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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Would that work on top of the 60% off?
  2. Yep. OrangeTreeSamples is crazy, crazy good.
  3. You’re bound for trouble, Bapster
  4. Good one. I like RealSamples for their legacy pianos and harpsichords.
  5. Yeah, Grem, but didn’t order from T+S. I got it from Bax, a Thomann competitor.
  6. Fleer

    Melda 24

    Patiently waiting for an EMD of the free bundle upgrade.
  7. SSL Channel and Bus. Version 2. Oh yeah.
  8. Fleer

    PA Amek 9099

    Damn right. Amazing deal at $49.
  9. I have Scaler and Cthulhu, which I dearly cherish, but this is like getting access to the innards of SampleLogic.
  10. Three of the best PA plug-ins. But they have been slightly lower.
  11. Well, I pretty much dig Animation Station. Always liked SampleLogic’s arpeggiators but this time it’s like they’re handing me the keys to their engine (behind Arpology and the like).
  12. As long as there’s WUP, I ain’t touching that channel without a five feet Pole.
  13. Got the entire bundle. Best deal ever.
  14. Good point, would like to know too. Anyone with KU13CE cares to chime in? Is everything on the drive? No additional downloading (except minor updates) necessary?
  15. Drum Empire 2020 is triple the size at almost 60GB https://www.meldaproduction.com/MDrummer/packs
  16. Doesn’t sound half bad.
  17. If anyone of you old Cakies (you know, from a time when the old forum ruled the world) needs an 8-track Bitwig, PM me.
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