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Everything posted by Steev

  1. Thanks VERY much guys for invaluable critiques & input Tom @ DeeringAmps and Jeff @ jwnicholson78 ?? And THIS is a prime example of exactly WHY, as a standard practice in the industry there recording engineers, mixing engineers, and mastering engineers and why we shouldn't be mixing or mastering our own work, ESPPECIALLY after performing, sequencing, & recording all tracks ourselves by multi-tracking. Simply because... "WE ARE TOO CLOSE TO IT" Of course, knowing that is one thing but that's all moot points if you lack the resources of funds and or skilled cooperation. And besides, how will we ever improve our skills if we don't at least try. ? To my ears the vocals sounded maybe a tad too loud or maybe just confused trying to avoid killing the dynamics with over compression which can have the same effect or illusion. I always make a point of never trying to record and mix on the same day or even week. Two different processes, one requiring monitoring with closed back headphones to hear everything getting pumped clearly @ 20 Hz- 22k/Hz directly into my brain pan with minimal leakage in tracks/channels and cross talk is great for recording but does cause ear fatigue that increases after a couple of hours we can't really trust our ears to do anymore more a rough mix balance. And mixing tracks together moving some air thru near field monitors is a completely different listening environment, that really require wearing two different hats' & frames of mind. As does the 3rd process of "Mastering" which I don't even like to do in the same room as recording and mixing sessions, and try to avoid the nasty habit of cutting corners by simply applying Ozone to the master buss of the DAW, and the easy and ability to tweak channels in the mix while mastering is too irresistible for us mere mortals, and typically causes subtle train wrecks that we don't even notice right away, or maybe too late as in.... Not even until someone points them out to us. ?
  2. This was actually published about 2 years ago to Bandlab.com, and due to file size restrictions is only about 1/2 of Zappa's Inca Roads, and as expected, not being a pop tune, bombed out. ? So if you're not progressive, are easily offended, or a Zappa fan, ya might want do yourself a favor and STOP right here & TURN AWAY. ? Since then, the good baker's @ Bandlab have made some SERIOUS PROGRESS in improving & refining their Mix Editor as did the bakers of Cakewalk by Bandlab the DAW. ?? To demonstrate how far it's come, I went back into my Bandlab archives and create a new remix/revision to field test it to see & hear the differences, and not only notice extreme improvements in Mix Editor's automation writing, Mix Editor now has a very comprehensive menu multi-FX presets which are not only completely editable, they can be SAVED & SHARED as well as renamed as customized presets with any and all other Bandlab friends & collaborators. Adding the ability of chaining FX Presets, is very much like adding CbB's ProChannel to the Mix Editor. ? I've also noticed, even though Bandlab's free Mastering only has 4 fixed mastering choices, the end results compare favorably for end results to what I would normally achieve with Sound Forge Pro 15 and Ozone 9. I can honesty say, although it may or may not give my all too often ***** mastering ***** what I want, I must grudgingly concede to admit it's like comparing Apples to Oranges. ? All instruments except my Fender Strarocater plugging into a Line 6 Spider V-120 & T Bucket acoustic bass plugged into an Ampeg SCR-DI preamp, an Alesis Sample Pad Pro MIDi drum pads/controller used to trigger XLN's Addictive Drums (which previously cam bundled with SONAR Platinum, are still bundled with Cakewalk by Bandlab. And a Novation Impulse 61 MIDI keyboard controller use to perform with Cakewalk TTS-1 & Studio Instruments elec. piano.. ?Inca Roads ? by Steev | BandLab
  3. Unless you purchased and installed the CA/2A as a Prochannel add on for SONAR Platinum it can't be used or won't be listed in channel's VST FX bin as a standalone VST plugin. It can only be used as an input channel or buss "Insert". You should be able to access & add it directly to Prochannel as a simple module by right clicking on the control bar of the PC2A and choose "replace" or on a blank space on top of Prochannel and choose "add" from the dropdown menu.
  4. Oh OK, that's simple. Just go to Native Instruments support and download and install the legacy version of FM8 in CbB than you can OPEN YOUR OLD SONAR PROJECT (where your patch & preset settings are stored) in CbB and Have a nice day! ? ? ? You CAN have both a Dxi and VST versions of FM 8 installed in the same DAW.
  5. ?WHY would you even want to do that? What advantages could you possibly achieve by running 32 bit Direct X plugin on a x64 version of Windows? I'm not trying to be a wiseacre or factitious. I'm simply curious.. Today the only DX plugins I have and still use are Cakewalk TTS-1 and the Sonitus bundle which are built into SONAR/CbB and they configure & install with the DAW's automatically with no user input or hassle. I am also unaware of any DX/DXi plugin development in the past 2 decades as VST/VSTi plugin had leapt ahead ENORMOUSLY. I have WITNESSED, felt, and HEARD the differences from VST to VST 3, as well as anyone else who has had the insight to bother to continue do things like keep their Waves™ VST plugins updated from (old legacy) v9 and under to today's current v13 VST 3. And YES the old legacy Waves VST plugins still work and sound great? , just not NEARLY AS GREAT as their current v3 VST 3 plugins do???? . I'm also wondering WHY anyone would want to run a x32 bit version of SONAR on an x64 bit computer, as it will run a good deal slower & sluggish, had limited physical RAM memory bandwidth, and DOESN'T SUPPORT multi-core CPU's. ? I even noticed improvements in details in sound quality and sharpness in the GRAPHICS. I remember very well how SHOCKED I was at the different in performance, power, and even SOUND of SONAR P was when I switched from x32 bit to x64 with Windows 7 being able to easily access and USE 8GB out of 16GB of memory, and spread the processing work load across all 4 cores of my AMD Phenom 960 CPU I was using at the time. ??? There were no 8 core CPU's released yet to date, but even though there's a considerable boost in raw horsepower, I don't believe the difference between 4 core CPU's and 8 core CPU's is as VAST as the differences between x32 bit and x32 bit computing. I DO BELIEVE the transition from x32 bit to x64 bit computing IS the most significant LEAP of computer TECH UPGRAGING of ALL TIMES I have experienced in over 30+ years.
  6. I don't believe bit depth is an issue with DX (audio plugins) and DXi (instruments) as they run on Windows Direct X runtime component built into every version of Windows. However, it's a serious issue with VST and VSTi plugins because they are "stand alone" apps that don't rely on any one particular OS. Does the x32 bit version of SONAR even recognize VST 3 plugins? What happened most likely depends on what OS version you are running on your computer, and IF the old software/plugins are so outdated that Windows 10 had blocked/tagged them as possible security issues? (Assuming you even are running Win 10?) And or corrupted/ broken "paths" in Windows "registry" and maybe confusion between the different paths of "Program Files" and "x86 Program File" folders? It's generally a BAD idea to keep running x32 bit apps on an x64 bit OS computer. ALL support for 32 bit apps and programs have already been, or are being phased out of Windows 10, and Cakewalk by Bandlab doesn't support an x32 bit version of the DAW at all. But both Splat & CbB DAW's do in fact serve as an excellent "Host" for running x32 FX plugins and instruments. There is no reason to keep running an x32 bit version of SONAR on an x32 bit computer as the x64 version will recognize and run all DX/ DXi and older 32 bit VST/VSTi plugins, and do so MUCH better MORE efficiently. That being said, there is REALLY no good reason to run SONAR at all being CbB is really just a newer ever evolving updated version with continuing support. If Bandlab didn't change the name it would still be SONAR, just v20+ or maybe v30+ or something by now. ? Although I do sometimes spark up SPLAT on occasion when opening up very old projects (just in case) The only reason I still have it installed is for licensing purposes for bundled Cakewalk & 3rd party software that isn't included CbB, and I've had little to no problems or surprises either DAW opening projects going back as far as work originally done with SONAR Producer 2 running on Windows 2000 when I couldn't trust Win XP x64 bit computers where nothing more the a distant wet dream.. Ah those were the dayz, when I couldn't trust XP until about it's final year when Microsoft FINNALY got it STABLE about a year before Win "Millenium" was released and then the cycle of crap continued ON & ON and I continued to rely on XP for my SONAR workstation until Win v7 and Microsoft FINALLY figured out how to make a reliable x64 OS. It was so good and reliable for so long, I didn't even hesitate to JUMP on Win 10 and since then I NEVER LOOKED BACK! Yeah, it's been a long and bumpy ride and I DON'T see much to "wax poetic" about NOR do I miss recording to tape either.... ?
  7. Ah where would we be without a sense of humor? ? I've been using Cakewalk DAWs for 3 decades, and while there were certainly occasional problematic updates, 9 out 10 problems I've had with it were MY FAULT. Of course, I could easily blame that on drinking too much or smoking too much weed, but still it was my fault for drinking too much or smoking too much weed, now isn't it? I've tried every major DAW & more than several minor DAWs, and I'll stand firmly on my experiences that the CbB DAW, Support Team, AND forum help is all SECOND TO NONE. Gett'in all pissy and scrapping Cakewalk ain't gonna fix yer rig. That being said, 9 out of 10 times when you get that setup error code it's a "warning sign" that your Windows Registry has so many broken/dead end paths it's attempting to follow thru with it exceeds the limits of the computer's RAM & HD Disc's cache's swap file space, and times out giving you an error message. It has nothing to do with how much open "storage space" is left on your HD or SSD. Just because the 1st time you've seen this error message was with trying to install CbB does NOT mean it's the fault of the DAW. My 1st solution, or most likely educated guess if you will, would be the beginning of a Windows Reg. corruption/meltdown. This could POSSIBLY be fixed with a reg cleaner app for FREE. 2nd beginnings of HD/SSD failure. NOT FREE. 3rd your computer especially if it's a gen 5 Intel or earlier, may be getting bogged down by an exploit. You're SCREWED, you need a NEW COMPUTER. There are very good reasons why Microsoft won't budge on allowing Windows 11 update for any computer WITHOUT an UEFI BIOS & "Secure Boot 2.0" chip (made before 2018). It's a long boring technical story only "GEEKS" can understand..? I can go on & on, but I'm only guessing and these guessing only get considerably WORSE & scary from here.
  8. If you have 5 tracks selected/highlighted and "accidently" move/nudge one the other 4 selected tracks will "accidently" move together. Easy fix. Select/Highlight the tracks by holding down the Ctrl button on the keyboard while clicking on the tracks you want to move/nudge with your mouse, then drag them where they belong whilst hold down the mouse button and BAM! problem solved. ??
  9. Hmm.,,, ?..... That SURE looks like a REGISTRY ERROR MESSAGE TO ME.
  10. The good people of CbB Support are ignoring you because this isn't a problem with Cakewalk, it's with your WINDOWS REGISTRY. I would highly recommend doing a fresh CLEAN install of Windows and KEEP EVERYTHING up to DATE . Or you can spend several hours trying to fix it yourself, or try to use this utility tool with from the link below which has a 50/50% chance of fixing it, but believe me, if you continue to not keep your software updated it won't fix it for long, and it's a LOT quicker & less painful to perform a CLEAN Windows INSTALL. How to Fix Your PC | Windows Techies
  11. Ah, I had a very similar problem with my HP laptop that was driving me bonkers when I had 24 gigs with 3 SODIM memory sticks installed, and believe the problem may very well be your RAM memory config. My laptop's mainboard wouldn't support running in "Duel Channel" memory mode unless it had an even number "MATCHED PAIR" of physical RAM cards/sticks installed. You'll need to look in the manual to identify which memory slots are paired together, then you can try pulling the 1 out of the slot that the documentation says is paired with the empty slot. And if that does the trick you will also notice a nice little kick in the GAS in overall computer performance. Hope this helps, & good luck!
  12. Yeah me too, and that's why I'm offering up "A Buddy Guy Xmas Jammie" open multi-track jam created in Cakewalk by Bandlab, then published to Bandlab in the spirit of giving and sharing for any & all who would like to jump in, jam, bend, spindle, mutilate, and, and, and, uuUmmm, aaahhh, OWN IT⁉
  13. Yes. I'm thinking years back I purchased the CA2A for about $100 as an "add on" plugin/module from the SONAR Store, & it compares very favorably to my vintage Teletronix LA2A hardware. More so, because the LA2A is OLD & requires a good deal of maintenance or it gets quirky and or bitchy, & I can only use the Teletronix on one "MONO" track at a time, and that's kind of a PITA all in itself. But being software plugins, they run "in" CbB & processed "thru" my glitch free Focusrite 18i20 audio interface I don't have to worry about all the vintage ( which in reality, is just a 7 letter word for OLD) hardware glitches and I can run as MANY instances of the CA2A's or PC2A's on as many tracks as I want in either 'mono' or "stereo", and even use it as a stereo buss compressor. HowEVER! Do keep in mind that your DAW and FX plugins you use are only as good as the hardware you are running them on. ? The Cakewalk CA2A can also be used as a standard VST plugin so it can be used in any other DAW that supports VST's. I'm not sure if you can do that with the Bandlab PC2A, but it works the same as a ProChannel module and it is now FREE! ?? Ain't technology GRAND? ?
  14. Just took a shot of whiskey, inhaled a DEEP BREATH, closed my eyes, bit the bullet, clicked my mouse & updated/installed the newest version release of Windows 10 Pro 21H2. It was a nerve wrack 'in 20 or 30 minutes or so............. of...... ant..is...a....pa........tion....?......?....... ?...... ?...... but the agony was all for naught. ? it all blew by without a glitch. FASTEST MOST UNEVENTFUL OS UPDATE EVER & IT ROCKS STEADY WITH CAKEWALK by BANDLAB! ???????????☮?? NO changes to system configuration. NO having to reregister any 3rd party software or plugins. And SO DOES the new release of CbB 2021.11 running better the ever on my [NOT a laptop] custom built full tower Studio Workstation SMOOTH & EFFICIENTLY as a Hot Rod Lincoln on a silk highway!?? I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER! ? ?? And the results of this morning's "Bench Test" https://www.bandlab.com/post/85c786ef-b547-ec11-9820-e42aac7a5303
  15. Somehow this got stuck in my head yesterday as I was noodling 'round mindlessly playing piano. I got inspired by the TruePianos VSTi which came bundled with SONAR Platinum years ago that I forgot about or never really explored or messed around much with on my Edirol 48 key PCR 500 MIDI keyboard, but playing it with my much later tech and much more highly advanced MIDI control from my Novation Impulse 61, I really got lost in jamming on TruePiano. And then acu guitar, then guitar, bass, and.............. Then I shut off the metronome, sparked up my Alesis Sample Pad Pro and beat out some simple drums using another GREAT bundled piece of SPLAT software, Addictive Drums 2, than added some strings with Cakewalk Studio Instruments ALL started with rediscovering a a quite beautiful VSTi that I had ignored for YEARS just inspired this flow getting "beamed" to me from outer space? each track, one after the other just seemed intimately familiar, yet I couldn't place where I heard it before, or if I only felt it before. And before I realized I had been at for over an hour or so.......... My coffee had gone cold & I had to PEE LIKE A RACE HORSE!? Is it a song I heard before? ? ? the Things that Drives me CrAzY ? jammie
  16. Umm, well I'm not one for using "loops", but umm.. ? howz about that 'lil website called BANDLAB.COM? ? Perhaps you can find the drum loops you're looking for there IN THEIR VAST EVER EXPANDING FREE LOOP LIBRARY! ? Really can't get much more affordable then that.
  17. and when i die I won't be com'in 'round here no more, I can tell ya that. ???
  18. OMG, I hope I can still have babies after experiencing this Or umm, maybe I don't, too much Chaos to decide one way or ta otter. All I know is I ? Jacyn just as much as Laurin! if they really even exist, but you don't care. ?
  19. Excellent revision of one of my all time favorite boogie tunes that I almost completely forgot about. Much thanks & respect for doing such a fine job of dusting the cobwebs from my brain pan. ?
  20. Maybe on the Cover of the Rolling Stone? Or not, but it sure couldn't hurt.. ??☮
  21. Yeah, I kinda agree about too many instruments & some pretty radical "The Beatles" like panning for my taste's as well, but it's all good & this is a blues jam after all, and this mix was done by Renee Dragoo-Farner's Bandlab crew, and BB King was featured in many live "Mega Jams" on YOUtube. They probably thought I would be offended if they removed some of my tracks and replaced them with their own performances but I don't really care about stuff like that. I'm just happy to create backing tracks that inspire her others enough to belt it out singing into her cellphone or whatever, and keep my "chops" up and flowing. ?
  22. @Wookiee Thanks so MUCH for your kind words Wookie, jamming in CbB & Bandlab with peeps anywhere & any time is about as much fun as I've ever had with or without my clothes on I kin tell ya! ????
  23. And while we were sleeping.???. let the jams forever live on. ??☮ And How Blue Can Renee Get?
  24. Thanks for the input Jack. ?? Each instrument and part is on it's own track in Bandlab's Mix Editor and can be completely remixed, automated, cut, copied, pasted, and or deleted & replaced, and tweaked to taste with a rather large collection of FX plugins provided and included with the surprisingly powerful box of tools in Bandlab Mix Editor.?? Please feel free to "fork" it and make it your own and show me what you mean..? The Blues belongs to no one. ☮
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