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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. That one wasn't even on my radar really and now I wonder if I can resist buying it, even though I just got "spread" for free. ?
  2. Need is a dirty and smelly word. ? I'd certainly agree that most of us have any "needs" well covered, but these deals make it so that added another tool in the box is fun. As a guitarists these become reasonable price points to grab another amp flavor. Other effects such as compression and EQ start to come down more to workflow. I'll keep collecting them as long as the price is right. I've got a number of them and have bases covered in virtually all areas more than once, but I'm open to buying more given the quality PA offers. If they had a WAVES style 1 seat per purchase system, I wouldn't bother even if the price was low. PA (along with others) helped me ditch WAVES.
  3. https://www.loopcloud.com/cloud/blog/4767--StayCreative-Get-free-tools-and-knowledge-that-will-fuel-your-imagination?utm_campaign=322246_PB - Stay Creative - 30-03-2021&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Newsletter&dm_i=6D39,6WNA,102YK4,SR03,1 Through Plugin Botique coutesy of Loopcloud: Use Coupon Code - STAYCREATIVE Valid until April 18th at 23:59 PST https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/7483
  4. That is the base sale price. If they have vaild loyalty vouchers at the same time period (those of us that get them) would have extra savings on top of the sale. However, they timed this one so that no-one has loyalty vouchers. They ran the Lindell 80 on sale at the start of the month, and some of us had $25 vouchers which would have made it about $25 out of pocket. I passed on that but picked up BOME for $15 later in the month. I'd still like to get Lindell 80 though.
  5. The queestion isn't related to how powerful your headphones are. Many "better" quality headphones are a higher Ohm and need more juice than a phone/computer pre-amp is going to supply. Thus the need for an external pre-amp to drive the headphones to make them sound like they were designed to. If your headphones are over 32 Ohms you would benefit from a headphone amp. Even 32 can usually benefit from them.
  6. Depending on your headphones you might want to get an external headphone amp to drive them. That can help the signal you get from a $2 interal headphone pre-amp on a laptop. But even a cheap one is going to be $20-30 at which point you would start wondering if it just makes sense to use a cheap/old single channel interface.
  7. I used mine previously. But they timed this sale to not overlap with the voucher which strategically ended on the 29th of March according to the email. Would have been nice. ?
  8. Lots of rust on that plugin. Seriously though, starting to wish I had a Focusrite interface. They have had some nice add-ons including this one I'd be happy to have.
  9. Well the sound download limitations timeframe for other products is an odd one. Yeah they are large but you are still hosting the files for other customers to download. Thus the quesiton is why IKM limits access to them, you still have to host them at a data center of some kind until a product is end of life.
  10. Link to any custom themes beyond the included light and dark theme.
  11. Might want to work with the product team on the whole deployment process over stuff like this. Yes, I was able to get it but the whole process is convoluted from the instructions on the website, to downloading the presets within the app itself to then having to manually unzip and then stick them in an entierally different folder. Something like this should just be "download presets" and that is it, ready to rock. Look forward to actually getting to play with them at a future date.
  12. I don't think I'd seen this one posted, but "Decent Sampler" is way better than decent. https://www.decentsamples.com/product/decent-sampler-plugin/ Most of the EXS24 free sample libraries on https://www.pianobook.co.uk/ have been converted to Decent Sampler format (suposidly about 100 of them though I've only tried about 20). There isn't a fantastic way to find specifilly Decent Sampler versions all in one view yet. However it is pretty easy to find them. Select the instrument catergory, then search for EXS24 and click on a library on the page on the right it will tell you if a Decent Sampler version is available:
  13. AT5 while quite good only opened the door for me to take in the box sims seriously. That said they lack some of my go to sounds, I think they need to dive deeper in the boutique market. PA sims became my go to as they offer closer to the sounds I'm after and are lighter on the resources. But for an all in on solution AT5 would certainly be the top contender.
  14. As did I, but we also got extras other Cakewalk users didn't. IMO, we have't been lied to on that front.....yet. There are ways to run it on a Mac, but lets be honestly anyone that buys a MAC also isn't a real deal connoisseur.
  15. Those that don't use Cakewalk clearly have some things to learn about the best audio deal on the market.
  16. I'm very well versed with LP - both Entrprise products and free (and the new chagaes that took effect 2 days ago). I had no idea FP purchased them recently though, thanks for posting this.
  17. Same guy actually helped design some of the PA Brainworx amps if you were not aware.
  18. The Waves one is based on a fairly rare unit. this one is clearly a nod to this: http://www.muzines.co.uk/articles/aphex-aural-exciter-type-b/2850
  19. That is awesome. I'm surprised a plugin maker wouldn't have a NFR package for "DAW Development" Staff.
  20. Well I'd say the same thing about most plugins, especially WAVES which is an industry standard....so.... I haven't used it extensively, but the basic things I was doing with it seemed to work consistantly. Free is a dangerous game when using anything for paid work as there are no guaranttes or support.
  21. Hopefully not. I just picked up MADEQ a month ago and was my first attempt at multiparimeters so needs enough testing before sending them out. Many of the online presets are basically trash. I'm interested in creating "go to" options I'd actually use all the time.
  22. Not yet, but I likley will once I feel they are finalized. Not sure if they will get rejected due to using "hardware names" Harmonics might help some, but when I do a/b tests against the PA MAAG EQ4 which I also have, the Air at 40K is certainly different in the way it lifts and then gradualy slides down the range but doesn't lift in the 2Kish range much. Hard to replicate when the EQ only lets you lift at 20K.
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