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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. And the OTS Rubber Bridge’s twice as good as it already was
  2. For me, this orchestra gives the best 'full (Hollywood) sound'. If you prefer more classical, then I'd suggest Spitfire's BBCSO. But it's of course great to use both.
  3. Crazy good price for a crazy good orchestra.
  4. And that’s why we do it for
  5. It was $99 at 50% off when I got it four years ago.
  6. I’m thinking I’ll just download everything from My Products to be sure I have all the sounds within the 180-days timeframe and not bother with Product Manager (yet).
  7. Pretty interesting for podcasts. Got a new interface with loopback too.
  8. Got to get it out and listen. Didn’t work for me when I got it and never bothered afterwards. Thanks for this.
  9. Same here, missing Thermal. But loving Portal (and Arturia’s Efx Fragments).
  10. I would hit support
  11. I need those no-minimum vouchers to transfer some stuff.
  12. Mello-Fi Mel-Lofi Me-LLAMA
  13. Yeah, that’s why I hurried to jump in at 31 freebies ?
  14. Come to think of it, I love oohs and aahs. Yup, I’m a sucker for vocal libs too ?
  15. Indeed, a pretty good synth from PlugInBoutique, as good as their CZ-emulation.
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