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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Fleer

    PA Survey

    You’ll be back.
  2. I’ve got the RE-Strings version for Reason, so I’ll hold off on this one.
  3. Fleer

    Wadorf LE

    Send support an email. They answer within 24 hours.
  4. And it says “plus a free software title ($/€299.99 value)” but I guess that’s only SampleTank4 and not your choice of MODO instruments.
  5. Yup, still one of the best strings libs.
  6. Got two more that may be of use: FEB-29-A-CEYV7YGT FEB-29-B-ZC4N4LXX
  7. Love this Pearl Grand. Just updated.
  8. They’re waiting in our PluginBoutique accounts, with envious eyes, slowly and surely drawing their plans against us.
  9. Nah. Got both Nebula and MSW2 as freebies some time ago.
  10. True. I’ve got Mello I and quite like it.
  11. It’s the InstaScale kind of plugins that do it for me. PluginBoutique seems to be the place to get them.
  12. He wouldn’t. Never. He’s our UIKG.
  13. Metric AB is the one I’d get if I hadn’t got it.
  14. In the end I think I won’t get off the fence. Not even for bx_oberhausen. Edith: good boy. Sit.
  15. And ONE is actually quite good indeed.
  16. And take the serial you’ll get by email to your IK-account. Or even better, put it aside and wait for the next group buy.
  17. Hit Larry’s link, click on “Beat #172 - 04/20” and hit OK, then select the 4th option (T-RackS ONE), add your email address and fill in “Fließband”.
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