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Everything posted by Kamikaze

  1. Hello evryone I've just cloned my Hard drive to an SSD (EVO). I put the laptop out f action about a year plus, as I had multiple OS, driver, and hardware issues. Windows was stuck in an update loop, and sometimes wouldn't load. As a result many of my passwords have hanged over the course, So I'm having to reenter passwords. I'm concerned about software with a restricted number of authorized machines, and the authorization getting stuck on an old hard drive. iTunes account said it needed authorization, but I may have de-athourised that before shutting it down a year back, just to be sage (Something I'd do, but can't recall doing it) XLN needed authorization, but Windows update alone causes that. Cakewalk was in demo mode, but I was having issues with the BandLab installer back then (latest installer installed without a hitch) I guess my question is this. If an drive is cloned, and at the time, the software was authorized, should all these authorizations work on the cloned drive? Or do some suppliers use the hard drive itself in identifying the machine.
  2. Cool. My suggestion was to rule out a routing issue (if it works in PRV, then routing is correect), and when you convert to step sequencer, it only creates rows for the notes used in PRV (making it easy to indentfy the note assignments). I only use one drum map (AD2), but I use Step Sequencer a lot, and its use of drum maps makes using AD2 much easier. It's worth taking Scook's advice and setting up a rum map for your drum VST.
  3. Does it work from PRV. If so, try creating a bar of beats, then converting to step sequencer.
  4. I use step sequencer, and having the names displayed is really handy for working with different articulations, having all 12 hats available together for example.
  5. Pretty much the same here. The swapping valves interested me. I made some requests about the looper 6 months ago, but there are mixed feelings on it, but at least they have invested in it, so may want to get it right. One youtube review talked about a tighter stronger bass response in all the models, which may be the tipping point, being I use it for bass a lot. Seeing some of overlouds recent sales, I think I can wait (saving for a motorbike)
  6. Yeah, the last installer update led nowhere.
  7. 'Destroying' seems to be the current youtube click bait title, unless its a science/engineering channel. Part of the problem is watching something that shows fault in someones position, is that it then causes anything with that person name being suggested, which is often then 'pro' that person.
  8. Youtube seems to be on a mission to make me watch him. You can tell a video suggestion you're not interested for a number of reasons, but for 'anything with Jordan Peterson in the title'. deleting watch history doesn't stop youtube spewing suggestions at me.
  9. I got rid of my Emu 6400 ultra a few years back. The person who bought it was so chuffed to get it. So one way of looking at it, would be will it be getting the use it was made for. You could always put the money into something physical, such as a mic, so you can always have the connection.
  10. Try hitting F, for fit to screen. If that doesn't work H, and see if its hidden for some reason.
  11. I vote for a Questions forum, with an Answers sub forum.
  12. If you rotated mine, the edge highlight and low light wouldn't work. It has a background PNG, a Grip PNG, and an Icon PNG. It just creates the text automatically. The Horizontal Collapsed isn't different between Tungsten and Mercury, so i you compare you theme to mine in the image above you'll see the difference. You can change the texture if you wanted
  13. Vertical Collapsed can be re-painted, Horizontal collapsed seems the be a default text colour (but the icons are available for repainting) EDIT: These two
  14. The 'Insert Piz here' MidiChords is deceptivley flexible. It has 3 Trigger modes, with full enabling full user input The Strum function can be shaped nicely, with the note spacing increasing/deceasing in time and velocity. Although for mean for guitar, it's sounds great on keys You can trigger more than one midi channel, by right clicking each note, assign the output. So a root can go to trombone, and middle to Tenor, and the top not to trumpet This means you can send the root to the root and fith/octave to one track, and the top 4 note to another. Then apply the MFX from sonar to the top 4 notes only for arpeggio, whilst sustaining the root and filth on the other track. All from one key
  15. Also I don't know if the collapsed (horizontal) control bar fonts can be edited the Theme Editor
  16. Frustratingly its Control Bar > Modules > Transport Global > Alternative Text #2 Track View > Focused Track Text Track View > Unfocused Text Then some are part of the PNGs, such as TO/BY, Loop, Performance, Collapsed (Vertical) modules. I wish (as I guess you will) they were fully independent as Control bar may contract against the rest of the theme, but the font colour make the options really restrictive.
  17. I like watching the odd Stand Up on Youtube, but in general I'm not that into US stand ups. I'm English, so maybe a cultrual thing, but I can't help thinking some of the career standups are over rated. Bill Burr is one. I'm not offended by his humour, in fact I don't see him as edgy as maybe he sees himself. He just makes observations sometime these are amusing sometimes, him doing a silly voice is just annoying, but I never find myself cracking up. The same with Louie CK, I really don't get how people in the audience are loosing it to him. So I guess this is because I'm British so maybe it doesn't come across the same way. Recently I've been watching Micky Flanagan, which may be the antithesis being very English and very London in particular. Cracks me up. Frankie Boyle really does do offensive, cracks me up too. Stewart Lee, in a class of his own. Even Australian humour is similar, Jim Jeffries, and Steve Hughs both get my laughing out loud. Do Americans find Brits that Funny, and vs versa?
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