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jackson white

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Everything posted by jackson white

  1. Ouch. Just happened to be looking for OD options, thought I'd try this. Only installed the VST3 version, but it was completely messed up. Instant whine and then completely borked sound through it. Signal sounding like a broken connection and pegged the channel meters w/o playing a note. Or maybe that's what "modern OD" is supposed to sound like, idk...
  2. This is what I thought, assumed. However when I tried to load up one of the modules, I got the 14-day trial notice...!!?? Tried to activate it. No change. I looked at my account and the module is flagged as a [trial license]. Just checked the module again and it shows x days left on the trial. So, apparently not.
  3. But apparently the converse of this does not hold true. I would think the Channel strip provides a bit of extra convenience and the single modules are included. At least that's how my brain works. Perhaps it's because they're Lindell modules.
  4. I have seen this as well. It is a rare and seemingly random event, but recall thinking it may have been related to duplicating/deleting tracks.
  5. Good question. I'm sure you would be just fine with that combination. Of course, you could ask if any EQ is redundant if you already have one but they are different. On the one project I've used them on, the Channel X EQ was the default and the TE-100 for fine tuning as needed. Please note I'm using the full channel strip, not the individual modules which makes it pretty easy to roll the way I did. The ability to swap the order of the modules in the ChannelX is a nice convenience. A better question is why do I have to pay extra to use the stand alone ChannelX modules when I bought the channel strip. I realize I can just insert the channel strip and turn off any module I don't need, but hey, ya know... why not?
  6. I found the TE-100 to be a good one. Sounded 'interesting' but VSTs pack a lot of marketing expertise and decided to demo it first. I'm in the middle of mixing an old school r&b project using a "vintage" ITB setup consisting only of the Lindell ChannelX, UAD EMT 140, Soundtoys EchoBoy Jr for tape echo and a Fender amp style spring reverb. The drums are a Gretsch Round Badge kit with 3 mono kit mics and 2 stereo pairs of Room and OHs. No direct mics. Horn section is a custom patch from the Korg M1 (the only budget samples I have with some grit). Vocals, guitars and bass are real. No presets. I dropped the TE-100 on the P-Bass track and it was instant gratification. A perfect complement to the ChannelX. And it's pretty fun to play with. The modality is a bit different but takes all of 20 secs to figure out and then you just run with it. It might qualify for the quickest time from demo to purchase.
  7. I ran into the exact same issue recently. After initially considering issues such as Workspaces/bugs/etc. opened up the track manager to see that all tracks in the folder for multiple folders had been hidden, but not the track folder itself. ..?? Assuming it might be the inadvertant selection of some keyboard shortcut for now. Wouldn't be the first time.
  8. Your mixes have been great. Would be interesting to see (hear) what differences you might have noticed between the two configurations. fwiw, I've had to relocate my working environment a couple of times and learned some good lessons in the process.
  9. @LarsF Thank you for your post. I was just looking at this as my first investment in Spitfire and noting the reported issues (and the size)! Also thinking the forthcoming articulation enhancements in CxB could be relevant. Did you have any trouble geting it set up and installed in CxB? Any observations on working with "techniques"?
  10. This is a PA issue. Their plugins should display the loaded preset in their UI. They should also allow selection of the provided presests. Their UAD version do. Shouldn't have anything to do with VST3 as other vendors support it. Fwiw, decided to load the channels up with TMT console strips for 9 tracks of drums and promptly got bogged down trying to keep track of which one was what when EQing the different tracks. Maybe there's something wrong with my workflow, but found it pretty annoying. I realize I could prename them and save them in the little ULH corner managed by CxB, but that's hardly optimal or user friendly. I pinged PA support to see if I was missing anything and got the DIY answer of manually loading the presets one at a time and saving them as a CxB preset. They gave the CxB team good props, but didn't answer my question. Plan to try sales next. Maybe that will help.
  11. you have someplace to go?
  12. I recently ran the PA update you mentioned but no change for any that I have. They added some scalable UI options plus fixes, no preset display or manager. I've also made a point to install VST3 only, have not checked any VST2 versions.
  13. made the same observation, but have to ask if it's a PA problem or CxB problem. I assumed PA, because they don't show preset names in their own UI. Most other VSTs I own do. would be nice to see an answer.
  14. https://ddmf.eu/plugindoctor/ Haven't had time to try it, but digging the idea. Meticulously modeled pixels based on claims of vintage wallet busters will never look the same again.
  15. Couldn't have said it better. NB The ability to document guitar voicings using the fretboard display is a most useful feature.
  16. @Josh Wolfer same use case for me. I've been pulling down the top of the multidock while in PRV mode and popping open the arranger track at minimum height Not the ideal scenario, but helps.
  17. Tremelo plugin, originally posted on the Scuffham S-Gear forum by @jbraner https://www.musicalentropy.com/TheGreatEscape.html
  18. Had a similar problem with an Eventide plugin which has been duplicated by the vendor and is being addressed. In this case, switching the track interleave from Stereo to Mono would hang up CxB. FWIW, the Black Rooster plugins I've used have been really good, Don't have the VLA-FET, but just checked the VLA-3A, even though it's lacking any "stereo cfg" and did not see any problems related to track interleave. Not much help, sorry, but contacting BRA might be a good next step as you're seeing an issue in another DAW.
  19. I've looked for VSTs vs the real thing and just picked up the B-15N from PA. Trying to match the vibe/sound for some existing tracks recorded with a FET 47 on a '66 B-15N. Nope. At least not yet. I'm sure I need to spend more time with it but none of the presets (all I had time to check) are close to what I need for some "modern vintage memphis vibe." I've got a mid-70s B-15N parked next to my deck and noting the lack of the "Ultra Hi/Lo" toggles on the emulations. They make a difference. I'd given a few of the others a shot but nothing has ever worked as well for me as just going DI or micing a real amp in a real room. And not sure how you "meticulously model" the volume of air being pummeled to shreds with a real SVT. That's physics, not bits. However, a few guitar VSTs have gotten really good and useful. Maybe an opportunity for a "bass genius" to make this a priority and do it right instead of an afterthought for a guitar based product? If I get something working with these VSTs, I'll post a couple of tracks and let the forum experts weigh in on how well it works in context, which is all that matters. ..... Yeah, B3s. 2nd story venues were bad enough, but those load-ins up/down ice encrusted fire escapes well below the freezing point. Man.... No roadies, no B3s.
  20. I had managed to disable it completely before, but can't remember the exact wording of the spell.
  21. Updated from 1809 to 1909 a week ago. Not exercising it much over the last week, but everything appears to be working. Have some VST authorizations to check. XLN is the only one requiring action so far. Still trying to remember how to kill the Groundhog re-installation of the High Definition Audio Controller on every reboot.
  22. As an update, the issue has been narrowed down to the track interleave set to mono. Same for VST2 or VST3. Works fine in stereo.
  23. This hit my inbox a few days ago. "Drumdrops Launches New Website" with "...we will be adding loads of new packs". Drumdrops made kits that worked in BFD3, so perhaps it's worth hitting up Jack O'Donnell for an investment to convert BFD kits to SD3? If , as mentioned, their operating mode is to milk a dead cow, there should be more potential interest in the well recorded kits than an unsupported product.
  24. The basics are working OK so far (about 1 month). Was expecting larger improvements in latency but unable to come up with buffer settings that make a significant difference without wrecking something else. Using SPDIF, but not ADAT.
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