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Everything posted by Brian Walton
Major EQ Shift at default settings. Should be able to get some use out of these though!
As long as they didn't make it an exclusive owner of the IP, etc. Having Jamstix tied to SD3 would be a fate that is pretty close to death. Part of the beauty of the program is the fact it can work with ANY drum library (not just the most over priced one on the market that refused to give real long term upgrade pricing options) ?
That does look good. Is there a similar alternative for Dual Monitor 1080Ps? i.e. not "really" high rez + large monitors. Something more normally like Dual 22 inchers. (also from a design perspective, looks pretty, but Fonts/color combo on the backgrounds are hard to read)
WIth at least 20 DAWs on the market, I can't even imagine trying to spend the time to learn more than a couple. I appreciate Reaper's operating model and efficiencies. However, the few times I tried it, just couldn't bond with the interface. Cakwalk is just better designed out of the box from my perspective. If I was a MAC user, I'd spend more time with it to make it my platform for such a machine. Thankfully I'm not, and Cakewalk is wonderful.
Wonderful, got about 90% there and will have to work out the kinks on the last 10%. (open hi-hat seems to be the same as closed hi-hat despite picking different number and maybe a couple other sounds that are off). So close to getting my favorite drum set of all time used in my own productions, how amazing is that? (The main upside to DC4 is drum sets from actual drummers that have spent decades matching and tuning drums and cymbals for their own sound). Other libraries sound great, but virtually all of them have a certain plainness - which admittedly makes them versatile and usable by a wide range of users. Thanks, I've posted there a few times over the years, but most of it was before and around the LONG anticipated JS4 release.
Jamcussion is the only thing I don't have. Think that is going to change during this sale period. I wish Jamstix had mapping to DrumCore 4. But I also realize that isn't as popular/widely used as AD2, EZD, BFD or Superior.
TheYou mention Kontkat library...that sums it up right there. Mention what the deal actually is for, that is all the OP seemed to be asking. I'm fully aware of the fees NI put on developers to use the echo system. And some deals are not free related to this, developer can and do charge for libraries that require the full version. Nothing to do really with making a distinction between free player and full. It is about mention it requires a fairly expensive paid product on top of getting said deal. Not every deal post mentioned the item is a Library tied to this one specific paid product. That is what the OP was getting at
I agree that a deal poster doesn't owe the community anything. However, standard form is someone posts a deal about a plugin that only works with (lets say Studio One) for example, people tend to note that restriction. A library that requires a $200 investment to get it to work on top of whatever the deal is fits into a similar catergory. "Requires Studio One" is 3 words that saves the end user time, the same thing with "Requires Full Kontakt," People post deals for the good of the community, I'm not convinced it is unreasonable to hope they they could type 3 extra words to save numerious people from what ends up feeling like click bait. "Free" sample library (if you already spent at least $200 to get the player). It could even be reduced to 3 letters RFK if we started off with some acronym standardization. ?
They call it a "VST instrument" on the web page more than once, which is fairly misleading if it is really a Library of files that can only be opened and played through the full Kontakt Player. Poor choice of words.
I've been a DAW user for about 2 decades. They clearly don't have a top notch Human Factors team at NI that developed the product. And if you understand Human Factors even in its most basic form, you would understand that the "user problem" and the "Kontakt itself problem" are not separable.
Not everyone works in MIDI world, and there are lots of alternative products. I personally find the interface and function of Kontakt within a DAW to be annoying. It has trouble communicating with some other "midi driver/creator" programs in my experience and can be a pain to setup and use.
+ 1 on emailing Ralph. The other option is just to buy the pieces (or bundles) you don't have.
That was not the case when v10 was current and people had issues with getting v9 to still work. Multiple reports of that, including myself. I would not expect that this has changed in the current state.
Unless he upgrades to v11, I'm betting Waves only response will be "upgrade to v11." They provide zero support for anything outside of current.
I have not reverted back, I just increased the buffer at the moment trying to experiment. Even opening old projects that I was working on before the update seem to need a higher buffer rate not stutter and clip. (even after the hot fix that was just released, which I realize likely had no ASIO changes)
For what it is worth, I have a Problem with AISO at 44.1K unless I set the buffer size way higher than I used to have it. I'm up at round trip 90.3 msec, and that just shouldn't be the case with a M-Audio Firewire 1814 on my machine.
Yep, which I would have though "compressor/expander" or similar but I'm not even sure they know what it does Under the whats new tab "We have 30 Gigs of content, and growing!" uhhh....
Without actually installing it, I'm not even sure what it is or does.
I think you might be surprised at the products and tools used. Yes, they have been doing it for a long time and a number of projects used Adobe (Affinity wasn't even on the market when they started winning awards). Crediting other software in use is outside of the scope of the contract they have with Adobe. Given it provides a revenue stream, you can't go to a different company and say "we used your product for this" you can publically post it on your website. Adobe is a money machine and they throw money around in ways Affinity can't. It is no different than the music industry. Since I use my real name here, I'm not going to give specifics. I also have friends with Artist sponsorships with one of the top 2 guitar makers in the USA. And guess what, they don't actually use their guitars in any meaningful way, but they do recommend them to students and fans. I agree that Affinity's built in RAW is not on ACR's level. However, Capture One is the market leader for quality on that front. And if you use a MAC, Affinity can use the MAC OS RAW processor which is the same thing Hasselblad Uses and also Formerly Appeture, so on the MAC platform Affinity can produce pro level RAW results. Photoshop iteslf isn't exacly what most pros use to process RAW images in the normal workflow, that is more for one-off use..and most pros take a ton of pictures. I personally use Caputre One and Affintiy as a combined workflow, just like people use Lightroom and Photoshop together.
As I mentioned Corel is superior for technical illustration which is basically what your example is. That is a very different need than creative/art application. There are different aspects to better. Affinity is more efficient at a number of things and not everyone needs the esoteric functions Corel or PhotoShop offer. And that is infact important in the actual work world. The integration between the 5 apps is a game changer for workflow It is about how you use the tools. I have friends with multiple Emmy wins, addy awards and a slew of other design honors. It can be used for "work." Work isn't limited to technical illustration and product design. Corel has its place but I think Affinity is better suited for the average general art creative. Current humble bundle is worth it if you can deal with the Corel spam that pops up on the desktop that basically can't be disabled.
PhotoMirage is StandAlone. Particle Brush is a Plugin....will require another application. Affinity Photo will Run it (or Photoshop). Not sure you would get much out of Particle Brush...it is more of a perk for those that are fairly serious about PhotoEditing or Creating Designs/Art. You can get tons of Free Brushes not related to Corel for a Program Like Affinity.
I hate that as well. If I had paid full retail it would bother me even more. I can't beleive the mesage supression notification in the program doesn't work, it can be maddening.
I'm much more on the photo end of the spectrum (and do it professionally), but I have professional creative/design friends that think the Affinity suite is better than CorelDraw. Now if you are making technical illustrations, corel is just designed to do that better at this stage. But for general art and mock up creation of a number of things, the seamless Pixel/Vector/Design Layout of the Affinity Trinity is basically unmatched and paired with a seamless workflow that extends to higher end ipads, I argue it is a stronger suite. Honestly I think it has more to do with the legacy of users that learned on it and are stuck (outside of the niche things it really does excel at). Those are the ones that have to stick with CorelDraw. I've seen the same thing with Adobe where people fear switching because they have used the product for 10+ years week in and out and just don't grasp that Affinity was smart enough to keep things more the same than different. I know a few people that do use some specialized functions in Photoshop that Affinity doesn't have (yet). But those are the exception. It is all about how you use the products. I have a friend that is crazy talented, still uses a version of the Adobe Suite that is about 10 years old at this point and can create art that looks better than what Corel is even advertising with (which might not be saying much). I was surprised they are still trying to sell Painter for as much as they do. A bit of the "old guard" in place where Adobe used to sell the products for $600+ for a seat of one of the tools. Humble Bundle is also a limited audience and ran for what 2-3 weeks or so? Paintshop does have a DAM, but I never even tried to use it. The main program is just too cluttered and is too different from Photoshop to make a swift transition.
You might consider Publisher for no reason other than once you have it, you can switch between Designer and Photo instantly. All 3 have to be installed on the computer to make that magic happen. I don't use Publisher a whole lot (yet - though I expect to appreciate it to create variations on Poster/Sign designs in a way that Photo and Designer just don't do super efficiently).