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Everything posted by Musicianaire

  1. I've heard tales of the Duper Swapper, but thought they were only the drunken ramblings of old men. Should we be nervous about it going public?
  2. I haven't come across any better sound module than Sound Canvas. I started way back in the day with the SC-55 ( which contained its own sound banks plus that of the CM-64/MT-32 maps, which were in the Pro-E keyboard that I purchased in the 80s). When the SC-88 came out I bought it right away. I never upgraded from there but I left the music biz a couple years later anyway. Sold my SC-88, wish I hadn't. I did acquire an SK-88 keyboard in 2002, but had to sell it later when I needed money. When I came back to music in 2015 I found and immediately installed the SCVA plugin. That's when I discovered there had been an 88Pro and 8820!! The SCVA has all the sounds of all models, so I've been 100% happy with it. If you can afford $125USD, get the lifetime license edition that I linked to above. There must be a way to get it working o your machine.
  3. Command Center was golden, it would be nice if they kept it.
  4. https://www.rolandcloud.com/catalog/legendary/sound-canvas-va I discovered last night that unfortunately they changed to a cloud subscription model at some point, and is pricey to say the least. ☹️ I purchased it in early 2016 while it was still available as a download, for $99 lifetime license. I did a quick Google to see if it can be found anywhere else, but no luck yet. I'll let you know if I find it. EDIT: good news! (I hope). I believe they still allow the lifetime license to be purchased here, for $125... https://contentstore.roland.com/software/
  5. It is compatible with Win7 SP1, so if you didn't update to SP1, that might be the problem. Otherwise, not sure why it would do that. I've gotten some nasty noises when I insert it twice (duplicate) by mistake; and I believe when I insert while TTS-1 is also present. EDIT: Just saw that it's also now 64-bit only.
  6. Just thought I'd put this here in case anyone ever needs help with the Roland Sound Canvas VA plugin (VSTi or AU). When I first started using it there was frustratingly little help to be found, even at Roland's own site. Over the past three years I've gotten to know it well, so if by chance someone stumbles in and needs help, feel free to ask! Most likely I (and whoever else has experience with it) will be able to help in some way. ? One thing to mention, it works perfectly in CbB, where it didn't work 100% in Gibson's Cakewalk. So that was a pleasant surprise for me. Thank you, Bandlab, whatever you did!
  7. Pick another one, she's mine!
  8. I've made my last post there, leaving it at 840 posts. I just don't have time or gumption or even the words to make enough posts that actually have value. I'd be spamming the place, and that's no way to leave someone's house. Anywho, it's all good. It was a good run; a short one for me - only since 2015. Glad to HERE. Glad that Bandlab picked up the hammer and saw. Cakewalk must live on.
  9. I'd like to know more about that Dynamic Blurch Injector myself. I have a lot of blurch to process.
  10. Wow too cool! And.... Randy has been gone that long?? I'm old...
  11. Becan sucks ....me into a world of pleasure and colorful brain waves.
  12. Every forum I've seen shut down over years, I've made sure to leave behind an even number in the 1000s (1k, 2k, 5k, etc.), no less, no more (unless it was a sudden closure and I had no choice). So yeah, let it go? Really? This is one of the opportunities to continue my legacy! I shall not be stopped!
  13. As mentioned in my first post, it's purely selfish/ego-centric, lol. I want to leave the place with 1000 posts. I'm only a little above 800 right now, so knowing a date would allow me to pace myself (or not) to reach 1000. It's a '14-year old trapped in a 58-year old body' thing.
  14. Took a chance with the self-update and it actually worked!
  15. Will it work like it should, or do I need to download and install manually like the past number of times?
  16. Apparently Bapu came up with a way right out of the gate. ?
  17. Is there an actual date when the old forums will go dark? I need to know, because that will determine my next move over there. Yes, this is a purely selfish and ego stroking concern, but it's valid in my eyes only. So if anyone can shed light on the coming darkness, please share. I won't sleep until I know. ...or 11pm, whichever comes first.
  18. I noticed a while ago that after using CbB, the clipboard is cleared on my computer. Other DAWs that I've used don't do that, and to my knowledge no other program or app has done it. Why does CbB do it? (it might've happened with SONAR as well , but never discovered it)
  19. I can relate. 2018 saw me unable to sing well, and other issues kept me from doing much at all with my DAW. I seem to be on the upswing now, and I sincerely hope you start feeling better as well, very soon. It's not a good feeling to be a creator and not be able to create. All the best to you in 2019!
  20. Forgot to mention another one in my previous post: Pro Tools. Tried it, and liked it, but two things stopped me: Price and support. I had an extremely hard time getting help when I needed it during the trial period. Avid told me to ask in the forums for help, and the forums told me to ask Avid.... like wtf?? That was the end of my Pro Tools affair.
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