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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Pretty interested in these analog sauce thingies. Seems to be a new dev.
  2. It’s a spreading disease. Like wooooooop.
  3. I don’t like how they charge for upgrades. It’s like buying the same plug-in over and over again.
  4. So I was at V4 and didn’t upgrade until recently to V8. V8 was quite fantastic already, particularly both Rolands. Plus the Buchla, Synthi, Emulator, OB-Xa, CZ, CMI and Synclavier: all new to me and pretty, pretty good. But now Vangelis died and V9 brought the upgraded CS-80, simply perfect. Same goes for the new Prophet VS (and the P5). Finally, I just love Augmented Strings (and Voices) in their advanced guise, fully tweakable. Not into the MS-20 (as I have the Korg emu) nor the SQ-80 (as the Prophet VS does hybrid digital-analog with CEM filter so much better). Yep, finally I’m in love again with the Arturia V Collection. Even got me a MiniFuse, the only portable interface with an extra USB port for my iLok. Well done!
  5. Well, I'm a fan! Just listen and look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8wTaX1sOvE
  6. Been checking out Mntra for ambient. This could be the one to get.
  7. The only thing bothering me is that you should reactivate every few months. At least that’s what I read. But I love the sound.
  8. Fleer

    Bow to the king

    Was just thinking: about time for another show of gratitude. Let’s bow to our king. The juan and only. He Who Must Be Obeyed.
  9. Started a new thread on this as it’s worth it.
  10. Had to start a new thread as this is great news. Snap Heap will be $29 in June but free until then, as it was free before, but now comes with 30 free plugins instead of 5. https://kilohearts.com/products/kilohearts_essentials
  11. Pretty amazing since they used to charge for most of them. Makes you wonder what they’re up to.
  12. Best solid mag in da biz!
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