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Everything posted by smallstonefan

  1. Thanks for this! Looking forward to playing with that interface.
  2. Thanks for this. I’ve been getting into ambient music and music for healing. Some of my favorite music has instruments like these and I didn’t know what they were. Looking forward to playing with this!
  3. Thanks Larry - I picked this up. Sounds fantastic!
  4. Thanks Larry - snagged the Blue for under $12.
  5. I have flagged him as junk, but dang I shouldn't have to. I bought product from the guy and even donated through the "buy me a coffee" thing. The least he could do is honor a do not remove request. He sends a LOT of emails.
  6. ...and Wusik will spam you into the ground. He doesn't honor unsubscribes either (and I bought him a coffee). My advice is to steer clear.
  7. I have it and it's worth every penny.
  8. If they get track follow working in Pro Tools I will buy this. As I recall, that's why I got rid of Console 1 when using Ableton. If it doesn't automatically sync up, not only is it a hassle I did find myself accidentally tweaking the wrong track. This behavior is a non-starter for me.
  9. For under $900 you get the controller AND both plugins! That's actually pretty darn impressive. I would like to see if the buss comp only controls one instance of the plugin (ie on your master buss) or if you can use it as a channel comp. I don't use the SSL comp on my master so if it can't do channel duties that would be a waste.
  10. Wow - lots of names I recognize! James AKA Smallstonefan
  11. Saving my commitments for eating better and working out. I'll buy whatever software floats my boat.
  12. As far as I know they never actually had one. So many of us have complained but it appears they refuse to address it.
  13. NOTE: I think this is only the Console 1 version...
  14. Andrew Scheps uses the Elevate limiter on this master bus. I believe he said it knocks a bit off the kick drum - about 6db at times. I now do as well and the thing does sound fantastic!
  15. Super excited to tell you that my sealed Jehovahkill double-vinyl arrived from Albania today after a 20 day trip. I've only owned the CD and listened through streaming - the vinyl is freaking AWESOME. Thanks for pointing me in the direction for this - I love this album.
  16. I use it. I would find it immensely more valuable if it could read 3rd party midi and let you assign the incoming notes to the instrument slots in XO. It is fun to build your own beats but I would get far more out of it with jumping off points.
  17. I didn't use a code but I did jump on this deal - probably the best value of all the sales.
  18. I just upgraded to an x8 and I'm about to put a Silver 16 up for sale. PS: The converters in the x series are AMAZING.
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