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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Best deal ever on three of Zynaptiq’s best. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/39-FX-Bundle/4315-REMIX-Bundle?a_aid=4af297e055206
  2. Nice, love formant filters. This will go well with the Kilohearts one. AudioThing do good stuff and they’re M1 compatible.
  3. But will it be 84% off or only 69%?
  4. Well done. You’ll love ‘em.
  5. Loooove that Voice of Wind series. This is the fourth installment if I’m not mistaken.
  6. Fleer

    MacBookAir M1 $849

    Yeah, I’ll only run Silicon native apps: AAS Spire Surge Bitwig Dexed Melda OB-Xd Hornet Scaler 2 Valhalla! Acustica Synapse FabFilter! Pianoteq! FL Studio WaveArts Waveform Klevgrand Virtual CZ AudioThing SugarBytes Xferrecords TwistedWave WavesFactory Spectrasonics! Moog Model 15 Apogee Duet 3 MOTU M2 & M4 MOK Waverazor
  7. Yeah, I kept them boxed ‘cause I even read about possible fissures.
  8. Fleer

    MacBookAir M1 $849

    I have a wife, Zo, still do.
  9. That’s the one I’m going for too.
  10. Got two of ‘em as I liked them so much. Kept them in their original box. Immaculate.
  11. I wouldn’t say playability is its strongest point (as that would definitely be Pianoteq’s) but it has a wonderful mellow sound. I’m sure the promised update will even make it better than ever.
  12. I like these but prefer the original 598s a bit more for their looks.
  13. Fleer

    MacBookAir M1 $849

    Meanwhile I’m waiting until mid July or later for the iMac I ordered …
  14. Fleer

    MacBookAir M1 $849

  15. Meanwhile, anxiously looking out for that Rosewood upgrade
  16. Fleer

    Power Outage

    Hold tight, Larry!
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