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Everything posted by pseudopop

  1. So if you don't mind me asking, why are you holding off?
  2. I take it that UVI doesn't reward loyalty and you suspect there isn't going to be a reasonably priced upgrade path?
  3. Alas, Speculative Memories is excluded from NJL promotion.
  4. So in case it isn't clear, you can buy more than one product with the voucher code NJL30, and you can use it several times. I bought earlier today two Originals and four more just now. A rare pleasant case of an unexpected expense.
  5. What? I thought you could pick only from those 12 libraries listed on the promo page. Very misleading. I need to dig out my wallet again.
  6. Nice. Here are the eligible products: https://www.spitfireaudio.com/pages/nathan-james-larsen I think I'll pick up some of the Originals, since those are rarely discounted. Edit: You can actually use the code on other products, too.
  7. The price of the vocoder bundle went up, too, so that's off my list. Well, that's just more money to spend on other developers.
  8. I, too, always compare $/GB when deciding which instrument libraries to buy. 8Dio's are the best!
  9. I'm both relieved and sad that so many others have selected the "over 1000" option. It's easy to forget that this place is a kind of an echo chamber that often lacks a voice of reason that would say "don't buy it, you don't need it". As an aside: It would be interesting if major DAWs collected statistics of installed plugins and plugins that were actually active when tracks were bounced. We could then use that data to create a table that showed which plugins people prefer over others. This is something I often wonder when people recommend a plugin, because I don't know what other plugins they have. It's easy to recommend some cheap EQ if that's all you have, but if you have a dozen $200+ EQs and still always use the cheap one, that recommendation carries a different weight.
  10. Normally $20. Available until 29th September 11:59 PM AEST. https://www.zenhiser.com/collections/drum-sounds-fills-machines-samples/products/the-dubstep-drum-kit-02
  11. I have both plugin fatigue and synth fatigue, but the vocoders and Chor'X look interesting.
  12. I pay 24% VAT so $29.99 is actually $37.19 + currency conversion fee = almost $40, so it's not a very good deal for me. I'm willing to pay that much for the Kirchhoff EQ (even though I know the price will go lower than that later), but I can't see myself paying that much for anything else. I'm good as long as they release it before my voucher expires. How much has it been delayed?
  13. $28.27 for Claro is crazy low. The price has dropped almost as fast as for a PA plugin.
  14. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
  15. Yeah, that is a pretty sweet deal, considering I don't have either. To save everyone a click, here's how the stacked discount works: Too bad they don't have any $10 plugins for sale.
  16. It looks like you are missing Liquidshaper and NoiseShaper from the full ShaperBox suite, so the price seems correct. Since the upgrade from the full bundle is $29, you are in fact getting two new plugins for $5 each, which sounds like a good deal to me. Edit: The LiquidShaper is actually new to the bundle, so $10 for NoiseShaper. Still ok in my opinion.
  17. Looks like I could get both Mammoth and Rhino for $36.12 with my newsletter voucher. Are they worth it? I recall someone saying nice things about Mammoth.
  18. They had me at "robotic automation". https://www.skyboxaudio.com/pages/robot
  19. Also: this reminded me that I still haven't downloaded those gazillion Zampler sounds that were previously free.
  20. Also included in the Beatmaker Bundle ($39 at Audio Deluxe) with Turmoil District and Low End Theory sound packs, or $13 per pack.
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