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Everything posted by Variorum

  1. Nope! Had to look it up ? Cool device... It would certainly be possible to implement the basic functionality (the variations on a rhythm, etc.), maybe use a little 2 bar GUI to click in the basic beat or use a Midi keyboard to tap it in. Strumming in the pattern on a guitar would actually be the (relatively) easy part, but that would require a VST... I think sticking to MFX for this one is a good idea. Not an easy project but not extremely difficult, either. Thanks for the suggestion! I'll add it to the list ?
  2. Hey Elffin... I still plan on making a Midi Compressor, but in the meantime, check out this MFX component by azslow. I just noticed it on his site. It allows you to draw in a velocity response curve (with ur mouse!), which makes it useful as a velocity compander. You can even save curves as presets... Here's the page and here's the download link.
  3. Hmmm... not sure if it's the same issue, but this tripped me up, too. If any blob is selected, auto-scrolling stops (that's by design), so make sure there's nothing selected and auto-scroll works fine. Just a thought...
  4. The Velocity MFX that comes with CbB almost does it, but not quite. A midi compressor would actually be pretty easy... I'll add it to the list (unless the bakers add one more slider to theirs) ?
  5. Ha! Already started poking around on this one after I saw a post about a VST called Midi Shape Shifter It'll be pretty simple at first, maybe generate a sine, triangle, square, sawtooth wave... tempo synced with divisions, and I think allowing control of amplitude and frequency from assignable CC's would be cool. I'll keep you posted! Hahaha! Get it?... Posted?... It's a Forum?... <crickets> ?
  6. I sometimes like to go through my immense collection of old Midi files and use them for DAW practice... This is a re-orchestration based on a MIDI file named SONG5.MID, circa 1996. It was part of a collection of demos for a now defunct sequencer called WinJammer, and that's pretty much all the info I have on it. I'd love to know who composed the original MIDI song so I can credit him/her. It's a really nice piece... ashamed to see it lost to the obscurity of the old internet. If anyone has any information about the composer, please let me know. Thanks! I used several VSTs for the orchestration: Session Horns Pro NI Fretless Bass Ample Guitar AGG2 Addictive Drums Cakewalk Rapture Session Garritan Personal Orchestra 5 ...and my trusty Yamaha EX5
  7. Hi Willard... Nice piece! I think Mr. Smallwood is influenced a bit by Bach. ? I've played around with GPO5 a bit; I'd be interested in taking a look at your project. I'll send you a message w/my email address if you'd like to send it to me.
  8. Yeah... Let me finish up my Grand Unified Theory and get that Mid-East peace treaty signed and I'm on it ?
  9. Alright, here's another MFX plugin that has a pretty limited user base ? This is a simple transposer... basically the same functionality as the Key+ control in the midi panel of a track, BUT it's syncable in groups! Sleetah2000 had a question about transposing multiple tracks at once (Multi-track Transposing) which is difficult because the Key+ control isn't groupable, so I came up with a way to synchronize several instances of an MFX plugin... seems to work. You can assign each plugin to one of four groups; all plugins in the same group will track together (i.e. changing any of them changes all of them) Drop a plugin in a track, assign it to Group 1, say, and Control/Drag it onto several other tracks and you can transpose all of them at once. It only has an 'Absolute' mode at the moment, but I'll add a 'Relative' mode soon. Granted, it's just a transposer and not terribly useful, especially if the Key+ control is made groupable in a future CbB release (hint, hint), but the syncing model I'm using will probably be handy for other more complex MFX plugins coming up. It's free. You can DL it at Viramor.com if you want to try it out.
  10. That will definitely be in the next version... not too hard to implement. I use GPO5 a lot and need the controller events (modulation, expression, pitch) to follow the note movements. But I'm slow ?. I'm also trying not to step on any commercial developers' toes, like Frank's MIDI Plug-Ins (who has a great humanize plug-in for sale that adjusts controller values and a lot more). BTW - TenCrazy.com has some interesting free MFX plugins, and AZSlow has an MFX plugin that allows you to write scripted functionality in a language called LUA, He has a great site... I've learned a lot about MFX and Control Surface programming from reading the posts on his forum (somehow he types with a Russian accent ?). Not sure if either of them doing any current development related to CbB, though. Oh, my comment about "Might be tricky to implement as a real-time effect , blah blah blah" doesn't really apply. For some reason I was thinking that Groove processing would need to take into account large blocks of music to fit phrases to the selected, uh, groove. A couple measures in the buffer should be enough to adapt the data. Plus, I build a private cache of the supplied buffers for historical reference.
  11. Thanks scook! Let me know if you have any issues or suggestions... remember, I offer a 100% money back guarantee ? Hmmm... To integrate everything into one component, I'd probably have to be able to read and parse the GRV files directly. It looks like there are two types; one by DNA™ and another that is native to Cakewalk. Cakewalk also allows you to copy MIDI data from a track to use as the groove definition... that would actually be the easiest part to implement because I'd know the format of the data on the clipboard. If I can get (or decode) the file format, I may be able to load a groove pattern and allow you to humanize it before it's applied to the track. Might be tricky to implement as a real-time effect as opposed to processing an entire track/selection because the plug-in receives small chunks of buffered note data. I'll have to think about how it might work and do some research into the GRV file format.
  12. Hope it's Ok to post this here... if not, feel free to publicly flog me I decided to brush the brain dust off my C++/COM/UI programming and write some plugins for Cakewalk... The first (little) one is a MidiFX plugin called CSHumanize... because randomization is easy It's basically a replacement for the CAL script "Humanize" with a couple minor enhancements. It's free and available at my new, hastily set up site http://viramor.com if you'd like to test it out. It's 64-Bit only, but if any of you CAVEMEN still using 32-Bit OS's are interested, I'll compile a version for you. Yeah, I know you can add randomization with the Quantize plugin, but this one's a slightly different shade of blue
  13. I gotta say this was one of the best sales. I got Nebula, Hybrid 3, and Neutron Elements for a grand total of $2.08 ? Merry Christmas to me!
  14. I found a bitmap embedded in the EXE... Jenkins???
  15. Well, it looks like the programmers are stuck with the SONAR name for a while. The Control Surface SDK (for one) uses the Sonar moniker a lot... ISonarMixer3, ISonarTransport2, etc. The main Cakewalk EXE still appears to have interfaces and ID references to Sonar, as well, and a lot of references to CPP files in a workspace folder... who is Jenkins? . I'm sure that one day they'll do a massive search and replace to rename all of those from SONAR to CAKEWALK or CBB or something, and then spend an entire month QA'ing to fix everything that breaks because of it
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