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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. I bothered. And it’s absolutely worth bothering.
  2. I want Scrambled Eggs and Strawberry Jam Toast
  3. Nah, it’s a freebie ? But it’s a good one, at least four times the size of their Klang stuff
  4. I guess they’re all included in Komplete U
  5. https://www.cinematique-instruments.com/pages_instr/inst_colors.php scroll down
  6. Looking gewd, Larsy. Funky indeed.
  7. Instead of $50 https://www.thenatan.store/p/underwater-fx-plugin/ CODE: SanjayCdrake
  8. Couldn’t keep my old password BTW as they now require a longer one.
  9. Just did what they asked, new password in particular.
  10. Same here. Enjoying all things AAS except for CV-1 as I went with Cherry Audio.
  11. We will get there, I’m sure. And if that multis issue is solved, I’ll get in as well.
  12. I went from v4 to v8 but I’m particularly interested in that Augmented series.
  13. True, but know that GGOA is the best one in my opinion.
  14. But if we get to all the synths in this group bang, will we then have all the Multis?
  15. If any of the usual suspects need it, I think I may still have an extra freebie.
  16. Still a good juan. Def at $1.
  17. Pretty pretty dealio
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