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Everything posted by Variorum

  1. Variorum

    Note Time Question

    I think you're looking for Ticks per Quarter-Note in Preferences...
  2. Yeah, this DNS change wouldn't affect the Cakewalk application authentication. I'd guess Cakewalk contacts a bandlab.com address for that and update info. It would only affect the cakewalk.com addresses (like this forum). I did panic a bit when it looked like the cakewalk.com address was no longer valid (Eeek!) It does look like there was an update today, though... Maybe it was just my machine ?
  3. It looks like cakewalk.com renewed or made some other DNS change today. The IP address changed from 201.(something) to and made my Chrome very unhappy. I kept getting redirected to one of those generic search pages ? Clearing the local Chrome DNS cache didn't fix it; I had to clear the Windows cache (ipconfig /flushdns). Strangely, Firefox didn't have any issues!?!? Just posting in case anyone else has the same problem... of course, they won't be able to get here to read to solution ?
  4. Hmmm... It should be there. The only other possibility might be C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core, but I'm pretty sure it won't be in there. Just in case you tried searching for the file... I've noticed that using search (in File Explorer) will not find any files in sub-folders if you start the search from the C:\Users\ folder. It won't find the file unless you search from at least the C:\Users\<USER NAME>\AppData\ folder. The file has to exist somewhere because Cakewalk stores important info about your MIDI ports in it. If you can't see the C:\Users\<USER NAME>\AppData\ folder, make sure you have "Hide protected operating system files" unchecked in File Explorer's Folder and Search Options.
  5. Well, this used to be the way to tell Cakewalk to automatically turn off Local Control... not sure if it's still used. 1. In the directory where SONAR is installed, double-click on the TTSseq.ini file to open it. (In the Cakewalk Core directory). 2. In the [Options] section, add the line: SendLocalOff=1 3. Save the file and close it. 4. When you launch SONAR, it automatically sends a Local Off message to your keyboard. If you don't have an Options section with the line SendLocalOff=1 in your TTSseq.ini file, you could try adding it, then change the line to SendLocalOff=0 That should disable it (maybe?) Make a backup copy of your TTSseq.ini file before changing it... in case I'm giving you garbage advice ? *** UPDATE *** My keyboard doesn't respond to Local On/Off messages, but I tested the above option with LoopMIDI and MIDI-OX and it does indeed work. If SendLocalOff is not in the TTSseq.ini file at all or is present and is set to 1, Cakewalk sends the LocalOff message to each midi device. If SendLocalOff=0 is present in the [Options] section, Cakewalk does not send the LocalOff message. BTW - The TTSseq.ini file is probably in C:\Users\<USER NAME>\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core
  6. Yeah... this is because there's some weirdness in the way Cakewalk processes notes when they're input from the keyboard as opposed to when they're played back from the track. When a note comes in from the keyboard, it's represented as raw (actual) Midi data in the MFX. While there are discrete Note On and Note Off events defined in the Midi standard, most Midi keyboards use a Note On event with a velocity of zero to turn the note off. That's why the Velocity MFX leaves the note playing when it's played from the keyboard... it passes the note when the velocity is above the level you've set but it filters out the release of the note (same note where velocity=0), so the note stays on. Notes coming from the track (during playback) are represented by a more complex structure defined by Cakewalk that always has discrete Note On/Note Off elements, so the MFX works correctly by filtering the Note On by velocity level and always passing the (discrete) Note Off event.. It would be pretty easy to write an MFX that filtered notes by velocity range for both keyboard and track input, but you'd still need a separate track for each instrument.
  7. I just picked up a 32" HP Omen for a really good price. It's 2560x1440, so a nice compromise between the size of the screen elements and additional real estate. The icons, etc. are almost identical in size to my 23" 1080p monitor; pixels per inch is almost the same, so there's no need to scale. I was afraid it would be ginormous, like sitting in front of a TV, but it's really not as big as I thought. My aging eyes are happy ?
  8. Well, here's a new plugin... it's basically a velocity tweaker that works across the entire midi note range. @Max Arwood needed to adjust the velocity response to a piece after switching out the piano VST, so that's what this does. Left click to draw, right click to erase, tap your midi keyboard to highlight a note on the graph. Check the description for other details. Granted it has a limited use range, but hopefully you tweakers will find some interesting things to do with it. Maybe adjusting the toms on a whole set drum track when you switch to a different drum VST? Anyway, thanks to Max for testing out the first version and giving me some good ideas for enhancements ? It should be up on Viramor.com by now. Back up all your computers and phones... and buy extra insurance on your house and car before using it... I haven't tested it it much ?
  9. Hi @Helio Dias Vieira I took a look at the binary data in the files... it appears that the file "Midi with no problem" is storing a timebase of 960 ticks per quarter note and the file "Midi WITH PROBLEM" is storing a timebase of 9600 ticks per quarter note. I would guess that the DAW that writes 9600 tpqn divides by 10 internally, so it interprets this as 960.0 A midi file with a timebase of 9600 would play back very slowly (1/10 speed) in a DAW that was using a timebase of 960. I don't know why that would appear in the middle of the song, though. My guess is that Cakewalk misinterprets the timebase of 9600 and something weird is happening internally... not sure though.
  10. Hey @ZincT... Running the Uninstall.bat and then Install.bat file won't hurt anything. They just run a command that adds (or deletes) information in the Windows registry that tell Cakewalk about the plug-in and where to find it. Always keep Install.bat and Uninstall.bat in the same folder as the .DLL file, though. l hope you get some use out of the plug-ins... ...And why do people keep calling my picture an Avatar! It's a selfie! I took it in front of my house! I even combed my hair! Now my feelings are hurt. ?
  11. Yeah, thanks @Eddie ? One day I'll write a real installation package that'll make things a bit easier.... Hey @martsave martin s. Looks like the site was inaccessible for a few minutes, that may be why the link didn't work. Don't know what happened... nothing in the logs. Maybe the server was eating lunch. Glad you're all sorted out.
  12. A few days ago I stumbled on a post here by @sadicus that referenced a problem with the CSTranspose MFX screwing up key-switches and realized that a lot of VST's would have a similar problem, so I updated the plug-in. It now lets you specify a key range. Only notes within the range will be transposed. If transposition would move a note from inside the range to outside, it will be filtered. This effectively isolates the "music" keys from the "control" keys. Note: The Range setting is not part of a Group so each instance can have its own range regardless of the Group setting. You can drag the arrows on the left and right or use the mouse wheel while hovering over the note indicators to change the upper and lower limits of the range. Alternatively, you can click on a note indicator (its background will turn orange) and tap a key on your Midi keyboard. To make life easier, when you set the range for a VST, save it as a preset! Download it at Viramor.com Let me know if you have any problems...
  13. You should visit https://www.audiotestkitchen.com/ One of the coolest sites to compare a few hundred different microphones, all used to record identical content (voice, instruments, etc.) in one studio. It's probably best to use a good pair of headphones... You can spend a few hours playing around there ? + ? = ?
  14. There's a reason MIDI-OX's icon is a Swiss Army Knife ?
  15. I think what @Gswitz and @markrounds are referring to is this: When you disconnect and reconnect Midi devices, Cakewalk will sometimes reassign the Control Surface ports. If the port your keyboard uses gets assigned to another controller/surface it can prevent the Midi data from getting though to the track (or echo). In the above example, my Axiom keyboard is being routed to the FW-1884 surface, so although all the other settings are correct, the keyboard will not function correctly because the FW-1884 Surface Controller is eating all the Midi data. This still catches me sometimes... just something else to put on you checklist.
  16. No problem... I've never had a keyboard that transmitted low velocities, but all the keyboards I've owned had at least one issue. My Yamaha EX5 had poor after-touch response (luckily, there is a trim pot inside it that helped quite a bit). My M-Audio keyboard has the world's cheapest potentiometers... I have to open it open and clean/recondition them about once a year. Yup. If your keyboard is transmitting only a limited velocity range, you'll have problems utilizing a lot of the newer VSTs that depend on velocity to manipulate the sounds. No software solution or setting can fully make up for it. Session Guitarist looks cool, but be sure to check out Ample Sounds guitars. The AGM is very nice (although it's about $20 more than Session Guitarist). Most of their guitars are available as demo downloads so you can check them out before you buy. At the very least, grab their free guitars (Ample Guitar M Lite and Ample Bass P Lite)... some of the best free VST's available.
  17. Nah... it doesn't have anything to do with your Cakewalk settings. MIDI OX reports exactly what's being sent by your keyboard. I have two keyboards that easily top 120 for velocity when played hard (I have to really whack the keys to hit 127). If your keyboard won't register and send velocities higher than the mid 70's then it pretty much has to be a problem with the velocity sensing mechanism in the hardware. Some keyboards use a pair of photo-diodes to measure the speed of the key as it's pressed, others (generally lower cost controllers) use a pressure sensor under the key to register the pressure exerted on the key. The key you pressed and that "velocity" is sent as Midi data to the computer via your Midi interface. MIDI OX tells you exactly what the keyboard is sending. Midi velocity ranges from 1 (very soft) to 127 (very loud) so if you're hitting the keys hard and it reports velocities that aren't at least close to 127 (that would be FF in hexadecimal, which MIDI OX displays by default) then your keyboard just isn't sensing and transmitting the velocities correctly.
  18. I did a little poking around on the interwebs for info on the Novation Launchkey series and found a few complaints about the velocity sensitivity on those controllers. Judging by the results you've gotten so far with MIDI OX, I'm guessing it's a problem with your new keyboard. It may affect just a few of them so exchanging it might help, or it could just be poor velocity sensitivity because of the design of the series. Might be time to contact the store and exchange the unit or just return it and try a different brand/model.
  19. There's a handy MidiFX plugin by Markleford Friedman on TenCrazy.com called PortDiag. Drop it in the FX bin of a midi track and It'll show you the actual midi data that CbB is receiving, including the velocity of each note you hit. Not nearly as cool or useful as MIDI OX, but it should work well for a quick check of your input velocities.
  20. The only thing I know of that would affect Midi Velocity in CbB (other than MidiFX) is the Velocity scale (Vel+ in the picture) or the Gain knob in the inspector. Both do exactly the same thing, scale input Midi Velocity up or down. I can't imagine Vel+ or Gain are set low on all of your Midi tracks, so that's likely not the cause of your problem, but it's a quick way to adjust the Velocity sensitivity.
  21. Hey @jono grant... If your monitor's resolution is 3840 x 2160 and you're feeling brave, you could try going in to the Advanced scaling settings (right below the regular Scale and layout option) and manually set scaling to 200%. This would result in an even multiple for the horizontal and vertical pixel usage on your monitor which should give you a sharp picture, albeit one equivalent in resolution to a regular 1920 x 1080 monitor. This would affect all applications you run, so you'd have to be Ok with switching back and forth when necessary... Just a thought ?
  22. I've done some A/B tests on the pianos I have and @msmcleod posted a piano he sampled that is now my go-to piano for solo and classical stuff. I fiddled with the SFZ file and samples to give it a more linear velocity response (it has 7 velocity layers!). I'd have a hard time paying for a piano VST when there are some really good ones available for free. Here's an example with no reverb, EQ, or processing of any kind...
  23. @Robert Bone If Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Gandhi saw your patience here, they would, in unison, exclaim "Dayum!"
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