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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. That one is pretty amazing indeed. Perfect for my ongoing Bach counterpoint project.
  2. As stated by Spectrasonics themselves: ”The story of the “E” name comes from one of these instruments Eddy modified that was often rented from Leeds Musical Instrument Rentals during the heyday of record production in the 1980s. The top producers knew which one to rent because it was marked with a big “E” on the case. This is not the instrument we sampled for Keyscape, but ours was made at the same time and has the identical circuitry and voicing modifications that Eddy did to that specific Leeds instrument. As the “E” legend has grown on the Internet over the years, what’s not widely known is that Eddy made several of these identically modified instruments after various L.A. session players requested the same modifications. Our instrument was a 1974 Suitcase that Eddy extensively modified … “ And the OrangeTreeSamples Famous E is THE original one. Here’s another interesting tidbit by the engineer (Jay Graydon): http://jaygraydon.com/The_Famous_E_Electric_Piano.htm
  3. I guess you can’t get in on the Group Buy if you don’t sign up by Monday. Then you’ve got until the end of July to finalize your purchase.
  4. The history of that Famous E is quite interesting https://www.emodelrhodes.com/history
  5. Come on, Larry, we need you here. Strangest things are happening while you’re gone.
  6. Indeed, and Simeon’s live vid won me over even more. That man can play.
  7. Got that Famous E-Piano I’ve been lusting for. Kudos to OrangeTreeSamples.
  8. Yeah, that scanning/tracing synth does look interesting.
  9. Yeah, just saw that the other day. Registered.
  10. I’m quite enamored with these guys. They’ve been adding some amazing synths to their arsenal, like Waverazor, Spacecraft, Hyperion, F’em, and their latest, Abyss.
  11. That E-Piano is pretty, pretty good.
  12. Now I got it, sorry for being a bit slow. Great to see that MODO Drum is M1 native. I hope the others will follow soon!
  13. Indeed. Isn’t MODO Drum part of Total Studio 3 MAX?
  14. “everything in Total Studio 3 MAX is now M1 compatible!” Does that mean each and every IK software?
  15. He comes from a land down under.
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