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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. Affinity can do HDR also. You might try that before HDR projects to see what you think. The workflow is pretty simple there. Some of the "projects" work as an affinity photo plugin. They sell different tiers of each version. I'm guessing these would have that functionality too but not 100% sure on each.
  2. Yes I've had them for a few years. I'll occasionally use them as a plugin or preset effect with Affinity photo things like Analog Effects or Color. I train and educate other photographers as well as beginners and like to have and try out tools. This suite of tools is only something I'd get as an add on to more traditional photography programs. I could easily do without them but nice to have options that can give creative results with a few clicks to mess around. As for the HDR, I'd rather use Aurora HDR, which pops up for cheap or free from time to time and is much better.
  3. Of course this is dependent on similar things you might have but the ones that are a bit more expensive most of the time that I use in just about every project (that are not in the excluded list - as many of those are actually core to what I use) Amek EQ200. (a bit heavy on the CPU but love the layout and features) SPL Iron (but for buss/mastering compressors there are lots of great options on the market and some do hit cheaper price points) V76U73 (again a bit CPU hungry though) VSM-3 Bx Refinement (while this kind of thing can be done with other plugins, there is something nice about how quickly you can get rid of problems with this on, though I wish the range it looks for and reduces was adjustable). This one recently did hit a lower tier but before that usually was in the $40 range Bx True Peak - I like the interface, but there are arguably better sounding True Peak limiters on the market Train II if you are a guitar player.
  4. https://www.pro-tools-expert.com/home-page/2019/06/23/friday-free-plug-in-royal-compressor-2nd-hand-edition-from-united-plugins
  5. The post seems to suggest you will get one amp and one cab. Not sure which one.
  6. For those that managed to not use the $25 voucher already this is actually a great sale even with those exclusions. Effectively $12.50 each for those that are included is as cheap as many of these have been. (Outside of those that hit the $20-30 tier plus no min vouchers during a mega sale)
  7. No, I really thought that was the goal...otherwise why would have I bought into the Group Buy 5-6 times (literally) last year? I do wish these Synths didn't take up stupid amounts of space though. And v1 not updating to v2 gives me reservations on buying into all this.
  8. I was under the impression the point was to own them all and then never actually use them? I don't think I've used Synthronik 1 after getting all of it in the group buy. If nothing else having to pay for the redownload of content and HD space later on when I do want to use in on a future machine.
  9. Other than the fact it has been $9.99 many times and Hybrid 3 $5.
  10. Also there is a stripped down "CM" version with Computer Music for the cost of the magazine (or potentially older issue as it has been out for a little while) https://unitedplugins.com/HyperspaceCM/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwmPSSBhCNARIsAH3cYgZQHvhWXjBLfyfzIqsfqvqSlREuN7-50oy8EpSSCbAU0pYSkwpNR6EaArQtEALw_wcB
  11. Web site seems to require a subscription code to get the download links. Ex. Not sure where to get the ACON installer even though I have a registration code, since this isn't a version on the ACON site.
  12. It is a good idea, but they have a freeware version of this from HOFA that I'd imagine is good enough for the average person wanting to track project time. https://hofa-plugins.de/en/plugins/4u-projecttime/
  13. Is that even possible? Guess I'll find out soon enough.
  14. From what I understand the J console basically has the option to switch between the E/G and thus the "J" style is either of those two. On an emulation like this I'm not sure where the E/G stands related to a 4K console as many would argue the capacitorless 9K series console EQ section is going to sound different than the 4K. So my guess is it is really the E and G curves as they related to the 9K. Thus J is really E/G as it relates to 9K
  15. Maybe from people with more software emulation creation experience? that being said, yes, plenty of reports that this one is in fact top notch. But as a general rule hardware and software experts are virtually always different people.
  16. A number of people say it is the best sounding version on the market. In terms of features, the switchable J/E/G EQ curves is a nice touch. The GUI is arguably among the best looking....but it isn't resizable and that is a turn off. And depending on your perspective the iLok requirement may be a step down from say the PA model. Not to mention no mix knob on the Compressor is a step back, IMO (even if it isn't true to the original). Though I gave this some thought last time the deal came up, now that I have the PA Amek Console (yeah obviously not an SSL), but does kill the GAS for something like this, as frankly it is more feature rich.
  17. What did you try to buy? I wouldn't expect it to work on gig performer as an example as it isn't a plugin.
  18. I don't know the details but I've always been under the impression that prior state was independent developers basically using the MELDA platform/licensing code to build out plugins that were not developed by Melda and they likely paid a licensing fee for this setup. Kind of like making an instrument on the MSoundFactory Platform and then selling that. According to the update above, the relationship might have changed to more of an ownership thing.
  19. FYI the basics of this is covered in the FAQ on the website: https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/support.html
  20. When I started on my PA journey I setup two accounts becuase I figured I might need one computer for a live guitar rig that would then plugin to a computer for mixing/mastering. Ultimatly, after figuring out how the seats actually work with PA, I also came to the conclusion that One met the most sense in practice.
  21. Neural Q was a game changer for CPU consumption, not sure about the rest. ?
  22. I think of it as Front DAW (without the filter option) plus some tools to even out a performance. For a quick tool it is pretty decent for things like voice over work. There are more fully controlable and feature rich options on the market, but for simple quick fixes - I'd say it is usable.
  23. Yeah, sorry my post was a joke about the translation, as it seems like there isn't a free option yet as far as I could tell. I already got it from PB a little while ago and with the unlimited installs on a computer you own awesome authorization method, it isn't like I need another one. But if the deal does happen, I'd love to tell friends to grab it.
  24. Does "free" in english translate to $78 USD in German?
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