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Everything posted by Steev

  1. Huh, I've never seen a computer that only has USB 3.? And contrary to popular belief, just because they SAY USB 3 is backwards compatible does NOT mean all USB 2 devices will work with it. I remember with the first version Scarlett gen 2 drivers, Focusrite gave a strict warning NOT to plug it into a USB 3 port. Although they finally resolved that issue, USB 3 didn't offer any performance benefits. Also I do believe Novation is a subsidiary of Focusrite so I would sign in to your account and check with their support. Did you try replacing the USB cable or using another MIDI port on the computer? Impulse's have super fast MIDI transmission & ultra low unnoticeable latency so there's no need to use USB 3 and it would be wise and well advised to keep all USB 2 devices far and away from USB 3.1 ports. Also I've found many people get confused with the mini USB-C ports found on cellphones with high speed USB 3.1 Type "C" (24 pin) ports can be problematic for any device that doesn't specifically have support for 10 GB/s data rate. USB 3.1 or Thunderbolt devices. Not only is USB 3.1 Type C have more connector pins and much faster then v3 it's also capable of monitoring power consumption and automatically throttle down or shutting off power for charging batteries. I noticed this happening when charging my iPhone. When the phone was fully charged it not only stopped charging the iPhone it also shut down power to the external USB hub as well. And while I've read claims that USB 3.1 is backwards compatible, you'll never convince my Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 gen 2 of that. And what makes it even more confusing is Yes you CAN plug a Scarlett 18i20 gen "3" USB 3.1 interface into a USB 2 port with an adaptor, but you CAN'T do it the other way around. Plugged into the USB Type C port, my normally rock solid Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 gen 2 may or may not disappear and disconnect at any time during a CbB project session and knock out studio monitors and headphone amp and switch over to the little speakers built in my display monitor. ? I have never had any problems with my Novation Impulse 61 since I 1st unpacked it brand new & plugged it in, and flashed the firmware. I've never done that again because I never had any problems with it, there's no need to fix things that aren't broken. Of course I wouldn't even dream or consider plugging it into a port or doing anything with it that it wasn't designed for, but that's just me. It's been like a best friend for years now, other then Auto Map sometimes guesses/picks some strange controller settings for Waves plugins. Best work around I found for that is, I create my own MIDI Maps and store them in the DAW so I know what knob or fader is assigned to what parameter and DON'T USE or advise choosing Novation's AutoMap for MIDI channel input ports or plugins. It's pretty much been bulletproof and plays very well along side of my Behringer X Touch I use for controlling all audio channels and use the Impulse to control all MIDI channels, synths, and FX plugins.
  2. Waves CLA Bass is an Audio/Amp VST plugin and it is frequently on sale directly from Waves for $29(us). Do you need it? Well it doesn't really do much more then you could already do with Cakewalk's ProChannel, so you don't really need it....... but............. It really works GREAT to VERY QUICKLY & EASELY dial in and spice up any bass/synth from. Cakewalk TTS-1 (DXi) runs off Windows Direct X runtime component so your CPU & memory kinda treats it like it's a part of Windows OS and not an entire different process like a VST is, so it doesn't even register in the CPU or memory resource metering. TTS-1 is probably one of the most ignored, unexplored, and underrated synth EVER. And not only by the CPU & memory, but by CAKEWALK too. Oh how good could it be? It OLD and it's FREE. And you only get what you pay for, right? Well I know of several people who overlooked it and purchased the VSTi version from Roland.com and paid $90(us) only to say; "Oh my, it may be prettier on the eyes, but in the ears IT'S THE SAME (bleep'in) THING!" ? TTS-1 powered by several years of different release versions 15488 thru 15497 of Roland's now discontinued, but very genuine SoundCanvas GM/GS v2™ synth engines. Each version has several bass patches to choose from in each different version. Don't let it's simple DXi user interface fool you, dig in a little deeper you'll find that you can tweak & assign each instrument(s) to it's own audio channel(s) in Cakewalk's mixer where you can apply audio FX treatments to each instrument separately in groups of either 4 stereo or 8 mono chan. configurations. However, just like a Roland hardware synth, while it's "capable" of playing 16 instruments at once on 16 separate MIDI channels, doesn't mean you "should", because the more instruments you have playing on one synth engine(instance), just like the hardware units, the more sound quality "degrades", ESPECIALLY when using instruments with complex waveforms and lots of after touch, pitch wheeling, and modulation going on. To keep sound quality up, I typically never go over 6 different instruments channels assigned to one instance TTS-1. And 3 or 4 instrument channels can easily be used to create & CRAFT one hellava nice sounding BASS PART out of something like running an upright bass patch (chan 1) on one channel with a harmonics patch (chan 2) on another. And then assing a Fingered Bass patch (chan 3) along side a Fret Noise patch (chan 4) and mix to taste and assign all 4 channels outputting from the TTS-1 to one Bass "Bus" running thru Cakewalk ProChannel, or CLA Bass VST or both. And if you can't carve out the bass sound/part of your dreams with that would make Bootsie Collins smile, then............... Oh never even mind. ? SI Bass is (VSTi) is VERY EASY on the CPU, it's tweakable, it has a very nice selection of presets, knobs, and switches in all the right places, extremely fast tracking responds very well to my Fishman Triple Play MIDI guitar controller and my Novation Impulse 61 MIDI keyboard controller and can read/write automation. ? Novation Bass Station is nice too, so is Native Instruments, etc, etc, and so on, they are ALL nice.. And CLA Bass VST 3 is a very low latency plugin is easy on the CPU & is a great piece for ANYTHING BASS. ? I'm personally a big fan of the Cakewalk SI Bass's "Bassman.prog". I find it can be dialed in for a very natural realistic electric bass guitar sounds that'll make you wonder; "Is that REAL or is that Memorex?" I typically prefer recording/using my either my Fender P or T-Bucket (acoustic) basses thru an Ampeg SCR-DI direct to audio and most times that's all I have to do. But sometimes as the project progresses, I'll want a little cleaner sound here or more distorted sound there so I'll convert the audio bass track to MIDI an use the SI Bass plugin as one of my favorites (at any price point) go to "reamp" bass guitar rigs. ? I'm a firm believer in it doesn't matter how much it costs, or what you use, it's it's all about HOW YOU USE IT. You can even do really weird stuff too with CLA Bass like switch on "Input Monitoring", plug your bass guitar directly into your audio interface and start jamming. It also works surprisingly well with a Fender Telecaster for those of us old school blues guitarist aficionados like Buddy Guy, and those who LOVES the SNAP'IN CLEAN sound and feel for country like Danny Gatton to the snarl'in sounds of Jimmy Page in Led Zeppelin all in the studio using their Tele thru a vintage 4x10 Fender Bassman combo amps. ?
  3. yEAH, Well, yeah, UH HUH.. Here We Go Again and Again, and AGAIN same 'ol, SAME 'OL but you don't have to take it ya know, just say NO and you can always just shut down your computer once and for ALL again, and get rid of all the evil conspiracies go'in on between Apple & Microsoft's plans to GET YOU so they suck the live out of you. ? Just say "SCREW IT! I'VE HAD ENOUGH! I'm just going to join Bandlab where I can rock out with ANYONE I want to, and do it all from the free Android phone I got from service provider, so HA!"
  4. Here ya go bro, not everything is Microsoft's fault support from their eLicenser Steinberg has always been VERY LAX in timely support and even difficult to deal with in terms changing & dealing with in keeping in touch with users & both Microsoft and Apple. They know well ahead of time of new developments and safety features "Requirements" before these rules take effect. And ONCE AGAIN eLicenser needs to report back to the Mutha Ship and get it's "Certification Approval" by MS & Apple "UPDATED". (even if you drive an old vintage car, you still have to renew is license plates registration.) And if you think Microsoft is bad with Quick Moves enforcing "SECURITY" changes, you would definitely NOT want to deal with Apple. With Apple ALL software and hardware has to be approved by them. And you CANNOT keep you favorite beloved audio interface for 20 years because Macs won't run old hardware AT ALL if the vendors keep support for current "time stamped" driver updates. They will also force you to change your passwords and dictate what software you can and cannot use depending on the age of your computer. Other then adding RAM, you CAN'T upgrade components or your existing computer.. It's a very closed and tight fisted ecosystem, which only a fraction of the "choices" you have with Windows. And yet Mac users still have problems. ? I know, I'm one of them, and greatly concerned since Apple made the move to stop using Intel CPU's and start making their own "M" series processors rumored to give iPads BETTER performance than a desktop i7, I shutter to think about replacing my aging 8 year old iMac.? How well an M CPU handle Pro Tools and all my other apps designed for an Intel CPU, and is it gonna turn my NI Apollo 8x audio interface into a very expensive paperweight? When Apple switched from Motorola chips to Intel it blow up my MOTO 8, which thankfully worked with Win 2000. Oh WoWzEr we could be look'in at the price of a new car if things don't go right & QUICK ENOUGH....? Well I'm not gonna bet on it, and I got some luddite blood in me, LoL and my Windows/Cakewalk Easy Bake Oven has always been more ultimately powerful so if I can't stay in bidness with that, it's time for ME to retire. And lets face it, all the old schooler studio clients who have always INSISTED on working in Pro Tools are getting fewer and farther in between as are having to use Pro Tools for collaborating with other studios thru AVID cloud. The new much younger clientele really don't seem to care what DAW I use anymore because they record their music at home and use all sorts of gear from Zoom, Tascam, Sony, Korg etc, and longer list of software #1 reigning "Champ" being "Ableton Live". But I've found with the younger crowd picking a DAW and sticking with it long enough to really understand it is a rather complicated process in itself. It's like being a kid in a candy store, there's just too many and much too choose from and they want to take a taste of them all. As long as it gives them instant results selecting groove samples or laying track after track and layering layer after layer, until they feel it's GREAT, but just lacks something. And that's when they will come to me to master or remix, clean it up and make it POP & Sparkle to make it sound as good as it can get so they can "Drop" their new album for streaming, CD, and DVD, dood, like last WEEK.? Or as I like to refer to it, simply straightening out a sonic train wreck of FX, EQ, and dynamics, and possibly recording vocals and guitar tracks. And making sure copyright licensing/registering is up to snuff, not only on original tunes, but securing legal licensing for any cover tunes as well. And I HIGHLY recommend doing both. If you want to be one of those "Oh I only do ORIGINALS!" snobs then you better have one heck of a game plan for promoting your album, because doing a killer revision of one of your favorite tunes then represents your style is a GREAT way to show up on search engines and paying royalties is pennies on a dollar for that amount of otherwise FREE promotion. People will click on your cover song by accident and like what they hear and curiously listen to your originals and become fans and tell their friends, so on and so forth, and hopefully spiral into mo' money 4 U and the more money 4 U means the more better and newer computer and software u can afford. ? RARELY do people seldom if ever click on a song by a band that they never heard before whilst searching for a song they know they want to hear on U-Toob, and if your music is recorded, produced, polished and SOUNDING GOOD people will buy it, and there isn't a better, EASIER, and freer way to do it then CAKEWALK by BANDLAB. And the new and current CbB is not only are close as you can get to working a multi- million dollar pro studio where "everything works" as you can get, it's so nice, smooth, and stable now it instills a whole new level of comfort and confidence I've never really had to pleasure to experience before not having to worry about something breaking, that is, as long as you keep your computer's software & hardware up to snuff, staying up to date, Win 10 insures VASTLY improved super lower latency of Input monitoring using Waves v12 VST 3 FX is a whole new beautiful experience all in itself??, and those annoying sound engine dropouts I had with Win7 & SONAR are GONE.?? And last but not least, I've found the marriage between CbB and Bandlab.com new support and features for "Publishing" singles to albums are only second to NO ONE!? YES folks, Bandlab isn't just for streaming, you can upload albums up to UHD 24/96.wav quality and SELL THEM directly from Bandlab.com and guess how much it costs? Well if you kept up to date you would already know. ? Stop looking BACKWARDS and rationalizing excuses to stay there, the future is BRIGHT ahead of YOU and can do it. Oh YES you CAN! I've never been one for trusting mastering straight from a DAW, but I've gotten some really, really GOOD & EXACTING results lately simply by strapping Ozone across the Master Buss. ? I've never had exacting results by doing this with SONAR. Cross referencing a stereo mixdown/master in Sound Forge Pro 10 nearly ALWAYS required tweaking to get right. But now .wav mixdown/mastering from CbB and opening it Sound Forge Pro 15 Suite produces the same results. And that means for CbB projects, I essentially only need to use SFP 15 for CD authoring and batch converting multiple audio formats at once.? Oh and BTW, your DON'T have to install "Optional Feature Updates" with Windows 10, only security updates. By default Windows " Update and Security" settings are set to "automatically" update everything, but you can and should switch it to "ask me first" or "manual" modes. This way you have months to read and research to pick and choose which feature updates you want at your leisure. "Security" updates don't change your personal default settings, But "Feature" updates can and often will. .
  5. Ah yeah, I remember Mixcraft as a really nice all audio DAW almost completely designed after the original Mixcraft large format audio consoles hailed as Nashville's Finest. It didn't any MIDI support and they were boasting about that & the evils of open source MIDI support being 'the death of the musician'. ? I also remember it being the most "Cracked" DAW on the market and keygens for it were being placed at the top of the list on Google. ? It was really great for those who wanted to learn how to use a large format console, however not so much for the home recording enthusiast who just wanted to record their music as easily as possible and who could not care less about learning the finer details of audio engineering, and especially for those of us who just wanted to get our song ideas down with as little opposition and argument as possible. Oh yeah, as much as I hated to do it, I was one of the 1st kids on the block to replace my childhood friend/favorite human drummer with a Roland TR 707 MIDI drum machine as a studio drummer. But if I didn't I still be right there with him trying to record the perfect takes of "Stairway To Heaven" ?and "Freebird". ? It kinda turns the meaning of "You Get What You Pay For" into a pretty funny oxymoron, doesn't it? So many people were gleefully downloading the cracked version for free by the time the bakers at Acoustica realized that there actually nothing evil about open source MIDI support they didn't make enough money to develop support for MIDI. I also find it somewhere between hilarious and offensive how it infuriates some of my fellow CbB users that Bandlab doesn't charge anything anymore for offering continued support for such a powerful and highly sophisticated DAW. Talk about "LOOKING A GIFT HORSE IN THE MOUTH!" I for one am not the least bit angry, and am literally ecstatic that Bandlab is going to such great efforts of "Leveling the Playing Field" offering such a HUGE box of tools in creating such an open source environment to let ALL of our creative FREEDOMS FLY and at a price everyone can afford to do it without having to STEAL ANYTHING! Thanks to Bandlab, EVERYBODY now has now been afforded the PRIVALEGE to take their talents and skills are far as their imaginations can go.. ? And that doesn't offend me in the least.. I was also one of those guys paying for upgrade SONAR Producer and PLATINUM and believe me, I got MORE then I paid for with all the bundled software. It's all about attitude... Suspicious minds always have a dim and cloudy reflection in the mirror... Negativity attracts negativity, haters gonna hate.. Positivity attracts positivity, and thieves gonna steal.. And success is all about reading the room and being able to give some honest? to that mug in the mirror. ??☮ What Am I To You?
  6. Oh wow, THANKS for reposting this list John. I missed this discussion obviously several times maybe even to the power of 10(?) There may be newer and even more powerful (in terms of functionality) FX out there, but I've also found a lot of the older SONAR bundled FX & ProChannel modules have a certain simple signature beauty and musicality that can't be replicated. For instance, I've always loved the sound character and musicality of the Cakewalk Concrete Limiter adds to a "channel" even without applying any limiting at all it has a GREAT color sound being used as a simple gain stage. I only use limiters to stop the stray peaks into the red, but even if it doesn't happen, using Concrete Limiter as a simple "coloration" gain stage that seems to give my Focusrite Scarlett preamps a very pleasant touch of the boutique vintage ISA preamp flavor while using the N-Type console emulator module. It wasn't included or bundled with SONAR, it was a Professional grade add on purchased separately so it has it's own installer and S/N. And of course it also sounded very good whilst SMACKING a waveform into a SOLID BRICKWALL so most SONAR users knew at the time purchased it to win LOUDNESS WARS which was all the rave back in the time for those who's opinions and beliefs centered around "He who has the loudest song WINS!" But you don't need to install older versions of SONAR or Pro Audio for the Cakewalk add on power house plugins. But you do if you don't want to live without to purchase rather pricy licenses for other rather choice goodies from 3rd party bundled favorites like Softubes, BlueTubes, both XLN's Addictive Drums 1 and 2, both need to be installed because they have arsenals of different sampled drum kits and kit pieces all of which I still use and rely on today.. Now are there better limiters out there. Absolutely, and the Cakewalk Adaptive Limiter is so colorless and transparent it's been my go to Buss Limiter for years is one of them, and one of which I haven't found to be rivaled by any other vendor to date. But it nor any other have or adds the rich signature of color to the SOUND Concrete Limiter makes. I have had to keep several different versions of SONAR installed dating back to v8.5 to keep some of my favorite FX plugins that I don't want to lose. So having this list of what FX came from where is truly a beautiful gift and think of beauty, I will hopefully never have to use. ?? But never saying never is a double edged sward of a TRAP all in itself. Typically I clone my system drives every 2 years or so to avoid simply wearing them out and up grade storage and as a result, I lost track of what 3rd party plugins came with what versions of Cakewalk dating back 30 years or so, well beyond what CCC covers. This list not only is a great resource in helping communicate with others, no matter how careful we can be to avoid malware, virus's, exploits, and or simple system failure, keeping your computer off line or not, no matter how many backups we make, there is no such thing as being 100% safe. There is always a chance of losing or way and certain files disappear from having to start from scratch with a fresh clean OS system install. The "Ultimate PITA" having to manually search for, find and remember to reinstall everything. And in the case of CbC installing it all in the "right order" saves a LOT of problems and extra work. CbB will automatically search for and locate all your older plugins registered to Cakewalk and SONAR, but ONLY easy if they are already there before installing CbB. One of my top and foremost things I love about Windows 10 is it's ability to perform a pretty much a clean OS install and update and keep all the apps, drivers and files in place. And most times if it can't, it won't update and roll back to the last successful installation. (Windows 7 doesn't do that) And if Win10 doesn't and crashes in the process that is typically ALWAYS the users fault for lack of maintenance, using illegally installed (cracked) software running off of Key Gens that doesn't pass "Digital Signage" white lists security.? And so that basically means if your software is too old or stolen it won't be listed on the white list as registered from the vendors as being safe, and in most cases Windows will "disable" or simply won't install. And unless you keep up with stringent and strict weekly maintenance and security updates schedule, like you SHOULD DO, I typically DO NOT advise cloning system drives. And being if you choose to "Keep your File" Windows 10 installer "clones" an exact "image" your system files and Windows Registry before updating, than checks and reexamines it before registering the update as "safe". And it does all this work in a matter of an hour or 2, what could take Win 7 users WEEKS of tedious, time consuming, & frustrating work to do. Of course Win 7 users wouldn't know that, so they can only compare it to rationalize excuses based on opinions, misinformation based on beliefs that everybody is out to get them. One of my all time favorite is Windows 7 x64 can run XP x32 at the same on a virtual machine, 10 doesn't. No is doesn't, because it has much better support for legacy support for drivers and x32 software so it doesn't NEED to run XP in the background and waist all that CPU & RAM resources. Not only that, my CPU, memory, and buss speeds running in high performance mode are WAY TOO FAST for XP and cause critical stability issues so even older x32 bit apps run better and smoother on Win 10. And even the few x32bit programs I have left on my computer don't support ARA or VST 3 and I DAMN sure don't want to lose that MASSIVE boost of speed and power. And I don't know of any of my favorite music creation software that will even run on Windows 7 anymore. Win 7 users can't even upgrade to Melodyne 5 anymore, and boy oh BOY, even SONAR runs noticeably smoother and better on Win 10, and you can do things so much easier and things you haven't even DREAMED of with CbB then you could with SONAR. Ya'all luddites don't have a CLUE to what you're missing out on. A good example is while the latest release version of SONAR Platinum can't support VST 3 plugins it supports them on very thin ice. With SPLAT I can only safely run Reason 11 Studio by Rewire, and that means I have to run BOTH DAW's at once, as the Reason Rack Extension VST 3 plugin which can handle up to 16 channels of Reason Synths/Plugins, but will only run a limited amount of Reasons synths before ALL 8 cores on the CPU meters start bouncing into the red zone and it crashes SPLAT. With CbB I don't have to Rewire and run Reason the DAW at all, can as many instances of Reasons VST Rack synths and FX, PLUS Reason's SSL 9000 mixing console entirely "within" CbB as a VST 3 plugin(s) and never bounce any single core CPU over 50%-75% at once or EVER crash CbB. And Melodyne 5 editor works so much better and "Region FX" loads crazy FAST. Last time I used it to correct an accidental major chord on a guitar track to a minor chord then bounce it back to an audio clip and shut down Melodyne, the whole process took less than 30 seconds. And it's pretty much the same converting and entire dull sounding poorly recorded in a garage stereo audio drums track to MIDI. Now nobody "needs" to do things like this, but if you care about higher PRO SOUNDING quality made insanely easier, you'd have to be out of yer rabid ***** mind NOT TO. 9 out of 10 times Win10 gets it updating right, and it will even tell you what went wrong and need to fix before you try again, and it WILL update successfully if you don't interfere. And if you get impatient and SHUT OFF your computer during the process before Windows says to.... Calling your computer stupid is stupid, and YOU just BROKE YOUR COMPUTER, not Microsoft. ? And so to close this 'lil rant, yeah, SONAR is certainly more then good enough for rock & roll, and sometimes a Windows update changes my config settings back to default, it can be annoying, but only mildly so. And now I know it can happen it doesn't annoy me in the least because now that I'm aware it can happen, or not, I'm half expecting it so it only takes a minute or so to fix change them back in settings. And sometimes Microsoft changes and moves things around, but so does Apple & Google, and they always have valid and good reasons for it. So if you're the type of control freak user that thinks you are smarter then the 1000's of developers at Microsoft, Apple, Google, and CAKEWALK and think you can come up with a secret plan trick Windows & EVERYBODY ELSE into doing what you want them to do, you DO NOT want to update to Win 10 or anything else for that matter, like the current and absolute BEST of the BEST version of SONAR/CbB ever created and continuing to EVOLVE and get better & better then any other DAW's out there. But you'll never know that unless you change your habits and give it a TRY! ? And until someone how to develop software that can read our minds, we're all going to have to keep up with THEM, they don't have to hold themselves back for us, nor give us an endless supply of support. ?out of ? of Windows users using a decently configured mid grade computer without any "hacked" software manufactured in the past decade I know of that were reluctant to change gave Win 10 a ? after experiencing using it for a week. They all said it was a tad slow and sluggish at first, I originally thought so too about 3 years ago, but they ALL said the ONLY regrets they have is not doing it sooner. Because, like Windows, Apple, Android, and even Lennox, things can only IMPROVE thru CHANGE.
  7. Welcome to the forum ChrisSphere, in the future please clearly state the model of the device or software you're having problems with. There is a very good chance someone here will have it and know the exact answer and solution within minutes. 1st thing I would recommend doing open Cakewalk and hit "P" on your computer keyboard to open Cakewalk's "Preferences", click on "Instruments" in the MIDI section and select Yahama XG, be sure to click and drag on all 16 output channels to select and highlight them all and click on "Apply". For Yamaha XG drum Kits select the output channel you want (typically chan 10) click on "Apply" again before closing the dialog box. This creates a MIDI map(s) that can be easily accessed for I/O thru every MIDI track in Cakewalk's track/sequencer. This may be all you need to do to get the DAW and synth to communicate properly and to get things up & running to work well. 2sd thing I would recommend doing is going to Yamaha Support website and see if they have a download for an Editor/Librarian and a detailed MIDI Map specific to the model of your synth that you can import into Cakewalk's list of Instruments, and that will help your workflow easily go from working "well" to working "great". Yahama makes a whole slew of synths from ultra inexpensive to knee buckling expensive and as you would expect they are not all created equal and may not all send and receive "system exclusive data" with a DAW. But you should still be able to use your Yamaha's keyboard as a controller to play CbB's included synths like the TTS-1 and it utilizes Roland SoundCanvas synth engine, and Cakewalk's bundle of "Studio Instruments" are very nice as well. Good luck and have FUN!
  8. I have a friend using UVI Relayer in Studio ONE & it didn't take me long to fall in love with it's extremely well thought out GUI, I found it's very easy to dig in deep and tweak it to do exactly what I wanted it to do. However, comparing apples to oranges, as pleasing and impressed I was with giving Relayer a spin, I personally prefer the Waves HReverb, but that mostly based on experience & familiarity. And for a freebie, it would be really hard to beat the trusty old Cakewalk Sonitus Delay.
  9. Your whole "Why Should You Care" pot calling the kettle black post smacks of elitism. Well THIS forum is about Cakewalk technology, and opinions really don't have much value here or anywhere else for that matter and should be taken with a mere grain of salt. The fact of the matter is running a DAW off line just for the illusion be safe is not only delusional, because you have to go elsewhere online to get HERE into this forum and update your DAW, so losing about 90% efficiency of the business of creating and publishing music. Sounds like a WHOLE LOT of extra unnecessary work to me. Creating music that nobody can hear is like a tree falling in the woods that no one witnesses happening. And SOME of us DO care enough about helping each other out and debunking myths about technology based on misguided opinions and beliefs. As far as opinions go.... I have the same opinion of recording music on an antiquated Windows 7 machine as I do about recording music to tape. It's one thing if you can't afford a new computer, but it's another and utterly SELF DEFEATING REDICULOUS thing entirely to REFUSE to. ? And both Cakewalk & Bandlab services and updating/upgrading Win 7 to Win 10 is TOTALLY FREE OF COSTS & demons & goblins out to get you. But not necessary free of BOOGIE MEN & FEMALES searching relentlessly to maybe jam, collaborate, or maybe just DANCE to your music.? Well that is if it's good enough or.................. Even exists! ??
  10. Yeah, now my grand kids say the same about me! ? I go back to the days of recording to tape. I was the first kid on my block to get my hands on on old 8 track Skully the size of a washing machine I had to keep in it's own air conditioned room (so it wouldn't overheat) next to my recording room space. I spent more time in maintaining it to keep it going then I did recording music. It ate "2 tape to the tune of about $2 (us) per minute or more of recorded music. Typically more, because all editing had to be done with a grease pen and razor blade so needless to say the more beer we drank the more tape ended up in the trash can. ??? Did you ever try to cut & splice together 2" magnetic tape with Scotch tape whilst drunk? Anyway recording was rather pricy back in the day. To get an idea of how pricy it was, it cost LESS to purchase a brand new Apple Power Mac & Pro Tools then it did paying for studio time for ONE ALBUM!? And that was before pressing it to vinyl or much more affordable cassette tapes which didn't have near the sound quality of .mp3's ? Yeah, I don't miss those days in the least, and any young aspiring musician suggests me giving advice and or helping achieve their romantic dreams of recording to tape and making a vinyl recording gets nothing more then a BIG 'OL BELLY LAUGH out of me. Any when anyone asks me if I still use my vintage Teletronics LA/2A any more I yell NO at them and tell them that "Vintage" is just a 7 letter word for an "Old & tired Piece of CRAP" that not only needs new capacitors, but near constant cleaning & maintenance. My CA/2A vst plugin needs NONE OF THAT NONSENSE. If it breaks, which it hasn't done yet, all I need to do is reinstall it, and it can do things the original hardware can't do. Like NOT take up valuable studio rack real-estate, run independently on EVERY TRACK and will it run in stereo.
  11. I'm pretty active on Bandlab.com and involved in several collaborations and always try to get users to come here and join the forum. The biggest troubles I have convincing them is Bandlab's Mix Editor which is actually a 16 track cloud based DAW is all they feel they need and is getting better & better almost by the day with more functions and adding new FX plugins to an already sizable bundle of very cool modern & vintage FX. Can anyone guess what the BL-1176 can do? Well it can't do all what a NI 1176 or a Waves 1176 plugins can do, but it's close enough for a veteran to recognize as an 1176 signature, and the newbies may not actually know or care what an 1176 is, they know enough about it know it makes their tracks jump out and sound GOOD. And it's now so shockingly GOOD & POWERFUL some don't feel the need to learn a new DAW and others can't install Cakewalk on their Android, iOS devices, or Mac computers, so they don't even bother. That, and many, many young users don't like to hang out in forums with us geezers that remind them of their "Parents" ?? Yeah, try to put yourself in their shoes before offering them advice. To a place where, to them, "Old School" is Taylor Swift or Beyoncé... ?
  12. I was wondering if this has happened with other CbB users. It's not really a problem because CbB DOES in fact playback the audio files, so more of a curious annoyance. Although everything is saving and running working properly, it's a strange glitch that happens from time to time when freezing synths and creating "Region FX" with Melodyne.
  13. So true, and while in any and every forum there are always a few who will debate & argue to the bitter end for the sake of debating and arguing, they has always been a very a small crowd here in the old & new Cakewalk forums which for decades maintained an enormous wealth of support from knowledgeable users more then willing to help in a pinch, as well as great and rapid response from help from CbB Support Staff for technical issues and solutions. And THAT in my opinion, are the ingredients what has kept and made Cakewalk the most solid, innovative, and mature DAW out there. The facts of the matter the changes and progression the DAW has gone thru are STILL well documented and archived in the original Cakewalk Forums since "12 Tones Inc." early collaboration efforts" with Microsoft & Roland Corp. helped develop and define the language of what we now know as the GM Spec. (general MIDI) starting in DOS> "upgraded" to Pro Audio v1- v8.5. Then Roland's further "updates" and "Upgrades" manipulated, massaged, tweaked and refined SONAR technology in to WORLD'S MOST CUTTING EDGE IN TECHNOLOGIES, And and manipulated, tweaked CHANGED, & rolled them up into 1st. MOST POWERFUL & COMPLETE DAW that can run a SMOOOTH operating double precision sound engine that could run in x64 bit mode on an x32 bit Windows computer. What's that? Like 10 YEARS before ANY other DAW could to it? FINALLY Microsoft figured out how to do it with Win 7's first reliable and stable x64 OS build. ? And then Gibson Brands took over and, well I have to say that I really, REALLY ?LOVE their guitars!? ??? And while my first choice & love will always be my Fender Stratocaster I can't honesty say I love my Les Paul any less. ? Just differently.. ? And now, BANDLAB is running the show & doing it differently, and making our recording experience SO MUCH richer, easier, FUN, faster, and rock solid reliable. And actually pushing up the "Bar" to new levels that are literally redefining what is even possible. ? But it took years of updating & up GRADING to get to the point of "Maturity" where there's no more need to have to "upgrade" the OS or DAW. To where we only "need" to update the OS & DAW for newer, better, and faster hardware & software performance & security reasons. And Microsoft and Bandlab are offering these bone chilling services for free of charge for all that want them and if you don't like them can be all so easily be rolled back to the last known reliable installation. Microsoft's Win 10 installer is now so good communicating with your computer thru telemetry it will not only REFUSE to install on a computer/system and "Automatically Roll Back" the OS on a computer that doesn't meet requirements, it will also tell you WHY. At which point just sit back, go get something to munch on, watch Netflix, take a shot of whiskey or twist a doobie, and by all means, just don't panic and please "DON'T TOUCH IT!" This totally inappropriate time to pitch a fit and get rebellious. Just let Windows Installer/Uninstaller do it thing all you wasted was a couple of hours away from your computer. Of course there are some things that will always slip thru the cracks, like you may have to re register certain software, or drivers for a 20+ old Edirol PCR MIDI controller won't work anymore. In which case you will have to manually find your way to Windows Update in settings and roll it back yourself. Microsoft's Installer has the wisdom and courtesy to keep an image of your system in a "Temp File" for 30 days. Bandlab allows you to roll back CbB to the last known install should some unforeseen problem should occur as well provide free multi-track storage for ALL music projects on Bandlab.com with the added BONUS of BONUS'S.... The incredible Bandlab Mix Editor. My FAVORITE free backup DAW. ? I for one, never thought I'd live long enough to experience a very functional and powerful cloud based DAW that works on ANY PLATFORM, let alone a "free" a cloud based DAW that would even work at all.? But Mix Editor does, and thru a near constant and often times annoying "updates" and tweaks, Bandlab's Mix Editor is rapidly becoming the world's best DAW second only to Cakewalk. ?? And these tools are being openly and generously shared with everybody, and puts us all on an equal playing field with nothing standing in the way of our freedom to express ourselves anyway we choose in any style or genre. No matter who we are, where we come from, how experienced we are or inexperienced we choose to or not to be, young or old, rich or poor, nasty or nice (like me), we are all equally free to choose to go anywhere our imaginations can take us..... I truly believe both Microsoft and Bandlab get a lot of unfounded negative static oversaturated in "Opinions" "based on "beliefs". Well for any of those that "care", in my "opinion" neither deserves that. I "believe" they should both be nominated for Nobel Peace Prizes outstanding achievements in both social and technological awards. ? And for those of you who don't care.... Have fun as long as you can in your basements. It may take a bit of dumpster diving on craigslist, but you can still find the parts and peripherals needed to keep any old computer running. Just be careful out there, lottsa dirty trickster boogiemans and femans on craigslist. ?? Oh well, it's 1/2 past high noon on Tuesday, time for me to play and lay down some Les Paul/ Marshall guitar tracks, which I only during the afternoon as a courtesy to my neighbors whilst jamming with the windows open on a beautiful 70℉ day. due to the Marshal amps relatively LOUD sweet spot for that "just the right amount of feedback" my mojo desires and lusts after for this particular song.?? It is this guitarists opinion that if you really want a nice creamy delicious ever so slightly overdriven Les Paul & Marshall amp to sing as pretty as any bird thru the air without any effects. And even my 50 watt Marshall needs to be cranked up loud enough to make a single 12" Celestion LIGHT UP and work for a living, it's still gonna get LOUD up in here?. If I don't want to capture the playful interactions between the guitar pickup and speaker cabinet I don't even bother with the Marshall, I'll just go all 21st century and use my extremely trusty new tech Line 6 and monitor thru headphones which I do 99% of the time. ? And now is the time for me to shut up, play my guitar and work on (and maybe finish) one of the five music projects I have waiting for me to finish in CbB 2021.04 before even thinking of checking out "What's New" for updating to the latest version 2021.04 #1. Good Day! ☮
  14. YES! It's preventive maintenance. There's no such thing as perfection, but it keeps your system as safe as possible. I'm pleased that they are making such an effort to try to keep ahead of the real problems that Hackers never stop trying to cause. And that's never ending story. Just like a 10 year car that wasn't properly maintained, it becomes more problematic and expensive to keep on the road the a new car.
  15. Didn't Ray Charles record his last album with SONAR? I really believe the term "it's free" has a serious and often times paralyzing "Stigmatizing Effect" on decision making. I know when I hear "it's free" slows me down a bit and it raises the hairs of the back of my neck having been burned so many times before, but both Windows 10 or Cakewalk have been around long enough to produce an overwhelming amount of testimony on how good, safe, and effective they are. I've always cringed at the question when asked "What DAW do you think I should get?" My answer for over 20 years + was usually SONAR because it's so versatile feature rich it has something for anyone's style and workflows, which all so many would argue was too pricy and over bloated with features they don't feel they need, and now CbB which turns the discussion 180° around to "it isn't pricy enough." to be true for such a powerful and feature rich DAW ? And so to dig out of that quagmire I suggest Reason 11 Studio, starting at $300 and has a super large arsenal of instruments and FX with a sweet SWEET sounding new and very powerful & authentic large format analog mixing console modeled after the world famous shockingly pricy SSL 9000k desk. But last and not even close to the least, don't know how or want to learn how to use Reason as a DAW or even know what an SSL mixing desk is or can do, no problem. Reason's new Rack Extension allows everything in Reason to run as a VST3 plugin in any DAW. Running it in Cakewalk's synth rack, I must rate it as "The Synth Rack from Heaven." If you can find or tweak the synth sounds you want, then they most likely don't exist. As it has each instrument running on it's own MIDI tracks running on Cakewalk's sequencer, and audio tracks within Cakewalk's mixer, or any other DAW that supports VST3 very efficiently with a surprising low hit to computer resources, and if THAT ain't a serious kick in the gas and serious compliment for any DAW, I don't know what is.?? But utterly useless for those who don't like or refuse to use synths in their music.?
  16. Move to WHERE? Linux? That's an enormous step BACKWARDS. To be perfectly realistic, there are really only 2 really good choices for solid performing DAWs... Windows 10 or Apple OS-X? As far as I can see that's the only realistic answer/choices to your $64K question?. Do you have any idea how much a decent Mac recording rig costs that can hold a candle to a Windows10 Cakewalk computer workstation? And what are the costs suffered by "the learning curve of using an entirely different OS"? But let's forget learning curves and money, considering updates to Win 10 from Win 7 are remarkably small learning curve as their GUI's are very close to each othe,r and updating to Cakewalk are both FREE. ( and yes you can still update from Win 7 to Win 10 for free). If you get angry with you "freedom of choices" and forced updates from Microsoft, you're guaranteed a miserable life of LIVIDITY moving on to Apple. You only have one choice to run new software on an outdated version of OS-X. And that choice is YOU CAN'T. Apple won't let you. Nor can you choose to run and old trusty beloved antiquated Firewire 400 audio interface that you love so much you want to be buried with on a modern Mac because the answer is simple as YOU CAN'T. Why? because Apple won't LET YOU! I personally know this to be true because I have 2 rather pricy Firewire 400 audio interfaces that were turned into paperweights because of this. My MOTU 8 and an AVID M box Pro. Both tested and work well on a Windows machine running ASIO drivers, just not as speedy as ANY USB 2 audio interfaces. And speaking of drivers, Apple doesn't support ASIO driver, they only support their Core Audio drivers. Windows 7 may not support the Windows 10 dramatically improved WDDM drivers, but it still supports ASIO drivers. I'm not even sure if Win 7 even supports the radically improved wonders of ARA and VST 3 technology at all? I'm not sure about that, but I don't really care. But I am sure about the fact that Win 10 is SO MUCH BETTER, FASTER, SMARTER (due to telemetry), maintenance free, and secure then Win 7 across the board that I don't have to because I no linger have to worry about these and so many others things anymore. With all due respect my friend there was a time when luddites said that about electricity. They argued; "Why do we a light bulb when a kerosene lantern can burn so much more brightly?" But the world kept on turning as electricity came to pass, and people would evolve and realize how much better the electric light bulb was and how much better, cleaner, healthier, and so much less expensive their homes were to live in, and as a result, they managed to save up enough money to by more freedom, as in, in the shape of a new Ford, a.k.a an automobile. But the luddites argued; "Why would you need an automobile when a horse and buggy is so much better? Can an automobile be your friend or find it's way home if you get lost?" But the world kept on turning as mass manufacturing progressed and as the people came to realize that even though a Ford isn't necessarily loving friend, it wouldn't get angry bite you if it thought you were ignoring it and getting a little too slow providing scheduled meals. But a Ford doesn't care how much food is in it's belly and it doesn't have to be fed every day whether you use it or not. The only thing a Ford will do to you to get even is leave you stranded on the road if you forget to feed it, but who's fault is that? And so naturally progression took it's course, and people started to realize that there was nothing inherently evil about automobiles. And as such, saved up enough money to replace their aging local telegraph operator service with a telephone in their own home. Of course what with being a luddite and all, their aging local telegraph operator didn't appreciate this act of treason as much as those committing it, but........... Well your local landline telecommunications providers don't really have any more appreciation for cellular service providers then your broadcast media providers do for the Internet, now do they? But tough tutties for the luddites, because you can't stop the world from turning and evolving, and without evolution there would be no progress, and if the luddites had their way we wouldn't be here right now because we would not only have "None of these things." and it would be a never ending and ultimately improbable chore to try and get the smell of kerosene out of our hair and clothes. And so as the story goes... Windows 7 was freak'in AWESOME for it's decade, but it's decade has PASSED and now it's as silly and dangerous as using kerosene lanterns because both pose extreme security risks.. Windows 7 was never intended to be a life long friend, and now, it not only holds you back from progressing, your standing on shaky, unstable grounds as the world continues to turn and evolve, you are one update away from blowing up and nuking you entire computer and taking Cakewalk by Bandlab with it.. And if that's not DANGEROUS I don't know what is!
  17. Hmm... There are more pro peeps talking about CbB then you might think.. Check this out.. ?? THIS SOFTWARE IS BETTER THAN PRO TOOLS AND IT'S FREE!!! - YouTube I remember back in the days around the time of SONAR 4 Producer it won "Best DAW Awards" from every music equipment & software review mag for a couple of years running while lead to 2 MEPA Awards, yet still it was talked about very little to none at all from music and software retailers. I'm sure this had more to do profits and commissions as SONAR Producer was extremely reasonably priced for such an extremely "Jam Packed" powerful, well equipped, feature rich DAW that it simply "Didn't NEED ANY EXTRA 3rd PARTY Instruments or FX Plugins to achieve Professional Results." Of course you "could" run 3rd party DX and VST audio FX and instruments if you wanted to, you just didn't have to because they were already included and bundled with SONAR PE. And I truly believe from the heart that these are not only the best reasons why music retailers and publications resisted talking about SONAR PE back then when it ONLY had a shelf price of $500(us). What could they "honestly" say? That $500 worth of SONAR = $2500 of Cubase or $5000 worth of Pro Tools? But in those days, spending $5000 on a Mac/Pro Tools rig was ultra cheap considering what it would cost to record ONE ALBUM of the same quality to tape. There weren't exactly a lot of choices of top contenders of this caliber back in SONAR days.. I liked eMagic Logic a lot, Cakewalk's main competition at the time in my opinion, Cubase was kinda strong for Electronica but I thought lagging and kinda weak for everything else. But when Apple bought Logic they dropped and orphaned support for Windows, so I dropped and stopped using Logic because Pro Tools does NOT like sharing audio interface drivers with other DAWS very much, and I ONLY run Pro Tools on my Mac, and I only do that to keep my studio in business alive. And as much of a fan and even maybe a minor evangelist I am of Pro Tools running on a MAC, I have to say I'm a much bigger fan and MAJOR evangelist of CAKEWALK by BANDLAB running on a Windows 10 computer with decent audio/MIDI interface and enough power to handle a DAW properly! Like a desktop/tower with a quad-core CPU with 8 gigs of memory with do the trick nicely, but an 8 core with 16 gigs of memory is the starting point of little worries of where the dreams are made of.?? And I don't love CbB because it's free, because it's that GOOD. I'd also like to add that I still use SONAR Platinum to open and work older projects to remix and insure I know exactly what I have going on, and as an extra layer of precaution, I'll add/update a new "save as" to another hard drive, a new version number to "rename" the project before opening and working on them in CbB. It's a long standing "just in case" measure that saved my ***** and original projects more than once over the decades. SPLAT still runs very well, rock solid in fact, but it not having some of the newer improvements & workflow enhancements I've grown to love and really appreciate in CbB is a tad frustrating. And I can also really, REALLY appreciate the comparison 1st hand the amount of work and effort that gone on since Bandlab took over! ????? It really wreaked havoc on the conceptual continuity of my perceptions of "You only get what you pay for." for a couple of minutes. ? Seriously, I was still in kinda shock from Magix throwing ACIDplanet under the buss (along with 20 years of collaborators I lost contact with and my music i had published there?), then shortly afterGibson throwing SONAR under the buss??, I didn't really know how long it would run good on an ever changing Windows platform, and I was minutes away from purchasing a full License for Presonus Studio ONE along with ANOTHER new tedious learning curve???, my Pro Tools AVID Cloud and support license was expiring????. Yeah, I guess you could say I was in a rather foul mood when I read Meng's announcement that Bandlab was taking over and continuing support for my favorite DAW, the very DAW that's the ground zero CENTERPIECE of my creativity. ?? And so.... I'm completely convinced after over 30+ years of rigorous efforts of trials and errors looking for the best DAW, I can honestly say from the heart that they are all good, so the best DAW for anybody should be the DAW the you are MOST familiar with. That, and any & every DAW is only as good as the computer it's installed on. That's a good thing to keep in mind when you're having problems trying to run 24 tracks with dozens of plugins on your 10 year old mid grade laptop running ASIO4ALL drivers.? Gear Heads trying to make a living have LESS reasons to discuss Cakewalk by Bandlab today now that Cakewalk by Bandlab is SO MUCH better NOW then it was when they stopped talking about it 10 years ago, and that it's FREE..... ? Well....... It's not exactly a well kept secret I don't know of any honest single seasoned professional audio/MIDI engineer that anything bad or negative to say about CbB other then maybe "WOW this could be bad for business. This DAW is so GOOD it SCARES THE SHIT OUTTA ME!"
  18. 24 HOURS? Is that a typo? Did you mean to type 24 "minutes"? Well no matter, my alarm bells would start chiming after 1 minute. When and or If Ever was the last time you ran computer tune up maintenance app? Like registry cleaner? Driver updater? Defrag? Upgrade to Windows 10 yet? Physically blow the dust out? Freezing MIDI synths before "exporting" the tracks to audio GREATLY reduces the computer's processing workload, which greatly reduces CbB's export times. As does freezing audio tracks with lots of Audio FX running. It is quite possible that you are overwhelming your computer's CPU, and resources. The harder the CPU has to work, the HOTTER it gets, and the hotter it gets the SLOWER it gets due to cooling process known as "Thermal Throttling". However that should only slow your export/rendering times by minutes, never hours. Kind of sounds to me like you may just have a serious hard drive problem? Mechanical failure? Maybe it's just too full of old stuff scattered all over the place and can't find enough space for writing new stuff, and so maybe the problem is simply due to lack of free space and fragmentation?
  19. Amen to that my brother! No disrespect to my Les Paul guitar, but I really had some mixed and dark feelings when Gibson Brands bought out Cakewalk software from Roland Corp. A very unnatural move for a guitar manufacturer to step that far out of their wheelhouse of expertise and understanding. And if it wasn't for the massive and very knowledgeable support from the Cakewalk Users Forum, during the Gibson reign, I truly believe SONAR'S support would be weaker then then the weakest points of Steinberg and or Magix, and anyone who has ever had to try to deal with either in the past does NOT want to even remember or want to talk about what a hateful experience that could be reading thru seemingly endless pages of FAQ's that don't provide specific solutions and just trying to find out how to communicate with a human? . And all I want to say is.... By the time they got back to me, I already found somebody somewhere else, somewhere completely unrelated like the CAKEWALK USERS FORUM or figured out a hack to fix the problems myself. ? I just recently had an installation problem with Magix Sound Forge Pro 15 Suite upgrading from Sony SF Pro v10. VERY EXPENSIVE UPGRADE! Only reason for upgrading was v10 was x32 which ran OK but doesn't support ARA or VST3. It only took Magix support a week to get back to me (which really isn't too bad for them), but by that time I found the solution myself. I had just recently had a problem with the 2021.04 update which was resolved in 2 days. The only reason it took that long was MY FAULT for not checking back soon enough, LoL. Me thinks if Henry Juszkiewicz & crew spent as much time & thought on the obsession's of invading & conquering the Apple with SONAR on quality control of the massive amounts of brands they already owned Gibson wouldn't be in so much trouble today. I could never understand why...? Did they really think they could just waltz into Apple Land compete with tried and true Pro Tools & Logic users? ? I know I'D STILL be grudgingly giving Gibson $150 per year to keep SONAR Platinum up to date, but NO I won't be upgrading my '96 Les Paul even if the quality the same. And I'm not one of those who believes or finds value in collecting old warn out guitars and vintage electronics & tube amps. Sorry folks, I don't want to start flame wars here, but there is nothing to discuss as far as software & musical gear & equipment is concerned, there is NOTHING better then NEW.
  20. WowZER, just one week into it and I’m actually blown away by the added features & workflow enhancements in this 2021.04 update. After getting over the very unexpected shock and awe of launching CbB up for the 1st time into the new 4K UHD GUI (at first I thought I was hallucinating from a reaction from getting my 2nd COVID vaccination Jab) as everything seemed to almost appear in 3D and so unusually crisp, clear and vivid. I kinda skipped over the section of 4K resolution enhancements in the release notes, but my Radeon Pro graphics drivers picked up on them instantly upon launch. It didn’t take me very long to realize that the new 4K res. in CbB isn’t just bling and a simple pretty face lift, but a MAJOR editing workflow enhancements for automating envelopes, plugins, and piano roll MIDI editing, and REALLY brings out in ultra fine visual details what’s going on with both my Behringer X Touch & Novation Impulse 61 MIDI DAW controllers. My 2 main weapons of choice for breathing the feel human life with all the knobs, faders, & buttons into otherwise static and sterile digital & MIDI recording & sequencing. Which brings me to what I consider the other “Cup of Drool” MAJOR workflow enhancement I’ve dived into this past week. The depth & power of 2021.04’s “Tempo Track” which so far seems to be able to perform & give ACID Pro’s tempo editing a run for it’s money and NO other DAW’s I’ve EVER tried have ever come this close to doing THAT. For those of us traditionally trained musician/composers having the ability to easily change tempo and keeping a nice flow in a musical composition has always been a challenge to translate a hand written "emotional" musical score into a humanly impossible PERFECT MIDI tempo sequence and be able to maintain a human feel. And while I'm ADIMENT about practicing and starting the first few tracks of recording sessions with a metronome, us mortal humans are NOT perfect and incapable of keeping perfect time. It's unnatural, and as our emotions and spirits flow and drift off a bit for effect, so must our MIDI comps. If we want to keep a natural human feel to our performances. And now thanks to this new and improved automatable Tempo Track in 2021.04 update, what could take me hours or even days to get right now only takes me minutes of EASY PEEZY. ? And even little things like having the all FX plugins listed in one window as opposed to scrolling down to find the right one is a HUGE workflow enhancement! ? Well that’s all the great new news I’ve got so far, but it’s only been a week, and a great & FUN week of digg’in into CbB. THANK YOU CAKEWALK BAKERS! YOU GUYS ROCK!??
  21. OK this is odd, because the installer fails because it says I need version 2021.01. ? But I DO! ?
  22. ☮Why Can't We Be Friends? Jamm'in for Peace☮ by Steev | BandLab
  23. GREAT advice from John Vere. BTW according to the screen shots you provided, just because you "set" Cakewalk to "default" to record "new projects" @ 192k/Hz , you are actually recording at 44.1h/Hz at 46.4 msec. CbB can ONLY record at a frequency that your sound chip/card can support. That setting just instructs the DAW what bit depth and frequency to record at in a fresh "new empty project". And even if you had a CbB project that was recorded on another computer at 32bit/192k/Hz CbB couldn't open the project that your hardware can't support. And that may sound like bad news, but that's actually a good thing because 192k/Hz sound files are so HUGE they are an abusive waste of hard drive space considering us humans can't "very arguably" tell the difference in sound quality between 24bit/48k/Hz "professional industry stand" sound file and a 32bit/192k/Hz sound file being played on state of the art, top of the line audiophile equipment. And even the term "Very Arguably" is kind of pointless because even at best, us humans can only actually hear frequencies between 20Hz -20k/Hz sooo, ? So unless you are willing to spend more money on a sound system that costs more then the average new car just to try to experience it, don't even bother trying to record at 32bit/192k/Hz. You CAN of course splurge with as little as $100 (us) on and audio interface capable of recording at 192k/Hz such as a Focusrite Scarlett Solo, but unless you spend $1000'S of big bucks on monitors you're still wasting your time. I have many old Cakewalk projects that were recorded at 24bit/96k/Hz many years ago using Windows 2000 and XP. 32 bit OS's that could only support 128 MEGA bits of RAM with duel M-Audio Delta 1010 PCI audio interfaces which allowed me to record up to a jaw dropping 16 audio tracks at once with SONAR 4 Producer. USB was just being invented & released. The reason for recording at 24/96k/Hz wasn't because music sounded better then music recorded at 24bit/48k/Hz, it was because of recording latency on much slower and less powerful computers then we have today, USB v2 became many times more efficient, faster, and cheaper than PCI tech, and as a result there is no longer any need to record at 96k/Hz. In fact, it's foolish to because the .wav audio files are 2x the size. But today we have cellphones 100x more power then those early computers, and computers with 1000x of times more power, ALL the rules change. Just like they did when we switched over from analog audio recording to digital. Even with all the constant and fierce misinformation I was one of the very few who embraced that with all my heart. Why? Because I knew it was only a matter of time before I knew I could compete with the "Big Boys" studios in NYC as early as when SONAR 4 literally blew past my coveted Mac/ProTools rig rocked the entire world with 1st affordable brute force reliable digital DAW. The whole political climate of the recording industry done got turned upside down and inside out. And while it was still true the Big Boys could still kill my mass media broadcast radio and TV career simply by ignoring me they couldn't control or stop me from publishing to the Internet? And now, thanks to Bandlab's continued support of IT and embrace of music, they can't stop anybody. Bandlab's 16 track Mix Editor is not only a shockingly good fully functional and powerful web based DAW, it can interface with seemingly any device with a microphone that hooks up to the Internet, be it any kind of smartphone or computer. It's so good in fact, I would recommend uploading these projects your having trouble with on your PCs and try working on them from there. It doesn't matter what kind of DAW or computer you use, it cross platforms with everything that can run a Chromium based browser. It runs very fine with Microsoft Edge browser on both Windows and Mac PCs, as well Android and iPhones. I wouldn't say it's a replacement for CbB, not yet anyway, but if you crash it somebody else who know what they are doing will fix it for you and it's an EXCELLENT back up. You should try it, it's free, so you don't have anything to lose and many MANY things to gain. Things like fans, collaborators, Oh I can't list them all, free back up storage for projects you don't want to lose while you wrestle with trying to get your aging PC to do what you want it to, or come to grips with the fact that's it's never going to happen.. If you record the drum tracks directly into the EZ Drummer audio output channels without muting the MIDI track(s) for the drums you'll hear both the recorded audio tracks and the MIDI performance tracks playback together and go out of phase. Your LATENCY is so HIGH I'm kind of shocked that you can even recognize the drum performance. And even though I never gamble, I'd be willing to BET you can GREATLY REDUCE latency by getting rid of ASIO4ALL once and for all that as John Vere as already pointed out uses WDM drivers to fool your DAW into thinking you're running ASIO drivers and just use the much newer and much improved Windows WDDM audio drivers which a couple of years ago the bakers at Cakewalk had done a good job to greatly optimize to use for those who can't afford or refuse to spend a couple of dollars on an audio interface that supports real ASIO drivers.
  24. Yes, TTS-1 is super easy on computer resources. And I honesty have to say I'm not a big fan of all it's sounds and voices, but I can't say that about any one particular synth. I never was a fan of Roland's pianos and drum kits which are very much close enough for rock & roll, but I've always preferred my Kawai -K11 1st. and Yamaha's 2sd as far as vintage hardware synths go. But now I'm very fond of XLN Audio's Addictive Keys for recording. But for just about everything else the TTS-1 shines. Very authentic horns and strings provided you don't play out of the various instruments octave ranges. I really like Cakewalk Studio Instruments. Another bundle of very cool stuff that goes generally overlooked and seldom used because they are free. (?) I honestly do believe that they have tons of very cool and extremely useful sounds to add to the pallet that can be found IF YOU give them a chance and work with them long enough to see what they can do.. Like Cakewalk by Bandlab. I'd be willing to bet there are STILL people right here in this forum that are still over suspicious and will go out of there way to find fault with it simply because it free. I still have the last release of SONAR Platinum installed, most because of all the extra ProChannel modules I purchased and licensed 3rd party plugins that came bundled with it that I don't want to live without, and I spark it up every once in a while to compare performance. SPLAT is not only about 10-20% HARDER on computer resources, it doesn't have any of the new WAY TOO COOL features that were added since Bandlab took over. ?? Same goes for Windows 10 too. Too many people held on to Win 7 for so long they didn't even realize that that was the bulk of their problems. Win 10 CLEARLY runs more efficiently with much less problems then Win 7 did. especially when it come to OS upgrading. No more manually searching the web for drivers, no more manually having to SPEND WEEKS reinstalling ALL YOUR SOFTWARE. And last but not least, Win 10 WON'T install if it finds a problem during upgrade installation, it will automatically roll back to the last successful boot. That happened to me once, it was a pretty scary and unnerving hour or so where I seriously considered hitting myself in the head with a board for not manually backing up my system config. But Win 10 did that automatically, it created an image of my c boot drive right before trying to upgrade. And as a 30+ year user of Cakewalk, I think I qualified to say that it just keeps getting better and better, and I do believe the continued support and development is without a doubt equal to 12 Tones & Roland, and MUCH BETTER then Gibson's. ? I do believe the #1 reason sampler synths are typically perceived to sound more authentic is because, being that the samples were recorded/made from the actual instruments, you CAN'T exceed the limits of the actual instruments octave range so you don't or won't get any cheesy, unnatural, or unauthentic sounds from them.
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