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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. The $25 one is generic again, and you have to spend quite a bit to hit $50 anyway. 2023-01-25gIH9Zdf45rD8
  2. Using that for a couple weeks is what tipped me into getting the MB version. A little bit of "why" EZ is limited to a single IR and limited controls. Not to mention it is only resizable with a paid upgrade to unlock it (and the rather pedestrian interface) MB Version Below: Blending IRs Advanced EQ of IRs/the signal Additional Controls: Better interface and Controls for the Reverbs as well.
  3. More or less a change in branding from the last 50% off sale that was running but gives us another 14 days of 50% off. https://www.meldaproduction.com/ My referral code for any new users to get 20% off on top of the 50% off: MELDA31209027 (and sign up for the newsletter to get an instant extra $10 off) My newest discovery with Melda has been how invaluable the MConvolutionMB has become to me as an IR loader. The ease of switching through IRs to demo them is great and for whatever reason it seems like the output gives me a more robust signal with the same IRs as some other loaders/programs. I find many times I'll even bypass a built in IR loader (such as what comes with TONEX) and run MCMB instead. Then I can even run another instace of it for totally seperate Reverb controls (as the reverb is also great). Of course they have lots of useful plugins but this is one that I use way more than I expected to.
  4. Just the typical fair warning with WAVES. The update broke mine (and yes I have v14 installed and licensed despite the "v13" in the error)
  5. Yes I certainly have a few also, but having trouble thinking of free ones other than this I might actually use. One doesn't need many that is for sure, but I try to keep in mind that not everyone has spent (i.e. wasted thousands of dollars) on plugins and call out freebies that are of better quality than some paid options.
  6. Punish Lite I think is pretty good. I would have assumed it was heavy handed distortion due to the name and UI, but it can do subtle bus grade saturation duties and for free I'd absolutely recommend it to people that don't want to pay for one of the top transparent saturators on the market.
  7. the first part is a coupon code for each that brings them down to $0.00
  8. I haven't done any actual analysis on it, but the VoxDucker I think is also EQ based or has an eq component with Broadband, Multiband and Spectral options. "the plugin features three types of ducking to choose from, each offering varying levels of transparency, preserving more of the ducked signal by focusing the ducking on frequencies present in the sidechain signal. You can easily switch between them to find which mode is the perfect fit for your situation."
  9. I was always curious about this one. But VoxDucker came out for -$15 and I grabbed that. Curious if anyone has compared on a few sources. From what I gather VoxDucker despite the name has some options on the tonal spectrum it can target for ducking.
  10. Different kind of workflow and approach, IMO. Though some of the concepts overlap. I have EZKeys and used it on a number of projects. The interface is too small and it feels clunky to me in terms of adding then selecting a new chord. It does do a number of things well and you can technically even use both as complimentary products. Ex. Create chord progression in Scaler 2, import that progression into EZKeys and then apply a "style" to those chords and EZKeys will play your chord progression using one of the style packs you purchased. Scaler isn't perfect, but it is worth checking out and is perhpas the only VST that comes to mind where after using it I actually think the non-sale price is truly worth it, but it won't be that way for everyone. (and at currently $39, fantastic time to grab it) Not sure what the trial version is actually like, but I'd watch a few intro videos and give it a shot to see if it adds something to your workflow.
  11. Yes, I did use the link you posted, the idea sounded good. Oddly enough with all the options to check out, I can get it for either $10 or $49. Just not the one option I want = free upgrade. Interesting the serials you got for another product...haha
  12. Was hoping this would work but doesn't seem to for me:
  13. Curious what the ownership looks like to get it as a free, non-paid upgrade. I only lack 3 Boz Plugins (besides this new V2). Panther, Big Beautiful Door, and the Clap bundle thing (which I heard was a CPU hog). So I own the V1 10db bundle, but v2 is offered at a paid (but discounted) upgrade on login. (and I'm not an M1 user - which presumably is what is taking up most of his upgrade development time) I'll also add that I've owned the 10db bundle for years but basically never used it because the interface (while it reflected the hardware) felt like burden to use with the unintuitive layout and tiny print. So the update effectively might have made it useful to me.
  14. I figured I'd only put things down I've invested in. Fabfilter would likely be my choice on a few. I like T-Racks stuff but unless I've got a super-computer with power on this desert island a number of my favorites can be CPU hogs, some that are not - such as the 670 just not versatile enough to handle every source if limited to one option. I'll change my limiter option if I have more CPU power too. But the Melda one has some flexibility since it is light enough to use across tracks and can be good enough for bus/final stuff.
  15. Maybe the top two out of all of them in terms of single plugins (and didn't even have a catergory) Channel Strip: Amek 9099 Scaler 2
  16. It gets linked to your account usually when you run the software and then activate in the product. After that it magically shows up as tied to you in the on-line portal.
  17. Be aware that "AI" is an abandonware product. They will no longer add features to it and is more or less EOL. They are focused on squeezing money out of customers with NEO which uses most of AI features. I think the HDR app is worth the $20 as I do some HDR work and it has a good workflow. It also serves well as a very inexpensive RAW editor for non-HDR stuff and has 5 computer activations. Doesn't have a DAM built in, which I'm personally just fine with. As for all the other stuff, basically just presets for AI and the usefulness of that is going to be dependent on each individual. I have a whole mess of them from previous bundles and rarely use them.
  18. Login into your Skylum account, should be in your account area on the website https://skylum.com/account/my-software
  19. I really wanted to like Darktable but found it too slow and clunky to do the work I need to get done in a reasonable amount of time. I can be powerful though. GIMP didn't feel refi ned enough to me, but again really wanted to like it. Affinity Photo won't get rid of Darktable if you are applying edits to multiple images or need ot catalog stuff, I would say it can't revisit edits but I also haven't dived in on the ins and outs of how the new "go back and edit RAW" works in v2 workflow. As much as I didn't love the upgrade pricing - I think it is reasonable for new users that are coming from free software if they use it frequently.
  20. I"m not an advanced user but I've put together a few fairly large photo books with it (think file size above 3gigs. ) And a few dozen presentations. The ability to press a button and enter affinity photo and another to jump back to publisher then to designer if you own all three apps is a serious strength.
  21. Photoshop added a fair amount. Luminar AI and Neo have this at the core (I run them as plugins in affinity) On1 keeps adding more (they also have plugin version that work in Affinity) Paint shop Pro finally added some AI DxO tout AI functions Topaz Studio moved to a focus on AI Affinity does have the in painting brush and selection tool that have some content awareness but that is as far as it gets and the AI selection process certainly isn't looking for subjects or things like that.
  22. I've been a long time lover of Affinity and as noted still support them financially. But they do not have the "same" product feature set as anyone else on the market. They fit into a similar product type/class so comparisons are not quite so easy. Are you also going to lump Gimp in the same product class as Affinity Photo, etc? But the other piece we don't know here is how long until the next upgrade. I'm hoping for many years with the Affinity products. But we didn't see anything universal from them yet. Publisher felt like it got maybe a year of updates from when they released it to when they stopped updates to work on v2. "All" other companies products also have AI as part of the package other than Affinity at this point.
  23. You can see my posts here where I'm annoyed too. But I also caved in as I use the program every single week and just hope we get a number of years of updates before another shakedown.
  24. For long time Cakewalk Users, they gave the well regarded CA2A for free a while ago so many may already have a alternative http://www.cakewalk.com/products/ca-2a/free
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