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Jacques Boileau

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Everything posted by Jacques Boileau

  1. This looks very interesting. Never knew it's existence until now. Thanks @msmcleod for sharing. I am trying to understand if it can help me in one area. I have a Focusrite 2i2 as my main interface and I have a Boss GT-1 guitar multieffect that also has a usb interface. Of course presently it's one or the other in Cakewalk. Could I use Odeus AsioLink and have the Boss GT-1 as an input and the Focusrite as the output?
  2. Up to you, but the original post contains a direct link to the site to subscribe to. It's the second link.
  3. No it won't. You have subscribed to the wrong site. On the other hand, subscribing to BPB site is a very good thing! ?
  4. I believe that once you have the code you can register it whenever you like. Personnaly, I have seen these promotion go wrong and sometimes the same code sent to two different people. So I don't take chances anymore and jump on the free stuff as fast as frog's tongue lapping a fly!
  5. Get the Waves Renaissance Vox ($79 value) vocal compressor plugin for free by subscribing to Valentina Bilancieri’s mailing list before October 15th, 2020. https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2020/10/03/waves-renaissance-vox-free/ Link to the site to register: https://www.bigacreations.com/
  6. Wow, I am so impressed! I never knew you where so good with Photoshop! Its almost like it really happened! ?
  7. Not its not me, although I thought the sunglasses would throw you off! ? I do the same with my car... when the streets are snow covered and slippery! ? First day: didn't eat becan, watched only 45min of TV, so far so good, crossing my fingers...
  8. A shot of me after my last day! Couldn't help myself...
  9. Thanks everyone! It certainly feels great! I had a great career as a software developer, but I will enjoy doing something else with my computer!
  10. ...today is my last day of work! ? I will finally concentrate on music from now on! My kids: 'Hey dad, you will have plenty of time now!' Me: 'With all I wanna do, I will barely have enough!' Putting overtime in the studio does not feel that bad of an idea though. ?
  11. The Doc is back?!?! I never even knew he had left!!?!?! ? Maybe the fact that I have been here for just a little while might explain things... ?
  12. Boy, Reason Rack Plugin Lite is being given away a lot lately. This is the 3rd giveaway I am aware of in the past couple of months...
  13. Just tried loading my project which has a few Omni channels in it and it loaded fine and played back fine. I am using the latest CbB.
  14. I used it in a mix end of last week without any problem. I have the latest CbB installed, I'll check tomorrow morning if my project still opens and report back.
  15. Works fine here too, well better than before with all the fixes! Are you installing in English or another language? It rarely, but sometimes makes a difference.
  16. Requires Mixbus/Mixbus32C DAW for those who are not aware.
  17. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?item_id=9862 Worldwide link for those outside the US https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?id=freetracksclassicclipper
  18. Probably Nectar 3 Plus more money! ? I saw that do, strange.
  19. Yep, If you don't have another IK product you can get that product, but only if you buy this as your first product, but its different if you can crossgrade, then you can have it cheaper if you buy this instead as your first product but it can't be hardware as your second product, but if you have jam points its a totally new story... My brain is melting... @Peter don't worry I'm ok, I just needed to laugh a little ?, love IK!
  20. Even if you don't buy anything in this group buy, you must admit this thread will have been a huge brain exercise! ??
  21. I updated my Nectar 3 but their site does not have release notes for 3.2. I wonder what's changed...
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