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Jacques Boileau

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Everything posted by Jacques Boileau

  1. Thanks for the work around, but I doubt I would go to that much trouble and I would probably forget to enable/disable it many times. I think I would look for a replacement reverb if I can't get this resolved. I do love the sound of that reverb, but buried into a rock mix, it may not make that much a difference to use another plate reverb. It is one thing to listen to a vocal through it alone than with a few doubled rock guitars, drums, bass and keyboards added to the mix!
  2. Could be, although I don't know how to look for this. But somehow I doubt it because if I switch reverb plugin in the same project, everything works fine. But I will investgate with starting a new project from scratch and just adding an audio track and a bus for the reverb.
  3. This happens with one plugin for me. But it happens on every project. I have contacted the plugin manufacturer and they do not see the problem, but I can't tell if they tried it with Cakewalk. I am reporting this bug here in case it could be some incompatibility that Cakewalk introduces. The plugin is Arturia's Rev Plate-140 reverb. I use it on vocals through a reverb bus. My vocals go to one or more vocal busses and use the send on those busses to send the vocals to the reverb on the reverb bus. Of course the reverb is set to 100% wet in that case. I set the reverb's level on that bus to taste. When I export the song the reverb level is dramatically lower than what I have set it. Moreover, when the I play back the song in Cakewalk after the export the level is also dropped to the same level as in the export! The slider is in the same position, but the level is lower as can be heard and seen on the VU. I need to close and reopen Cakewalk and the project to have the level back to its original level. But there is no way to export these projects with the correct amount of reverb. It is a shame since I like this reverb very much. The only solution for now is to use another reverb plugin.
  4. I have come across a problem with exporting. Here are the steps that lead to it: Created a mix with multiple tracks Created an export task for MP3 export that includes all the tracks (see below) Exported the song and everything was fine Decided to add one more guitar tracks to this project Updated the task adding this track and using 'Update Task with Curent Settings' Exported the song and the new added track was not included Made a copy of the export task by loading the failed one and using 'Add Task to Queue' with a different name Exported the song and the new track was now included I haven't tried to reproduce the problem so I can't tell if it was a one time fluke.
  5. This new tutorial is for the newest version of Cakewalk, that is a big plus. Many of the older tutorials may still be relevant but confusing for beginners since some key parts have changed a lot like the export dialog. It also puts Cakewalk in view for anyone browsing Groove3 who might not be aware of it. Of course this new tutorial will be dated as soon as the eagerly awaited, just around the corner, new version of Cakewalk comes out! ?
  6. Shows up as 29.99 for me, so 9.99 with coupon. What makes you so special that you get an extra discount I don't get? ?
  7. Hum, I like both of these guys, but honestly fail to see any similitude of subject between those videos...
  8. I didn't that. Thanks for the info. Similar functionality has Izotope's tonal balance?
  9. https://www.voxengo.com/product/span/
  10. Nice! Always loved that song. Job well done.
  11. I am not worried personally, but I sure am eager/curious/interested/impatient for every release the bakers put out. This one is no exception. I can't wait to see and try the new stuff they have done for Cakewalk. Yes it is taking longer than usual, but that's ok.
  12. In this thread's case a least: Esteban is not a troll.
  13. I just tried it. The Engine Load stays relatively the same but the CPU load in task manager goes down a bit, from 21% to about 17%. So the GUI does a have some effect, but not that much. As @reginaldStjohn stated, Engine Load probably does not include GUI load, which makes sense. But what really baffles me is that removing SSL Flex Verb keeps the CPU load of Cakewalk at 15%! In task manager Cakewalk, with just the basic project loaded takes 1.5% of CPU. If I load Flex Verb it goes up to 21%, if I close the Flex Verb GUI it goes down to 17% and then if I remove Flex Verb it goes down to 15%. Never does it go back to its initial 1.5%! I just wonder how a VST3 could keep its host using CPU cycles AFTER it is removed.
  14. While doing some test I came across a strange behavior. I had noticed that a plugin seemed to have high CPU usage. But loading it in an empty Cakewalk project, I noticed that task manager and Cakewalk reported very different CPU usage. Normally, if I simply load the basic project, task manager and Cakewalk's engine load report very similar CPU usage of around 1.5% on my PC. Then if I add an instance of SSL Native Flex Verb on the track, the engine load goes up to around 12% but task manager shows 21% CPU usage, almost double. Of course this fluctuates, but task manager always shows much higher CPU usage than Engine Load. One other very peculiar observation I made is that if I remove the plugin on that track the CPU goes down a bit but stays high in task manager, as if the plugin is stuck in memory. It goes down to only about 15% with the plugin removed, while the Engine Load in Cakewalk goes down to almost 0%. I imagine that the problem reside with the plugin, not with Cakewalk, since I can reproduce the same behavior with other VST hosts (ex. Cantabile). But I am very curious what this might be caused by and there are very knowledgeable people and devs on this forum that might be able to explain this. Not all the SSL plugin exhibit this behavior, but of the 12 I own, 10 create this behavior. It seems SSL plugins are quite CPU hungry unfortunately. If I compare Izotope Neoverb, which has an Engine Load of 3-4% to Flex Verb's 8-9%, it is quite a dramatic difference. And when I remove Neo Verb, the Engine Load comes down to the base level of 1.5%.
  15. @Zo I had a chance to check and it is as I remembered. There was progress made, AT5 is not as CPU hungry as it was when it was first launched and is actually pretty good for the quality of sound it produces. Good enough that always I use the latest version they put out now. BUT, as I remembered also, there is still the bug with the routing going on. For those that don't know, if you click on dual routing an back on single routing, the CPU usage goes down. Unfortunatly, no one wants to do this on every track every time we load a project. So to summarize: AT5's CPU usage is now pretty good, much better than when it launched, but could be truly awesome if they could fix this routing thing.
  16. I will check it next week. But if I remember correctly, the cpu hit was lessen a few revision back. It may not be as low as we would like, it never is, but it was acceptable. I am not running an older version anymore, I use the latest. I'll redo my tests next week and report back.
  17. But I believe these are only VST2. Nothing wrong with using VST2, but it shows the company didn't want to invest in new development for these for longer than just Apple silicon.
  18. Since I live in Canada I went with suppliers in Canada to save on shipping, customs, etc. I got the kit from Solo music gear. I change the nut to a Graphtech tusk nut and Tone Emporium 59 pickups. I could not get the pickups that came with the kit to be balanced volume wise to each other. But in any case the Tone Emporium ones were such a great upgrade in sound that it was a blessing in disguise. I like the black hardware. It complements the figured splatted maple well. I don't think they have this same kit with black hardware anymore. And maybe the new kits pickups are better than what I got in my kit 4 years ago. As @Starship Krupa, I used TruOil for the finish. I first filled the pores of the mahogany and applied many coats of TruOil. I actually went through the small bottle completely. The finish is great. I never thought it would be that easy to get such a great finish. I did a decal for the headstock and it stays in place underneath the TruOil. Most important: although I do have an old strat, an Ibanez and e few other guitars, I also still love to play and record with this guitar. I don't have an original Les Paul, so this one fills that void.
  19. I am glad I didn't reach genius status on this test. It would have discredited the test completely! ?
  20. Yes, it works for me now too. But now since I have tried it, I think it would be nice if it would compensate for gain increase from the plugin. For example, with the curve for my Beyerdynamic DT 900 X, there is a boost at around 4k of 3.7db. When you have a mix with mastering or loudness plugins that bring the level to near 0db, the 3.7db from the plugin is quite enough to drive the level into the red. Other plugin that do calibration have a reduced levels exactly for that. I have sent my sugestion to Hornet.
  21. I believe so, yes. Sonarworks has a plugin version for your DAW but it also has a system wide version that will correct all audio on the system. From their web page: Ehen I installed SoundID for headphones it created a start menu item to start the app which then resides in the task bar tray:
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