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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. "Candy Is Dandy But Liquor Is Quicker" - Between Parallels Their take on an old Ogden Nash quote
  2. I seldom have a problem with a windows update. It's just nice to have that backup - just in case. The time the Disk Imaging software saved me the most was when I bought a guitar pedal (FX/amp sim) that came with a LE edition of Cubase. I use Master Tracks Pro, Power Tracks Pro Audio, Cakewalk, and Audacity. I was curious so I slipped the CD in, and began the install. I got some kind of an error message, and the installation was aborted. I turned off the computer, waited a minute and turned it back on. A message came up telling me the install was aborted, and asked if I wanted to continue. The only option was "Yes". It got stuck again in the same place (perhaps the CD was corrupted???). Off/on/same thing. Stuck in a loop. I tried Ctrl+Alt+Delete when the box came up, thought I got rid of it, rebooted, no dice. I tried a few other things and nothing could get me out of the loop. Fortunately I made a disk image before installing the software. I put in the rescue disk, initialized the restore, and sector by sector the software restored my hard drive. I tossed the Cubase disk in the trash. The backups are an insurance policy. They seem like a bit of a bother until you need them. When you do they are a sigh of relief. Insights and incites by Notes
  3. One thing I found out is that you can replace your computer, but you can't replace your data. The nice thing about that docking station is you can have different hard drives to back up different things. Just pop them in and out like a toaster. Notes
  4. Male cat? Keep your eye on the --- oh never mind.
  5. Pontoon - Little Big Town We learned this one for a regular audience member.
  6. I back up data daily on a drive that gets removed from the system. I do a disk image once a week on another drive that gets removed. I do a disk image once a month on yet another drive that gets removed, and keep many months of disk images on that drive. That should protect me from anything my AV software doesn't get. I use one of those SATA drive docking stations, and remove the drives when not in use, so if anyone attacks the computer, they are not getting to the backups. I don't trust the cloud.
  7. Whenever Windows wants to make an update, I do a disk image on Acronis first. That way if it goes sour, and I can't un-do it in Windows itself, I can restore the old disk image. I do the same for any new piece of software or update that gets installed on my computer.
  8. It looks good. I'm afraid it would give me too many opportunities to play wrong notes. Right now if I hit a bad one, I can always bend it a half step and make it right ;)
  9. I tried sheet music to MIDI when it first arrived, and immediately saw the shortcomings. We don't quantize our music when we play it. Scanning sheet music is like step entering, no groove, no dynamics, no ornaments, no phrasing. IMO the best way to enter MIDI is get a good controller, and play it into the sequencer or DAW in real time. There are plenty of continuous controllers that can shape the notes while playing (see http://www.nortonmusic.com/midi_cc.html for a list) that if used properly, and especially if done with your MIDI controller while playing the parts in, that give life to the otherwise expressionless notes. The music isn't all in the notes, it's mostly in the nuances of how you play those notes. Insights and incites by Notes
  10. The past, the present and the future all walk into a bar. It was tense.
  11. Prostitutes are buy sexual. (groans appreciated)
  12. Please ignore this. I didn't screw up Really You believe me, dontcha? OK Maybe I did. But let's keep it our little secret.
  13. My all-time favorite tenor sax player and a nice mostly mellow LP The Dolphin - Stan Getz Quartet
  14. Not a fan, but do appreciate his work. Haven't heard too much of his playing since Zappa. I guess I need to go exploring. Not a fan of the 5 that I mentioned above either. I just like their work and in my current writing of BiaB styles, I'm learning from their recorded work. It's difficult to pick favorites when there are so many to choose from. Notes
  15. Can you type that a little louder? I'm hard of herring. ?
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