someone without a house needs it more than I do so I donated it, along with an ice-chest cooler. I went out and bought a case of Vienna Sausages, huge pack of 30 rolls of toilet paper, and a case of D cell batteries and added that to the donation. They should be on their way to the Bahamas by tomorrow morning as long as the seas aren't too rough. Local boat owners are donating their time and fuel to cart these supplies over and give them to the people who need them. By many of us doing a little each, it will mean a lot. Notes
  8. "Her" - Stan Getz (my all time favorite tenor sax player)
  9. Early Autumn - Jazz standard originally recorded by the Woody Herman Orchestra Won't embed - here is the link if you are interested
  10. Time Is On My Side - Kai Winding (The original version of the Rolling Stones Hit. Jimmy Norman wrote the rest of the lyrics, Irma Thomas recorded that version and the Rolling Stones covered Irma's version - sorry if that's TMI - I'm an amateur musicologist)
  11. Any Time - Emmett Miller I had to look up who first recorded this classic country song that my dad loved Another won't embed so here's the link if you're interested
  12. It's starting to move away from me. I live just south of Fort Pierce. No damage to the home, haven't lost power yet, but the ground is wet, trees are leaning, so that is still a possibility. People with boats that can make the crossing will probably collect food and supplies. I've got a lot of non-perishable food I bought for the hurricane, if someone is going, the food is theirs. I also plan to donate blood, as type O is very versatile. If I didn't have gigs lined up, I'd volunteer to go over and help. I feel for the Bahamians. If you can do something for them, please do, they are good neighbors. Notes
  13. Love Is Like Oxygen - Sweet Won't emebd, here's a link
  14. I'm on the east coast about even with the eye right now. The wind has been blowing from the north since Sunday and with frequent rain squalls. Definitely tropical storm force and I believe I heard 48mph on the radio. This is nothing compared to the Bahamas. Notes
  15. Walking On Sunshine - Katrina and the Waves
  16. Perhaps they are commenting that they think those groups are 'for the birds'.
  17. Space Is The Place - Sun Ra (I don't know if I'd want to gig with that outfit on)
  18. Runaway - Del Shannon (covered excellently by Bonnie Raitt)
  19. Flying Home - jazz standard by Benny Goodman and Lionel Hampton and forever associated with sax man Illinois Jacquet
  20. Speaking of addiction, how about; The Pusher - Steppenwolf (***** the pusherman) written by Hoyt Axton OK that's not quite it, but auto- censored so instead of ****** how about: Gosh Darn the pusherman? Doesn't have the same impact though.
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