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Jacques Boileau

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Everything posted by Jacques Boileau

  1. I do the same but call the category ".Favorites". That way it appears at the top of the list.
  2. I am not in the know, what happened? Edit: Nevermind, I just read the other thread...
  3. If it is just to take a look, you can load an existing project, play a little with it. You just can't save any changes though. But at least you'll have some idea of what is coming. You'll be nagged that it is not activated once in a while, but that can be dismiss.
  4. The labeling of your screen shots is reversed, no?
  5. Less CPU load? I don't know if correction software is CPU hungry.
  6. Yes if you buy the 299$ package since the hardware box is external by definition. But I assume your question is for the software only version and I don't think they have a system wide driver. I think they would have advertised it if they did and since they have a solution for this through their hardware box, I don't see the point for them to develop a system wide driver.
  7. ... and we want it now! (sung to the tune of Queen's We Want it All) ?
  8. Totally agree with you Brian. I just can't understand how offering this service for free makes financial sense for them.
  9. Well, the review states that their ToneSnap modeling features uses cloud servers to do the processing. How long can these servers be available now that the software us free?
  10. You should look into freezing tracks. It is there exactly for that purpose and it has worked very well for me in the same situation as you have: tons of guitar tracks with amp sims. If you were doing the bounce dance, then I assume you may not know about of the freeze function. It is this button that freezes a track. You can always taw a track (un-freeze) if you need to tweak it and then freeze it again.
  11. So, let me get this right, it's A minor day? ?
  12. I had a different problem. Since I upgraded to the newest version, everytime I run the plugin it keep asking me to login to UA connect which is running and I am logged in properly. So the UI of the plugin stays blurred and I can't do anything with it. Since I have other LA-2A plugins I decided UA's one wasn't worth the agravation.
  13. Presently it's $29 on their website. https://kilohearts.com/products/snap_heap
  14. Yep! Especially the left kid with an extra hand under the armpit! ?
  15. Sonarworks also does mix room simulation, but as an addon to their headphone calibration software. https://www.sonarworks.com/soundid-reference/virtual-monitoring
  16. As far as isolating vocals, I took a listen to their demo and there is a lot of artifacts. At least to my taste and compared to Supertone Clear (Goyo Beta). I feel Clear gives much better results at isolating vocals.
  17. There is an article about them here, but the link to download them does not work anymore. Maybe that is where you read about them a while back. EDIT: And also discussed on this obscured, not well known site ? But yeah, it seems they have taken them down unfortunatly.
  18. I think it is only available to those who already own it. The email states that it is a free upgrade. I received an email like this for the AVA Mastering EQ which I had picked up in a giveaway. That worked, although like others it hasn't showed up yet in my iLock account. But this one I haven't received an email for it, probably because I don't own it, and I can't get free of charge either, which makes sense.
  19. Sometimes I think this site is being spammed again. Then I realize it is just that Larry came back from vacation!
  20. I read that UAD does not allow tweaking R37 on this LA2A, but that they have it fixed at a useful setting. Whatever that is.
  21. I was using Mixbus before Cakewalk free jumped on the scene and I moved to it. I did like Mixbus and still have version 5 installed. It might be an avenue for me if Cakewalk Sonar is too expensive for me. I imagine I could upgrade to the latest Mixbus for a reasonable fee.
  22. But, but, but, I need a model for guys with little to no talent! ?
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