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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. For long time Cakewalk Users, they gave the well regarded CA2A for free a while ago so many may already have a alternative http://www.cakewalk.com/products/ca-2a/free
  2. I'm quite aware as I started the thread and commented about the pricing. But I don't think a sale extension on this is unexpected at all.
  3. Maybe, but they also kept extending the pandemic 50% off sales becuase the feedback and sales were overwhelming.
  4. No need to bump a thread that was half a year old. Good chance PA will run it on sale this month. You can always test drive it for 14 days. Also MCompare is on sale for $31 https://www.meldaproduction.com/MCompare If you use a new account and my referral code you would get $10 off (by sigingn up for the news letter) plus 20% off with this at checkout. MELDA31209027 So your total out of pocket would be somewhere around $15.
  5. The AirIr is the impulse loader (though it comes with some). That product gets to a lower price point....full price minus 50% off isn't that great for Audio Assault. The individual IR packs, yes - this would be a good time to grab them if interested as the sale plus 50% off gets them about as low as they go. I own most of what they offer but personally they get passed over in the collection (ML Sound Lab and York Audio) though much more expensive seem to fit the sound I look for more often. I was using the AIrIR loader as my primary until I switched to Melda's MConvolutionMB. It is just so much easier to preview and change things.
  6. As long as I've been buying from them and informally tracking such things for the "top" releases. It seems expecation was about a year or more before you would see that kind of discount. And it seemed even longer than that to get to that price point without a voucher. The program was designed to drive more sales early on since very few people will fork over $150 for an EQ, Comp, etc anymore. Apparently the math didn't work out well enough for them so they dropped the offer.
  7. I'll need to check the way back machine, but I could have sworn at the initial launch the codes were expected to be valid without some short term expiration date. This issue only came up when they decided to quickly discontinue the program. The FAQ they created for it was pretty liberal allowing you to sign up as much as you want quit whenever and rejoin at any time, etc.
  8. Somewhere it was posted as 12 months after subscription cancellation the codes will expire. Can't find where it was officially now though. Thought that was lame as that certainly isn't anywhere close to forever.
  9. Sorry typo on my end I meant TONEX SE. Obviously anyone can get CS without a purchase. Point being that only new purchases are eligable for the bonus software.
  10. Seems to still be missing the drum you created a while back and we hoped to be in the next release, can you nudge for us?
  11. Seems like they don't give ToneX SE to current users of iRigHD2.
  12. I like Magic Video Pro X better than Vegas (though it does lack a few things I wish it had). Passing on this hoping we get a bundle that includes it again.
  13. Indeed, and it sounds like the Mods on the board are in the dark also. Given we have some confirmation that support things have been addressed via email (potentially from other people) at least the company still seems to be around. But the Dev no longer posting publically is quite unusual. Really hope Ralph is ok. I jokingly think that the Mac updates may have been too much to deal with...
  14. It can take more experimentation that I'd like that is for sure. You end up having to adjust the input gain (plus your guitar volume knob) and then the gain on the amp plus the output gain to find the sweet spot of where the rig is reacting to your playing the best. On a real world non-master volume amp it is a bit more simplistic as the gain knob accounts for most of it, and you tweak your guitar volume knob to make sure that sweet spot gives you the control you want. Amplitube in general isn't as responsive to the guitar knob control so I tend to elimiate that. ToneX on the other hand, can respond better and the guitar vol knob actually becomes a factor for my setup. I wonder if it would make sense to have a function like the United Plugins Electrum has where you have some feedback on the input gain the plugin sees to properly set the levels. Given how critical impedence and volume of signal is to a guitar rig input I bet it would help users get a more realistic sound/feel as many guitar players just don't have the experience with that interaction at an expert level.
  15. The tech is there to make some AI drummer but the question is if anyone is putting the money and development time into actually making it and then what will they charge for it. I wouldn't hold off on a non-extravagant purchase that is most likely years away from seeing the market. If someone is concerned about the state of JamStix, that is a different story. I'm also hopeful for a program that is easy to control and produces great results. JamStix can feel unwieldy. But as it stands, it is the only Windows based product I'm aware of that can do what it does.
  16. Good to see someone is still running the site to update the sale. Great software that is quite unique. But the sole developer hasn't posted in the Forum on the site in many months and has quite a few people concerned about the current state and potentially his well being.
  17. Same with input gain as it impacts how the amp is driven. We need a default setting of course, but for those with a variety of interfaces the signal hitting Tonex can vary wildly. The beauty of AXE I/O seems like when the interface input is setup well, you get a reasonable response with a guitar. I can't say the same for all other interfaces with DIs out front or not.
  18. Yeah, this was the first year as of late that I decided it wasn't worth the hassle of signing up and then having to unsubscribe from the every day is a sale I don't want emails. Then there is the limited authorization of one after a year...Or using it and having to WUP when it breaks. Maybe if they gave away something cooler, I might have been tempted.
  19. Looks to me like the inital release was solid and didn't need a bunch of fixing that is a pain for the end user. I appreciate when developers fix problems but I appreciate it a whole lot more when there were no problems to begin with. I didn't buy this plugin in the first 10 days of release so I've only been on 1.01. Most plugins like this do not get "added features" down the road, it is simply an issue of how solid they made the plugin in the first place to be free of bugs. XLN Addicitve Drummer hasn't seen very many updates in 6 years....that is great because the program just simply works as it should. The updates have usually been around new packs released. Or becuase the MAC OS itself is abandonwere, they had to make updates that broke when a new OS was released. I always find it ironic when a MAC user complains about lack of updates/incompatiblity, when it has been public knowledge for many years that each Mac OS update will break sofware you currenlty use, unlike the Windows platform. If you care about longevity of programs working, word of advice, don't buy a Mac.
  20. They run on modern Apple OS do they not? They simply don't take advantage of specific processors added abilities, which make up a fraction of the market. They also dropped support for Win7 and older Mac's OS, does that make them abandonware? There are more machines out there running those than M1 orM2. If a plugin works it shouldn't need updates. 50 is also resizable.
  21. Melda MConvolutionEZ is surprisingly good (and free), makes wading through folders and folders of IRs easy. MConvolutionMB is even better and more flexible and sounds great. MCab is also interesting and has some advanced functions such as analyzing a whole folder of IRs and giving you a composite IR of that. But the advance functions to take some work to figure out. I have the Audio Assault one, the main draw back is the way you have to search for and load the IRs. I appreciate it has some extra modules and you can export your custom IR, but it isn't the fastest workflow in general. Nembrini's is cool, but tied to ilok. TwoNotes seems like more of a resource hog (have but don't use it much)
  22. He has posted a couple times about Lindell Audio plugins not being on some perverbial "update" list with PA. Despite the fact the PA website says this for every Lindell Audio plugin: The only point I'd agree with would be that there are some plugins that could use re-sizable interfaces (everything by Elysa for example) and it doesn't seem like we are going to get it.
  23. IMO, it is the only PA channel strip that doesn't feel crippled. Quality EQ, Compression (which has attack, release, ratio and mix knobs), Limiter extra features like the mono maker, and stereo width. While I'm not a massive gate user - they added a decent one in there and the layout and interface just makes sense (unlike say the N-Console which is a chore to use). Very low CPU usage for the feature set. The THD and TMT is going to be similar to the other PA strips. I mean look at Channel J, not having an attack knob makes the compressor more of a limited use section. Honestly the only thing I'd like to see added to the AMEK would be a switchable pre-amp circuit simulation. I own all the PA strips and all the others see little use now unless I want some specific color. It sounds good across the board and low CPU consumption.
  24. While I have everything I need from them as someone that owns 90+ of the plugins they offer - they have some plugns that are easily worth $25, especially when you compare it to what you get elsewhere. I understand this sentiment from those that have already spent a small fortune on what they offer, but for those that haven't yet - I wouldn't rain on this parade. Amek 9099 for $25 is a fantastic value, plain and simple. And I don't regret getting Amek 200, Black Box MS, or SPL Iron for ~$25 a piece in the past. And there are a number of amp sims that are work the $9-20 asking price, IMO. Three authoizations isn't terrible either (though I'd prefer more). Personally I'm looking for $20 no min spend vouchers.
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