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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. If a cop pulls over a U-Haul Did he bust a move?
  2. Strikes terror in the heart of someone who had 6 years of Catholic school
  3. Prokofiev: Symphony #5 - Valery Gergiev conducting the Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra
  4. The Ghost of Tom Joad - Bruce Springsteen (featuring Tom Morello)
  5. I Am what I Am 'cause I Am what I Am. (Popeye Zen)
  6. The music is dated, the video is definitely low-rez, bit it's amazing how many instruments these gals played. Doubling? Tripling? Quadrupling? etc. Band Beautiful - The Ingenues
  7. It's Professor Longhair's birthday today. Born in 1918, "Fess" influenced Fat's Domino, Allen Toussaint, Dr John and so many other NOLA pianist/singers. Tipitina - Professor Longhair
  8. The Westone and Etymotic musician's ear plugs are something you have to get used to. They are a huge improvement over the foam inserts, and the response of the 15db inserts is reasonably flat. If you need the 25s they have some high frequence roll off. But they don't sound like naked ears. It's a compromise so that you can still hear when you get old and grey. It's a personal choice, but if you get old and grey and wished you would have worn them, there is no fix to the problem. Insights and incites by Notes
  9. I've been off since March 17 and won't be back until enough of us get COVID vaccinations to encourage the +55 year old community to get back out to the bars where they belong.
  10. I really like this one "Grandma's Hands" - Bill Withers
  11. A giant is a big man "Big Man on Mulberry Street" - Billy Joel
  12. I've used either Westone or Etymotic hi-fi ear plugs for decades. Since we play wit less that 100dba volumes on stage, the rather flat 15db inserts into the audiologist mold work rather well. For me I just have to make sure the audiologist makes the mold deep enough or the bone conduction of my saxophone will make it sound way to loud in my head. If there is something much better out there, I'd be happy to know. Insights and incites by Notes
  13. Today is the birthday of Keith Richards and the sax player Bobby Keys, so I'll listen to both playing on: Brown Sugar - Rolling Stones
  14. Butchers - Meat - BBQ Barbecue Blues - Barbecue Bob
  15. Today is the 250th Anniversary of Beethoven's baptism. There is no record of his birth, but it was probably on the 16th according to the custom of the day. So to celebrate, my two favorites Beethoven Symphonies #4 and #7. Both conducted by George Szell. I know most people seem to like #5 and #9 the best. I think #5 has a great first movement and then pedestrian and #9 is IMO pretty harmonically dull. Great in their day as they broke ice, but I think 4 & 7 are the ones that stood up to the test of time.
  16. Heating vent? What's that? (I live in Florida).
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