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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. And is "X-Phase" actually any better than MFreeformPhase from Melda Production which is free?
  2. I'm always curious on these in the box emulations on the HiWatt how they handle the super high headroom of the actual thing. Haven't found a plugin yet that captures that, they all seem to breakup too easily and not get that super loud clean thing going just right. Nembrini is responsible for some of the best Amp sims out there so I'm not sure I want to demo it in fear of GAS I really don't need.
  3. I might be missing something but I think there are only 2 $20 plugins in the offer at SSL, so the best case is $45 to get X-Phase (i.e. $25 - assuing this works, wasn't on the landing page but is on the home page), Saturator, X-Valve Comp. X-Comp $30 EQ2 is $40
  4. Yes, the Slate one offers the highend boost one is looking for but in a more pleasing way. I had hoped the Bertom would do the same thing, but side by side the difference is obvious. Not that the Air Shelf is bad, it just isn't a natural, warm or whatever positive attribute you want to give it as the Slate is. The Slate one is pretty unique in its ability to boost the high end but not introduce harshness. WIth the limited authorization thing with Slate, I was expecting to use the Air Shelf as a replacement on other machines, and while it is usable, I personally don't think it is in the same catergory.
  5. Yeah, nice to get two seats (for those of us that grabbed it last time) but the problem is unless they changed the authorization system you actually need two physical iloks to do it - or an active internet connection for a "cloud session" which is really lame. Just give us multiple seats and let up authroize to the ilok computer manager. This one is very usable.
  6. You can't re-use the generic $25 in the same month it was issued. The survey voucher was set to expire on Jan 31st. Unless there is a glitch that is over.
  7. Same deal as yesterday "from" being the upgrade price and $49 if you are new customer. These are basically the best deals they run on this program and IMO worth every penny even with some stability problems in Cakewalk (perhpas other DAWs too) just save often.
  8. Agree, but depending on the subscription you can get a voucher for the amount spent in a year. Hard to get the ultimate deal that way but it isn't as far off as a normal sub where you get zilch after the year is up and you don't want to pay. I don't do the sub thing but spent a few years worth with PA in the past year on products to own. The more they add to that bundle, I have a more difficult time saying it makes no sense as the voucher amount back combined with a mega sale seems like a better deal than WAVES.
  9. I've had two occassions where a Waves Central update made non-WUP'd plugins no longer work. From v9 to v10 and also during a v12 update (with a v12 plugin no less), but without WUP, Waves won't lift a finger to assist. Just saying that if this thing is delivered via Waves Central, by the very nature of the system, WC will need an update to add it and therefore if you run WC and don't have WUP there is some level of "risk." It might be minor risk, but as someone burned twice, I'm just raising my hand saying the processes isn't foolproof. And this happened across multiple machines mind you. Only WAVES plugin I use any more is the Silibance one I got a couple free seats of.
  10. If whatever it is ends up being delivered via Waves Central and you have non-WUP'd plugins, I'd have to disagree on the no risk part.
  11. I'm having an issue on one of my Win10 intel computers with the VST3 version (works fine of the other machine with same OS and even older hardware). VST2 seems to work fine though. Hopefuly they get the Ryzen issue sorted out. Seems like a fun VSTi for about $10 with reasonable authorization system.
  12. Yes, I also picked it up in the GB! It gets a number of things right, such as a better impelemtation of the intensity. The throb and rate feel pretty good but the detail and lack of variation in the throb could be improved upon. In that respect it tend to sound slightly "digital" as the photo receptors in teh real thing give a different level of randomness. But I was surprised by it as many of the Amplitube pedals I find fall too short. That said, the fact it is tied to the Amplitube Echosystem makes it less useful in practicality as I use the PA amp sims more, and having AT5 open just to add an effect like that is a pretty significant resource hog for real time playing. I do tend to like it better than that X-Vibe 60s Vibe which sounds more sterile and modern.
  13. Grabbed the bundle with VYBZ for 8.99, now perhpas I won't regret passing up the XLN RC-20 deal.
  14. Hopefully the upcoming update adds GUI scaling. Otherwise a missed opportunity as this one could really use it.
  15. Yeah, I picked up Tube Modulator 2 months after Xeno. I'm also a big fan of that one as the Uni-Vibe has to by my favorite guitar effect and it has the most convincing in the box emulation of that plus some really nice Tremolo stuff to boot. Indeed, I grabbed Polaris within minutes of the offer price, without even testing it. I'm actually messing around with it right now and while I expected it to be more of a one trick pony, I'm shocked at some of the presets given the controls available. For me personally, a total no-brainer at $10 even though I own some crazy reverb plugins like MeldaTurboReverbLE.
  16. That sale 2 years ago started the addiction. Every sub $15 sale for anything they make I try to grab while the deal lasts (not counting the pedal plugins). I had to cave in on the Echoes plugin as I've never seen it go below 50% off. So I now have 8 of their plugins (plus free ones). During the 50% off sales since that one has a $45 retail, so at $22.50 it is still a pretty reasonable deal.
  17. I know lots of people picked this one up a couple years ago thanks to a deal that was posted. Today there was an update - resizable options (though not fully resizable like Echoes now is). Note the bottom one though, the licenser needs you do download a new licenser file (the old one you have won't work) https://www.audiority.com/shop/xenoverb/ v1.3 (Feb 2022) - NEW: Updated Framework - NEW: Universal 2 Binary for Apple Silicon Macs - NEW: High Resolution GUI - NEW: Resizable GUI - NEW: Vector Toolbar - NEW: Parameter value shown on display when mouse is over a knob - FIX: Improved Licenser and Online Activation - FIX: Wrong displayed reverb time - FIX: Algorithm menu flickering when changing value - FIX: LF Cut not working on Glass algorithm - FIX: Low frequency feedback build on Shimmer algorithm when a Pitch is at 0 - FIX: Loud spike when resetting reverb tail or using Active button - FIX: Unwanted echo when Pre Delay is at 0.01ms - BREAKING CHANGE: Improved licenser requires a new activation
  18. I was double dipping the chorus pedal I may never use. And yes, I think they should change the name of the amp. When Trainwreck gave each amp a Woman's name, it was classy and unique. What Friedman did with Betty and Shirley, not so much.
  19. I owned all the pedals too (so it gave me the you are about to double dip warning). I went ahead and did it today instead of seeing what deal comes tomorrow as I figure there is always the chance they drop those $9.99 pedal sales that co-exist with this offer timeframe.
  20. I had been waiting for Buxom Betty to get ported to PA (has been a UA staple for years). Added a cheap $9.99 pedal and used the $25 voucher to get it down to $15. Today was the day.
  21. I'm aware of the singular fast setting, but unaware that the ratio knob has any impact on the actual attack time. Thanks I'll check it out.
  22. This, except I've never seen where an added plugin is cheaper to WUP than the sub $30 you can get any plugin for with even the smallest patience. Basically the only reason to WUP is if your plugins failed to work and you need support to get them operational again, or you now have 4K monitors and need resizable GUIs and your version is old enough that wasn't an option. And even then at this point I'd weigh your options based on what is on the market. I'm thankful to have switched to other vendors.
  23. Couple things I wish they would change 1) Add another EQ Band 2) Change the knobs so that the Freq Selection isn't on that tiny outer rotary disc. Would be nice if it had an attack control on the compressor which the orignal would't have had. But it does sound good too me expecially if you want some nice color on the mix.
  24. Sorry about that (that one I linked had become my most used theme so I accidently posted that one) It is now corrected in post #2 and will take you to the updated "Orange Pro Theme" Apologies for taking so long to revisit my own thread to correct it.
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