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Milton Sica

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Everything posted by Milton Sica

  1. When using Ozone 10 to master, during processing the application presents several clicks, stutters in playback and often abandonment of the audio card. Tips to stop this from happening are very welcome. Thank you very much.
  2. I followed the instructions, but when loading, the project is crashing. In fact, the project must be exactly the same. That's how it works.
  3. Great ! In fact, I think very few people know about this feature. Check if this step by step is correct: 1) Save the mixing scene of the desired project. 2) I open another project that has the same layout specifications. 3) I go to the scenes folder from the previous project and drag it to where? To the new project's scenes folder or where?
  4. Sorry, but for me this doesn't work, because the photographs of the Mixing scenes, as far as I know, belong individually to each project. How can I save a scene from a project so that it can be loaded into another project, that is, the scene can be visible?
  5. The question is: is there a way to apply a mixing template to an existing project. Scenario: 1 - Open project with x tracks, y buses. 2 - Execute or load a mixing template that parameterizes all tracks and buses just like the template, placing volumes, pan, plugins, etc. in the same format and parameters as the template? This is not a track model, but a mix model.
  6. I'm starting to develop a plugin that has some features that are part of my workflow. Where can I get plugin interface documentation (VST3) with Cakewalk, parameters, DLLs involved, etc. All help is welcome.
  7. Thanks, but the that i search no is a new hardware and , yes, one software to do this. Like AutoHotKey or MacroRecorder.
  8. @msmcleod I know this topic has another focus, but I didn't find one where I could ask the question. Could anyone tell me if this new version of SONAR already contains macros for executing tasks such as in REAPER?
  9. I completely agree with this. In fact, "pricing" as stated was already a very poorly thought out strategy, but.....
  10. I live in Brazil where the Real/Dollar exchange rate is 5/1. In other countries in our Latin America the exchange rate disparity is even greater. If we talk about African countries, certainly even more so. So, for those who live in a first world country like you, the exchange rate variation is not significant, but for those of us in the third, fourth, fifth world, pricing is something important in our options. You ask: Did they stay at Cakewalk because it was free? The answer is a resounding YES! Therefore, I am completely sure that, as citizens of countries on this side of the world, we always produce our work with free plugins, free applications, etc. I don't know if I understood the topic, but I tried.
  11. To take advantage of the translation theme. I installed it to test the new SONAR and realized that many screens still remain untranslated into my language (Portuguese). Is this true or not? I post it here in this topic, as there are already so many topics about the new SONAR version that it is quite confusing to follow.
  12. I have been following the posts regarding the new (???) Sonar and would like to make some suggestions regarding the pricing of the product. I believe it would be very interesting, including from the perspective of Marketing and Sales strategy, to propose different prices for the continents. I think this would be very interesting for propagation and even reaching more users. All of this is due to the exchange rate relationship that exists for us in Latin America, Africa, etc., causing the exchange rate difference between our currency and the dollar. For North Americans, Canadians, Europeans, etc. to have this perception, to compare $1.00 (one American dollar) we, Brazilians, have to pay R$5.26 (five reais and twenty-six cents) today. Imagine if the price already stipulated in dollars today in all situations were multiplied by 5.....
  13. I went through this too and gave up. Especially when I've seen in several posts that the tool has many bugs recognized by the development team itself.
  14. This is very strange. I also made 2 posts where, based on Noel himself's statement about the correction of hundreds of BUGs, which were simply deleted from the topics. Do I ask the forum moderators about what types of comments we can make or is it only allowed to make compliments?
  15. I didn't find anything like that and I'm giving up trying here. I'm going to wait for the commercial version to be released and then think about whether I'm going to remigrate, as I'm doing well in REAPER. Thanks.What is the activation procedure? I double click on the box that requests it, sends it to the website and there the procedure is, as far as I can see, hidden.
  16. What is the activation procedure? I double click on the box that requests it, sends it to the website and there the procedure is, as far as I can see, hidden.
  17. Installed. And I remain confused about some things. I found the installation process for this version without any improvements in installation time. The loading time of a project in the previous version I also found to be very slow. When trying to activate me, my BANDLAB username was not accepted. The new interface I found to be very similar to the REAPER that I have been using. I didn't notice access to visual improvements, apart from dark mode. I don't know if I'm right, but it seems like just a "makeup" over the latest free version. It's just an impression. The much talked about improvement in interaction with screens was not taken to the FX Chairs.
  18. I am very confused by this topic. Has the new Sonar already been released or just some that are in the BETA version?
  19. I downloaded and installed Center. In it I commanded the download of Add-ons that did not appear as installed for me, even though they were. I commanded the installation and, even after the installation was completed, CENTER continued to show the image below. Another question I have is the possibility of installing the Theme Editor, as in previous topics I understood that, for the new version of Cakewalk, it will no longer be possible to use the Theme Editor.
  20. I share the solution to a problem that occurred to me this morning. It was impossible to open any project, as it would freeze in the saving phase (which appeared in the UI) and block any interaction. After several attempts, I started to isolate possible problems in my structure. I then remembered another case in the past in which I was able to recover the work and resume operation simply by disconnecting my audio interface from a TASCAM USB that showed no sign of a problem and even worked for other applications. Turning the USB audio interface off and on again did the trick for Cakewalk.
  21. Do what you think is best. It is not surprising that users, like me, are seeking support from various other sources, such as various Facebook groups or even, like me, testing other tools, as much of what is posted here does not have, in the eyes of of moderators, relation to the release feedback thread. It is not admitted or questioned: what exists in this version and in the context of the relationship between Plugins and the application that could be causing what the user is bringing ?
  22. My friend, the version that i using is this and the problem no existing in other versions that i used. Then, i apreciatte your intension, but i understand that post is in the topic, to me, correct. If no is correct, then the moderators change or delete this.
  23. Yes. I think that is a plugin problem into this project. Because if i turn off all plugins is working. I need going isolate the plugins one-by-one to identify the problematic.
  24. Melodyne Region - This is new to me. When i made a melodyne region the daw silence all audio. Tip to solution ?
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