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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Fleer

    Wadorf LE

    I paid €33.43, ZT.
  2. Fleer

    Wadorf LE

    Which is what I did
  3. " Even though we will not reveil what it is, we are excited to say that something is coming! Just keep your eyes on our website and socials. Cheers, Ralph (Fabfilter — Feb 18, 2020)”
  4. Now where did I hear that before ...
  5. Gotta love Output. Exhale’s still my favorite.
  6. I also find the Pulse downloader to be unnecessarily slow sometimes. As for Palette, I only have Symphonic Sketchpad, so would Melodics be a good add-on or should I leave it at that ?
  7. Some info here: https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=540139&hilit=Analog+obsession
  8. ... but you can teach those new dogs some old tricks, daddy-o.
  9. Fleer

    Reason 11.2

    Do check out the Suite version though, as it holds an amazing bunch of stuff for not much more than the regular upgrade.
  10. There was a time when we got this for way less, if I remember well.
  11. Well, I think Palette is pretty, pretty good.
  12. Moving back towards sampled synths myself. Really liking Syntronik.
  13. Fleer

    Reason 11.2

    It’s only 5GB or so. Fine by me.
  14. Fleer

    Reason 11.2

    Upgrading from 10 to 11 Suite. Good value, $1200 worth of Rack Extensions for only $100 more than the regular upgrade.
  15. I don’t even have a Pulse link, Lars.
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