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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. Wouldn't the helpful post indicate which ones are good , in your opinion?
  2. Can't feel sorry for anyone that doensn't own one yet. There have been tons of free giveaways for the Elements line of products over the past couple of years.
  3. This is what I was going to post in reponse as well. Web and app development are two different things and the site hasn't always done this. If they get it straighted out I might grab the union presets I don't have and a couple of the plugins offered that I don't (have most in this bundle). Got some use out of the Bus s Comp and Glitch (bus comp isn't the best one I have, but it does allow multiple computer installs which is of value to me and therefore has seen some use)
  4. Those were released over 2 weeks ago, get with the times. ?
  5. Wasn't IKs credit only good for up to 30 % of the purchase price?
  6. This. Only thing holding me back. Ran the demo but not sure it is worth it to me personally tied to one instance and ilok (which if the HD fails, will then be a pain to try to get another copy). Quick test and wasn't getting as much useful cool effects as I imagined it would be. I"m sure it is there under the hood, but also seems like it will take a deep dive to get there. Will see , have some time to ponder.
  7. Thanks, I just found it in the on-line manual with some digging. It allows up to 3 computer installs (Xenoverb) I'm also considering Excalibur on top of it. Got Phonenix verb which is truly excellent sounding, however the 1 single install has me annoyed given I run multiple machines (one at a time). Excalibur I'm guessing is the exact same.
  8. Very cool, FYI to others the installer for the EQ is a jaw dropping 780 megs. ?
  9. SInce you own Xenoverb - what is the authorization scheme like (can you install it on 2-3 machines that you personally own?) Excalibur isn't really a reverb plugin though, is it? Similarity is the price.
  10. Two 24s matching pair with thin bezels at 1920x1080 (4K makes things too small). Right at about arms length away. At this distance woudl not want 27s. 22s work. Would not want different size ones or a single large one. Also be mindful of monitor placement, you get beyond a couple 24s side by side and the monitors are going to be coming at your from the side! To cretique Neel's setup, the monitors are too low to be ergonomic and the speakers are well above ear level, neither is ideal. However the general concept he has is solid.
  11. I saw this also and thought it was odd since the purchase options within T-Rack seems to suggest things like $99.99 or 100 points.
  12. Those having trouble getting the points. From the OP: Just log into your user area to receive these automatically (this is a specific area on the website)
  13. non-commercial grade internet use has gone up dramatically. Not sure on this particular issue, I'm guessing it has to do with the fact so many people are working from home (and thus also free to download things they normally might not do at work).
  14. Took a number of attempts on my end to get it to work (not a problem I ran into with Labs previously). Downloaded and installed on two machines, worththe trouble.
  15. ilok is a scam, period. In my opinion. , it provides no value. I do not accept any notion that a software company needs to require paying customers to a single seat/authorization. It is a fair assumption that you have never persoanlly had an ilock dongle fail. I've seen it happen a number of times.
  16. It isn't worth an extra $35-50 that the customer has to pay. Not to mention giving up the USB port for absoludlty no reason other than the manufature treating the buyer like a potential crimianl. My fairly expensive laptop has 3 usb ports. Audio Interface External HD or USB for Expanded storage as who would dare use anyting other than an SSD in a laptop these days? MIDI Controller/Keyboard Mouse Ilok USB to autorizae WAVE S or other system that requires non-ilok method qwerty keyboard And it isn't just about replacing a computer, many of us own more than one "real use" computers. I personally have at least 3 or more.
  17. Did you at least buy the plug-in or did you just cripple a perfectly harmless act of freedom of speech? It said nothing about Corona virus. Pandemic being a general term and he mentioned it as a cure for problematic headphone mixes and it does that admirably.
  18. It is both a play on words (it is called a Pan knob), and it also relates to curing problems with headphone mixes, which it actually does without any question . It is "smarter" than you are giving him credit for.
  19. more unlikley here. The downloader incluseds your email address in the folder structure.
  20. +1 to everything I"ve got mongoose and boz's pan knob. plus the Sidewidner CM plugin (and I'd also add in izotopes free Imager 2) and MSW2 just won't see any use from me. Nebula on the other hand can be fun.
  21. I think I was aware of Metic Halo (what I tried was dramactially overpriced and not great) Xils - I have the computer music version of the modular synth and it thankfully doesnt' have that limitaiton. Zynapitq I'll just stay clear of. ? All 3 companies pricing structures suggest they are no "in tune" with the current music production environment. All overpriced and limited liscencing. (My opinion)
  22. Isotope is very good about this, thus why I was shocked a product under the umbrella...the Phoenix verb only has one single install at a time. It is the only ilok software manager plug-in I have that only grants a single authorization.
  23. The Tube Tape Echo s sell for under a grand used on ebay (and the seller then gets hit with paypal/ebay fees on top of covering the shipping). 15% isn't anywhere in the ballbark for hoping to make your money back.
  24. Note this is only for one single authorization. Puts this product on a short list of super lame authorization schemes right along side WAVES. That said it does sound good.
  25. +1 I thought this was already free as well. (edit: confirmed it is much larger pack)
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