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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Got the Allura Pop Stacks. Exactly what it says on the tin. Sweet, handy and alluring pop stacks.
  2. Fleer

    Considering Bitwig

    I’m a staunch Bitwig lover, primarily because it’s the most creativity inspiring DAW I know.
  3. No, this one I ain’t gonna get. It’s Win. And it’s stoopid. Or am I?
  4. Now that’s an expensive freebie
  5. I don’t know why I keep on collecting these Windows games as a Mac user, but hey, at least I’m trying.
  6. Yep, still the best sub around.
  7. High time indeed.
  8. It doesn’t go as low as Abyss and Kult yet, as it’s Dawesome’s latest, but he’ll be launching Myth in the new year, so chances are Novum will go lower then.
  9. Learned the ropes at kvr, gearslutz and vicontrol but the cakies forum sure has the good vibe for over ten years, with oldies but goodies like @cclarry, @BassDaddy, @Bapu, @lawajava, @Grem, @Zo, @mettelus, @John Maar,@DeeringAmps, @TheSteven, @Zargg, and the dear ones I’m forgetting right now. Meanwhile, some fine newcomers have joined the band. Happy 2024, guyz.
  10. Being somewhat rational I’m still somewhat active on kvr (and gearslutz and vicontrol) but those places just ain’t as homy as this juan.
  11. And watch out for the synth of 2024: Myth!
  12. Abyss, Kult and Novum are (D)awesome.
  13. I thoroughly dislike WUP.
  14. About time for Sylenth2. Otherwise, just call it Sylenth. Hush. Hush.
  15. That’s a really sweet one. Good to see sound packs for the old Lizard.
  16. Indeed. Only thing is you won’t get newer choices. The code remains limited to the selection at the time.
  17. No, if you uncheck that there’s no download. Your library just gets added to your Pulse account. I need a “download without installing” box for my backups.
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