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Everything posted by Kamikaze

  1. Dragging midi into AD2 to use the transform function.
  2. Version 1.5.0 It's a new machine, so installed last week.
  3. Addictive Keys is scalable. And last year they refined the images some more to make the scaling sharper
  4. June 2013 I wouldn't say its 'Truly' abandonware, because of the updates which are more than just repairs. But I do agree, we won't be seeing anymore keys from them. It's a shame, I would definitely go for a Hohner clavinet. Sonic Couture's seems to be the best out there and I would basically be hoping for a similar level of options XLN. But the fact it's in the same engine would appeal to me more. Same with a Wurlitzer, this would sit nicely with the existing Rhodes. But I think the market got a bit saturated for these sounds 10 years ago, and so they stepped away. I can understand that, it's a shame, but at least the updates are still coming, so they are not selling a legacy product.
  5. Wish I never clicked on that video!
  6. And here's Danny W to suck you all in
  7. No idea, I've just come back from a hiatus and somehow I stumbled on it the other day pretty quickly. But I like it a a lot.
  8. Ahh, but do you have the T-shirt and Coffee mug? Actually I'm making that up, but there probably is some and you probably have them too.
  9. You can. The site won't let me upload a picture at the moment. Click on the 3 bars net to Beats for the setting menu and choose UI Scaling
  10. Everything. Even the all the midi packs? Just bought XO too, So now I have all everything but Drum replacer, 4 Adpaks, I have 2 of 4 kit pieces still to choose. and a stack of midipacks I've no intention to buy. I don't have stacks of plug-ins, but I like their stuff. But I have nothing left from them I have any interest in. RC20 And DS10 are nice and I like the the Upright and Rhodes and the Grand. Focusrite gave me the extra licence to get the Electric Keys. Now I has the last AD2 kit I wanted (I actually suggested to them about making a mallet kit and year later it was the last kit they made. I have no idea if I planted that seed). XO round out my palette of drum sounds and should compliment what I already have well. (Plus it's eased te frustation I'm having wit Sonible at the moment)
  11. The manual implies that you don't need iLok, and there was another screen from Sonible (that I lost when I tried a reboot and can't find that broke down the steps. And said install iLok, but then said you don't need iLok of you open the Plugin and enter the auth code onto it. But I can't open it to enter the auth code.
  12. So I have an Akai MPCOne., with it Akai's free Daw MPCBeats. Not that if used it, but it's installed. So I did a scan with it, and SmartEQ failed
  13. Yeah, and when I added the VST2, the scanner picked up I mae a change, said nothing added, and the total number of plugin stayed the same. It's like it's being blocked from being added to the plug in manager.
  14. I really like the Transform function to play with velocity dynamics in AD2. I typically start in Step Sequencer and drag my beat into AD2 to massage the velocities. I really wish there was a swing in the Transform, and they ditch the random timing knob. I contact XLN to ask them how I save my beat after I drag them into AD2 tranform and they said 'You can't drag a beat into transform'', so you can save it. Ater a few messages they replied that they didn't know that you could do what I was doing.
  15. Just got the mallet kit form Audio Deluxe, they added the coupon Fall21 to my cart and a free Melda FreeformAnalogEQ, for a total of 35.98Bucks (as they say on that site). Plus an extra 1.74DeloxBucks. So now I am thinking about something different XLN XO BF 64.00 Fall21 - 7.02 DB - 1.74 Total 55.24 Hmmmm... I escaped the Black Friday claws last year, slippery slope
  16. I think the uncategorised applied when you sort by category. When I do this it's still not there. When I sort by Manufacrurer, Sonible doesn't show up, and there's no uncategorised. If does so many re-scans now (and re-boots), and about 4 installs of SmartEQ. Funnily Cakewalk auto scans for plug in after each install but doesn't find anything. So it's detecting some movement. When I look in the plugoin manager in all the folders, there's no sign of it. I bought this years ago, but gave up trying to install with the same problems on my old laptop. Only today when I saw it on my Plugin Boutique account did I think to re-try. I'm going to install the VST2, to see if it shows up, and if when I authorise that it fixes the VST3. (EDIT: Nope, that didn't work, and Cakewalk auto re-scanned again)
  17. I purchased about 4 custom packs from XLN. Because of pricing and getting 3 kitpeices with each. Never had any issues authorising them. I also grabbed the Faifax as a matched pair. I still have 2 kitpeices to select out of 4. There are about 4 kits left I haven't bot, but it just the mallets I've been holding out for. This will be the first single kit I've bought from them. Some don't like how the cybals are recorded with no direct mics, but I kinda dig it, If I want them seperated, you can just remove the rest of the kit from the overheads. I think it reflects a lot of how kits are recorded. I kind of like some limits sometimes. Most of these kits were recorded in different studios to give a different ambiance to the overheads and room mics. For this reason I don't think there will ever be an AD4. They'd have to go back to all those studios to expand these kits. So Ad3 would be competently new sampling sessions. But I like that for once I don't have to worry about more upgrades around the corner. Most disappointing kit for me is the Session Percussion. I thought it would be a percussionist set up, set up like a drum kit for a percussionist to play along with drums. But it's percussion set up like a drum kit for a drummer to play. earlies this year I was experimenting with Salsa, but I couldn't program a basic Tumbao with articulations provided on the Congas, so I bought Native Instruments Çuba' pack
  18. Same sale at Audio Delux https://www.audiodeluxe.com/search/site/xln
  19. I'm confused by these. DO I need iLok or not? Trying to get SmartEQ installed, but it won't show up in Sonar. Am I reading this wrong. I can install either direct to my machine or with an iLok.
  20. Had a little a virtual cash on my account I didn't know about. Then after the purchase, I found in my account a couple of plug ins I had bought but not installed. My old music laptop was falling apart. so I slowly setting up everything on a new desktop.
  21. The latest Blender short is stacks of fun.
  22. Thanks for the advice guys. They replied bac saying I can have two machines, and I don't need to de-authorise. But it didn't really answer my question. I've asked what will happen should I get a new laptop for the second license and the first on my new desktop. How does Access know I am not using the old laptop. I'm wondering if when I select a new machine, will Access prompt to deactivate one of the other 2 machines. As XLN website does when activating a second machine when 2 are already activated.
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