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Everything posted by pseudopop

  1. I think I'm missing only FAME Studio Reverb and TASCAM Tape Collection, and I'm in no hurry to get either. Two things to remember, though: Historically, if you already have TS MAX it has been cheaper to upgrade to a newer version of TS MAX than to participate in group buys. But since my TS MAX is version 2.0, I don't have an upgrade path anymore. Maxgrade offers like this are my only option. Decisions, decisions...
  2. I don't consider this a duplicate deal / double post, since Zolton's post was in a thread about Minipol Pro. I would have completely missed this offer if you hadn't made a new topic, so thank you, Peter. Since the topics sometimes drop out of sight faster than the end credits of an average tv soap, I don't mind if some deals get posted twice. If I've seen it before, I can just ignore it. If not, I thank the poster for double posting and bringing it to my attention.
  3. If you're looking for alternatives for photography, there's some (sprawling and geeky) discussion about Affinity 2 update at Hacker News where people mentioned some alternatives. The three that came up most often are digiKam, RawTherapee and darktable. I haven't used any of them so can't say if they are any good, but they are all free. I have obviously spent too much time on the wrong side of the Internet, but I shall not elaborate that further least you think less of me.
  4. Uh... *cough* Of course not... Manual check it is, then. Thanks.
  5. I suppose there isn't a page that would automatically show me what I'm missing from TS 3.5 MAX?
  6. What words should I google to learn more about this feature? I heard there won't be any updates for v1 anymore. No bug fixes, security patches, OS compatibility updates, etc. If you're on Mac that's a pretty compelling reason, I guess.
  7. What stings me the most is that I don't need Publisher and I don't need the iOS versions. I'm opposed to paying for stuff I don't need and I feel like I'm railroaded into buying the universal license, instead of being given a reasonable upgrade path. The universal license is certainly a good deal, if you are a new customer. Upgrading two products for (practically) the same price as a new customer gets the full package is not a good deal, IMO. I will probably get the universal license to support Serif and because I do need these tools occasionally, but I will crumble audibly about people not valuing existing customers anymore while logging in to PayPal.
  8. My plan is to not buy anything from IK until Total Studio MAX 4 or 5, and then wait for this kind of price point. Unless IK introduces a pricing model where your TS upgrade price is based on what you already own.
  9. Sure, I could do that. Or since most Kontakt instruments live inside a single folder, I could just zip that folder after installation and save the zip file somewhere. If I later needed to install it again, I could just unzip those files and point NA to the right location. Or NA could just ask me if I wanted to keep the downloaded files and save me the trouble. You can also extract them with 7zip, probably with some other archive tools too.
  10. Not all of us have hardware synths lying around. Or even have had a hardware synth at some point. Not to mention a color printer to print that card. Or a friend with a color printer. Or a friend. Oh, wait: Hmm...
  11. Unfortunately it does. Nothing in that folder.
  12. v3 is slow for me, too. It doesn't take minutes to start but much longer than v1. I had an interesting experience trying to install Audio Imperia's Solo last week. Luckily it's only about 84 GB but it took a few tries. Somehow the download was corrupted (apparantely there are no integrity checks) and Native Access got stuck during the installation. There was no error message but I realized what the problem was when I tried to run the installer manually. I had to delete the downloaded .iso file before Native Access allowed me to redownload it. Otherwise it would just continue with the installation, and I couldn't find a way to abort it. I wish NI would give us direct links to the installation files. Installing would be much easier and I could archive the files so I wouldn't have to download them again.
  13. Spot pricing has entered the plugin market! In addition we are already seeing signs of futures trading as people speculate about the price of Zebra 3. Come to think of it, we have plenty of plugins with artificially inflated value, too. I'm going to hold on to all my old plugins in case their value increases in the future!
  14. Has anyone come across a better price than ~$179 for EU residents? You can currently get it at that price from AudioDeluxe + you get $8.94 in Deluxe Bucks and the Royal Compressor, so that's the best deal I have found so far. Urs has said that "resellers have been asked to remove Zebra 2 from their shops in the next few days", so I'm trying to decide/guess what Zebra 2, Dark Zebra and Zebra 3 are worth to me before I lose my window of opportunity. Is there a YouTube demo that does exceptionally good job at selling this synth?
  15. Nice. I was missing this one from the Synth Stack.
  16. So, is this like: iZotope publicly: "Oh noes! It seems we have another glitch. Please do not take advantage of us while we take the rest of the month to sort this silly thing out." iZotope privately: "F**k yes, the glitch marketing strategy is working! The money is pouring in! Bwa-ha-haa!" Is that about right?
  17. It's a shame Toontrack doesn't allow 3rd party developers into their ecosystem. I woudn't hesitate to buy this if this was an SDX.
  18. Well dang. I guess I need to be in touch with them.
  19. Did you guys get any kind of loyalty vouchers last month? Because I didn't and I haven't received any email from them since last September, besides purchase receipts.
  20. All the prices seem to be higher than what JRR and others are offering, even after the price increases and voucher removals.
  21. My search through VIC forum has led me to the conclusion, that these instruments can sound quite nice but they need some effort to get there they are designed to sound "out of control", so don't expect precision there is some unfortunate dynamic variation/randomness that may or may not be difficult to work around some hate them, some love them ie. nothing out of the ordinary when it comes to 8dio. Anyhow, I went with the trumpet and trombone.
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