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Jacques Boileau

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Everything posted by Jacques Boileau

  1. Thanks, but the deal is gone anyway. I just lost the chance to have even more plugins that I don't use for a very low price! I also gain time that I won't be speeding learning these new plugins. Not that bad. 😋 I do use a lot of IK stuff, but I do feel I already have more than I can handle plugin wise. Who knew I'd find that having too many plugins might be a reality! Too much time involved in learning them and a too much time taken by plugin scans. But it still would have been fun to look at the new stuff... I guess we are incorrigible plugin junkies!
  2. Do I need to have T-Racks 5 max to upgrade or the fact that I have T-Racks 5 with than half the modules is enough?
  3. Well if the US would have been the 11th province at least my order would have gone through!
  4. Installed and used are 2 different things. Have you tried renaming it, temporarily, and starting Cakewalk if anything breaks? Could it just be the install app that hasn't been updated?
  5. I haven't upgraded yet and can't say if it is worth it, but there is a UI upgrade that will certainly show on any OS.
  6. Incredibly enough, they revamped their nice plugin suite for the second to last issue. I guess the cancellation was a last minute thing.
  7. The guy doing most of the deals here was the user cclarry. I think he was banned or he just left, not sure. I don't know the whole story. But if you google cclarry you might find where he post now.
  8. If I remember correctly, what was stated is that there will not be new functionality on the free version but there would be bug fixes if something is broken. That would include, I am sure, activation problems.
  9. Or you may be able to get it through your local library. I have access to it through the Libby app that is supported by my library. I get access to SOS, Computer Music, Beat and many other mags. This in Quebec, Canada. YMMV depending on where you live.
  10. Well, since many here are remarking that the age group is high on this forum: Happy grand-father's day!
  11. Thanks for the input guys. I think Mixcraft seems a viable alternative and reasonably priced. But now that CbB remains available for, hopefully a while, I will keep using it for now. But at least I now know that there are good alternatives if the need arrises down the road. Although I would enjoy the new Sonar and all the new features to come, CbB does the job fine as it is and I have no use for the other Bandlab services in what I do. So the subscription is not really for me. In any case, I would rather be a better musician than have a better DAW! ?
  12. That's what I was looking for. I guess I should have looked on Celemony's web site. Now I know all DAWs rhat support it. It is much easier/nicer to use Melodyne in an ARA window. Thanks!
  13. I read the title too quickly and thought the new release was 1.6.2. I kept trying to upgrade but couldn't. So for any one not very bright as I am, the latest release is ?
  14. We should not assume that because there are no plan revealed that there is no plan.
  15. I believe it's in the song. It's mostly in the second drum loop clip, but also in the Fireworks track and Noisy clap track.
  16. Anyone got it to work with a Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 2nd gen interface? I can choose it as the interface in the hardware tab, but there is nothing in the i/o settings tab and playback is still disabled. If I click on the Asio Control Panel Show button nothing happens.
  17. Ah! Matane famous for it's shrimp industry! ? I was born in Montreal, but now live in Laval. Not much difference, just a bridge away. Like your Expos baseball. I was gifted an autograph baseball bat by Rusty Staub as a very young kid. Unfortunately it was lost somehow. But I know my mom would clean up our rooms with a bit too much zeal while we were away in summer camps. I can't seem to know where that baseball bat went along with a rug with the faces of the Beatles on it, my Beatles black and white mint original card collection and my Batman mint card collection. Loved my mom, but wish she hadn't done that! I was of course a big Beatle fan back then. When I saw them on the Ed Sullivan show as a very young kid I had two take away: one, I wanted to learn English so I would understand what they were singing and two, I wanted to play guitar. I did both! Great influence. Here is a shot of my 1974 Strat. It is far from original since I played it a lot and experimented on it. Although I still have the original parts, it is now outfitted with a Callaham vintage tremolo, locking tuners, a graphite nut and older, not available anymore, Seymour Duncan stacked pickup. Changed the 3-way for a 5-way. I have a wiring that has volume, a master tone and a blend control that enables me to mix in some of the neck while in the bridge position for a little fatter sound. Great for the Comfortably Numb second solo. Changed the knobs a few years ago since I couldn't read anything on the old ones anymore. I know I lost in value, but hey I was young for some of the changes and didn't know better, but gain so much in playability. I have no regrets.
  18. Wow, great story. The stars were aligned that day. ? Being from Montreal, I'd be curious to know what that small french canadian town was. Not the same, but I still play my 1974 Olympic White Strat. I have had other guitars through the years, but always come back to my first real guitar I bought used for 300$ some 45 years ago. Jamming with my band this afternoon with it.
  19. To clean up unused files, you can also use 'Utilties > Clean Audio Folder' to have Cakewalk list unused files and delete them.
  20. This is not an installation manager. It does not install a manager. It is simply a global installer that has the ability to install any or all of their product. You pick which ones you want to install and when it is done installing the installer closes.
  21. Luckily here in Montreal, it was clear skys for the duration. I got to watch 2 minutes of total eclipse, quite a sight.
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