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Everything posted by Kamikaze

  1. Personally I was hoping they'd make it do 10 to 20 band envelope following and rebrand it Volcoder
  2. I've messaged Sample Modelling, it's not clear on their site. One of the contact links wasn't working, but I found another.
  3. Kicked myself when I found out about them, as it after a delivery of modal synths and things, when that white version was available.
  4. As does the stock. I'm slightly worried the Microfreak will go out of a stock (as it has been for most of the year), but the new Hydrasynth Explorer is 4-5 weeks awayfrom coming in. I'm also trying to return a fault Skulpt, but I can't find a shipper. So that should put a credit note o hopefully in time for the Hydrasynth. But if either go on offer, I place the order and have to let the credit note sit there. Edit: Thomann
  5. Yeah, I have a basket sitting with Thomann, that I'm waiting to submit just after Black Friday, in case they put a special on something like the Microfreak.
  6. If anyone knows about de-authorising Native Instruments, please can you jump on this thread and let me know.
  7. Does anyone know how to de-authorize native instrument sample packs. I'm mainly bothered about my Sample Modelling Brass Library, but I have some smaller ones too. I treid searches but get contradictory replies and suggestions that don't work. I tried moving the libraries, but Native Access just offers a 'Repair' or 'Relocate' option, not an uninstall as one user suggested. They are on a laptop I am shutting down, so I just want peace of mind I don't lose the Licenses on the way.
  8. MY understanding and I could be wrong here is that Samplemodelling is using very small samples that are combined to make a single sound when performed, whereas Audiomodelling is more Virtual Modelling.
  9. I only have the cello, which I picked up after the Samplemodelling/Audiomodelling split up. I have the samplemodelling full brass. I've been away from comuter based music for a couple of years and just recently discovered Audiomodelling now have a full brass too. I love my brass, and it was big investment for me, but out of intrigue I searched for an Audiomoedlling vs Samplemodelly Brass head to head. I thought it would closer and worried a little I'd be seeking the Audiomodelling brass next. But I didn't, it seemed really clear that Samplemodelling sounded better. I'm not knocking Audiomodelling concept, I want to add Viola, and their Clarinets, but I'm glad I have Sample Modelling's brass instead.
  10. Not sure Berzerk is the right name for it, but it's definitely a few sandwiches short of a lunchbox.
  11. Just installed, so if you are still wondering, Shimmer Shake Strike only has 2 fruits, Banana and Apple. Fruit shake has Banana, Orange, Carrot and Lemon
  12. 159USD get you the Softube 84 Juno Synth.
  13. SHIMMER SHAKE STRIKE & EXPANSION $47.98 seems a fair price. I've got all of XLNs percussion plus Native Instruments Cuba collection. There is a little overlap but this seems to compliment them well.
  14. Figured it out. I had to re-sync Waves central on my Desktop to see that the plugin license was now on the cloud. If I didn't it was flagged as recover, for which there is one a year, but after it's flagged as Activate.
  15. Even the Version 10 installer checks for updates, doesn't realize itself is out of date, ad doesn't have a check for updates build into it. Now installed Version the latest version of Central on my laptop. .
  16. Yeah I have 19 manufacturers and I am working through them methodically with notes. So far the only manufacture I haven't successfully installed and authorized is Waves. All the other were pretty easy, but this one has me baffled. I have 10 manufacturers deauthorized, so I'm working on that now. I'll update Waves on the laptop, but I still don't know what I am trying to do. I just want it all on my new desktop. I think before I touch the remaining (and most important of the 5) on the laptop I get sibilance activated. What exactly am I meat to be doing?
  17. I've just built my first PC and am transferring all my out of laptop. Mostly going well, but the Waves installer is doing my head in and the one opportunity a year warning is making me anxious. I had 4 plug ins activated on my laptop, and one not in use (H-Comp). Installed Waves on my my Desktop, and had the H-Comp activated in C drive (The others say Windows, but I assum that;s because they are on the laptops C drive and it runs windows). So I did a test with Sibilance, as I've never used it, and it ended up on a license cloud, not the desktop. How do the other 3, and get the Sibilence off the cloude and on to the desktop
  18. Yey! I did it. just installed Windows, so now time to set it all up. 10900K 16GB 1TB SSD Feeling good. On of the RGB fans isn't lighting up, so I'll have to take it in to the shop to find the error, but I just the RGB because they were cheaper and more available. You can't see them anyway, as the glass wall faces a wall, and the top vent has a raised coved fo my cats to sit on and not clod up the vent with hair, or use as a scraping post. . Thanks for you input Jack, helped get my straight from the outset. I also go a Gold+ 850W PSU, so should I get a graphics card in the future I've got some headroom. No interest in games, but Blender and Video editing could be really helpful making classroom resources. So glad I didn't go for an off the shelf.
  19. Price wise, now I have costed out a build it's cheaper to build, for an equivalent machine, and just a little extra gets you a stack more. When you look at the higher end desktops here, they seems to be targeted at gamers, and there is a big jump, due to graphics cards. I placed my order with Phuong Vu a local branch I like as part of a bigger chain mostly based in HCMC, But they are the epicentre of the Covid 4th wave here, and so many of the parts are at stores that can't accessed. So I replaced the order with HanoiComputer, and Hanoi is is much better state, but supply chains are slow at the moment and the parts advertised weren't all stocked. We are receiving deliveries in Da Nang, but it's restricted and HanoiComputer doesn't trust it. Covid numbers are relatively low here, but the government is diligent. Number are about the sam as Hanoi, but Hanoi is 8 times a bigger city. So Hopefully Hanoi will fully open soon, and delivery restrictions will here in a couple of weeks. Just have to sit tight. Amendments to my specs so far is now as 650W PSU, an Airflow version of the same case 4000D, a second fan (Which will be RGB simply because they are easier and cheaper to get her, same with the CPU fan, I just don't need to turn it on) Looking forward to a 24" screen, going from a 17" laptop. Got my first reading glasses about 2 months ago
  20. I'm thinking of using one of my SSDs for my work laptop, instead. hen put an M.2 drive in. I will still have another SSD 1TB add to the build. Worth going down that road ? EDIT: I've also found a better case, similar but better and no RGB to remove. Corsaire Airflow 4000D. Reviews seem very promising and often mention it's ease to build with.
  21. Thanks for your input, been a bit of a journey. After watching an MSI build video, it suggested going to PC Parts Picker to calc the watts. It came out at 226Watts, so I though more than double the headroom. I guess video card could add a bit, but I doubt I'd seek anything glorious. Yeah, I've no interest in the RGB, but it was cheaper with than without. for the same model. I guess there is far more demand for the model here. The Vietnamese love their tacky flashy lights. We have o deliveries at the moment, so online services can only take orders. Hopefully being lifted at the end of next week. I can then go into the branch.
  22. (14,190,000 VND) CPU INTEL Core i9-10900K (10C/20T, 3.70 GHz Up to 5.30 GHz, 20MB) - 1200 (4,199,000 VND) Mainboard MSI Z490-A PRO (2,950,000 VND) RAM desktop CORSAIR Vengeance RGB Pro CMW16GX4M2D3000C16 (2x8GB) DDR4 3000MHz (880,000 VND) Cooler Master Hyper 212X (1,190,000 VND) Computer Power CORSAIR CV550 - 550W - 80 Plus Bronze (1.700,000 VND) Corsair 275R RGB - BLACK tempered glass case (Inc. 2 fans) 23,409,000 VND Total = 732 Quid = 1020 Bucks Apart from the OS (I have two 1TB SSDs already) have I missed anything. This is only 3.5 million over my budget, and I'm kind of surprised at what I get for it.
  23. Toying with the idea of building around a i9-10900K Apart from the Socket: LGA1200, what else tells me it's compatible? I have done a number of searches, but everything seems gaming orientated at this level, and I'll probably never install a game beyond solitaire (if that's still shipped with the OS), so where is best to look for articles ? If the board comes with a HDMI/VGA/DisplayPort, does that mean it has on boar graphics processing, and a graphics board is only really needed for games. The optimal work is need, if a graphic card adds performance boost, to Sonar, but isn't needed, then I can upgrade this later if needed. If anyone can suggest a budget level 10900K suitable board, please do. Preferable with 4 DDR4 slots so I can add another pair at a later date, rather than swapping out although I assume a if it's a 2 channel 2 slot DDR4 it's the same performance as a 2 channel 4 slot DDR4 when the total ram is the same. (Am I getting the hang of things?) EDIT:So a local shop in Da Nang that has helped me in the past has the i9 10900k and Mainboard MSI Z490-A PRO for 18 million. I've seen similar prices with small savings if I get from Ha Noi, so that seems the going rate for Vietnam. This happens to match the price of the off the shelf i7. I watched a video on doing a Windows install with no internet connected and was drooling at the options to tell Microsoft to er... mind their own business. A totally clean install is something I've dreamed off, especially after every time I spend a day deleting software on a new laptop. . I'm thinking of asking them to install the CPU as that's the only thing I'm really worried about bodging up.
  24. Yeah, I said my intention was to add a pair of 8gB Off the shelf, things are pretty limited here. The i7 10700 seems to be the best CPU the shops have in off the shelf computers, unless I go for a gaming computer and then everything hikes up. I did look at i9 10900k and an Asus Prime Motherboard, which macheted the price of this off this shelf, before adding cooling, Ram, power and a case and the OS. It's both pushing my budget and agility It would be the ideal though, having a clean install and everything. We're on full lockdown at the moment, so I'll have to stew on it.
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