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Everything posted by Musicianaire

  1. Right after the Cake fell last year I tried Studio 1, Cubase, Tracktion and one or two others I can't remember the names of. Each has their pros and cons, but In all cases the price killed me. My income is tiny, and without subscription pricing as Gibson's CW had, I'm out of the game. Finally tried Reaper, and not only was the price right I actually like how they do things both in the software and community support. So far, for my purposes Reaper hasn't let me down.
  2. I don't have asst running and I stayed signed in all the time. Not sure what you're missing.
  3. I agree! Deals are a whole separate thing from random conversation. We need a dedicated space to find and discuss deals without wading through cat pictures and bapu's ramblings. ?
  4. He never imported mine. He doesn't like me.
  5. beyondcakewalk is not down. It was rebranded as beyondmydaw months ago. Like, in March or something.
  6. I didn't freak out but I engaged in preventative loss of DAW by getting another DAW. Took the time to learn it fairly well, and started migrating my work over from SONAR. By the time Bandlab came through I was well into my new life. But I did jump in with the new CW regime (first love, etc.), and still use it for all my MIDI work.
  7. You bring the toaster, I'll bring the coffee, we'll meet at 7am on the breakfast nook and ruminate on things & stuff.
  8. I'd like my post count brought over as well. I'm not important, but I'm not a newbie. Also, I'm 14-year old trapped in a 58-year old body. I need my ego stroked. I was jyoung60 in the old forum, if that helps to find my stats.
  9. Cakewalk: MIDI work, mostly for gigs. Other DAW: Recording originals, working on an album. Why don't I use CW for recording, you ask? Long story, but its related to the shutdown scare of a year ago.
  10. Didn't see one here yesterday, either. Where is it at the old place? Not that matters anymore, but, is it in invisible ink or something?
  11. I never saw it at the old place. Always wondered how to do it, but noooooo, I don't have the security clearance I guess.
  12. Life isn't always fair, but you can be.

  13. Here's a random thought. Oh wait.... I'm not Bapu so nevermind...
  14. Out of pure curiosity, of course, I am here. Oh, and the fact I still use Cakewalk now & then. Oh, and because I'm addicted to coffee. Oh, and someone's gotta keep an eye on bapu. By the way, I was jyoung60 at the old place. Signed in here via my Bandlab account so they automagically applied my BL username. I don't mind. jyoung60 was lame anyway. Now I'm much cooler. So... where's the coffee pot? ....
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