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Everything posted by smallstonefan

  1. I'm curious about this as well...
  2. The upgrade fee from Editor 4 to Editor 5 was reasonable and I'm doing more in Melodyne so I bit. I would like to get Studio for multi-track support but will wait for a sale.
  3. To be honest, I didn't need a <big> push off that ledge!
  4. Hey, I actually tried it with a demo before pulling the trigger - that's a big step for me! lol
  5. So I downloaded the demo and through this on the snare I've been struggling with. Instant improvement so I bought it.
  6. I'd really like to get this, but even at the discounted price I have a hard time justifying this to myself with all the other EQs I have.
  7. I had never heard of this - but bought it from this sale. Thanks Larry!
  8. Thanks for the drum tips! This started out in EZ Drummer but I then moved it to Superior Drummer for more control. Last night I dug into that roll and did very the velocity and timing and I think it sounds much more natural. I need to consider doing that throughout the entire song it sounds like. Again, thanks!
  9. I am fine with the existing colors but would really like better automation editing abilities.
  10. Thanks Tom - I totally agree with you! I'm going to get that fixed.
  11. I feel like I'm getting close to being done with this song (or close to abandoning it, as Alan Parsons might say). Next up is to automate the heck out of it. I welcome any and all feedback and suggestions! https://www.dropbox.com/s/id0cxxromijmr1b/ultravioletMay0701.wav?dl=0
  12. As long as that product has been out you would think they'd be at a point of dropping the price. It makes you wonder how many they would move if this went down to the $199-$250 range...
  13. I have fully switched to Studio One for mixing new projects. I have gotten in a groove with it and I appreciate it's stability. That said, it still seems have to have some growing pains. Interface updates would be welcome! Being able to see the plugins without having to expand a page would be great! Better Faderport integration - tracks I hide in the mixer should not appear on the Faderport. Sends should automatically honor the track's pan. Midi routing with midi filtering (so I can run punchbox from an existing midi drum track) Independent Left/Right pan faders (dual panning, right in console) Big faders or knobs for sends - the tiny interface now is very hard to use. Global clip indicator - I use 4 hardware outs for analog summing and there is no easy way for me to see when one clips other than opening the io area in the mixer. The buses don't actually show clipping for me! Dim Solo Clip Gain Volume Envelopes Route output of of track to input of another Hover cars
  14. I can't find anything I want cheap enough to make use of this. Feel free to give it to someone else!
  15. What I need is a code so I can register a plugin I bought used and not have to pay the $20 fee. PS: It was the Black Box HG2, which is pretty damn amazing on drums.
  16. Hi Drew, The survey was about a month or so ago and it if I recall correctly it was asking about what magazines I read, what forums I visit, maybe some question on tools I use. It had nothing that I can remember about my needs of the software. Sorry I can't offer you more here. As an aside, I run a 44 person software company so I get the challenges better than most. You simply being her and interacting with customers is a HUGE win for you guys - well done!
  17. I could tell things weren't being managed well by the last survey. The survey was 100% marketing - what do you read, where do you go, etc. For a product so long in the tooth there was absolutely nothing about product - what do you need, what would cause you to switch to another platform, etc. I put such feedback in the survey and never heard back. I venture to say I have most of the expansions and love the product, but I just picked up SD3 last week. The big draw for me? Tap to find and the ability to more easily browse and compile midi clips to make a song. Bring a better interface for doing this to BFD and I'm all in. In the mean-time, I find myself hoping that someone creates a kit converter to bring all of my BFD kits over to SD3.
  18. I prefer BFD from a kit perspective but SD3 from a usability perspective. If they put a way to import BFD3 kits and grooves into SD3 I'd be 100% SD3 and never look back.
  19. It feels like BFD has been abandoned for a while now and Superior Drummer 3 has leap-frogged it in in terms of workflow. I broke down and got SD3 this week because of it, which is a shame because I own a TON of kits for BFD. Maybe the new owners will give us a BFD4 that rivals SD3 in features...
  20. I've got a Faderport 16 but I love to see competition like this. No one has made the perfect controller yet but things are getting good. A few more competitive iterations and we might be there...
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