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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. So you could select Masala 2, ZT?
  2. Yep. Didn’t get the plug yet tho.
  3. Plug-in enabler. Just call him King Larry.
  4. Some of them are quite okay, but I don’t know about the Upright. Pricing could be lower during sales though.
  5. Got that sweet Ensemble with the voucher.
  6. Or move to New Boston, NH.
  7. I love their stuff and have most of it, except Phase Plant, Flanger and Ensemble. I think I’ll get the latter with the code once its sale is gone. If I hadn’t got anything yet, there’s a quite unique tape effect an some great EQs, like Carve EQ.
  8. You must not. You must not. You must not.
  9. Right. These are Kirk Hunter’s best libraries in my book.
  10. That’s a shame as some of them are actually really good.
  11. BD is dumb Ann. And gear credits are gear credits. There, she said it.
  12. Thanks for pointing us at the weekly specials from BigFishAudio, Lars, as I often forget to check them. They’ve got some really good stuff.
  13. Love me some Italy time ...
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