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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Nice find. Please tell us how large it is.
  2. A few years ago I got a piano bundle from them and that was pretty pretty good.
  3. I still need a few of them at $15. Or at $4.
  4. Tell us your thoughts guys!
  5. When it’s $19 I’m in.
  6. Where’s this world going? Abusing sample packs!
  7. A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.
  8. Found free tuts at Groove3: https://www.groove3.com/tutorials/Eventide-Fission-Explained
  9. Where on earth is Carlos Sandiego?
  10. Yep, that’s right, the best Minimoog in town is free. Hurry to that stoopid App Store and get your fix.
  11. One of my most loved comps.
  12. Dang, I’ve only got Drawmer S73.
  13. But that SampleTank Editor does look interesting.
  14. Tew words. Group. Buy. I’ll say it again. Group. Buy.
  15. Erst die Suppe dann die Puppe.
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