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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. I’m thinking the Intro package may hold all of the samples already (almost 3GB) while the full version adds an advanced tab for sound design. If that’s true, then I’m pretty much set with Intro.
  2. Fleer


    I believe he’s a psychologist studying our very existence, as a man with a microscope might scrutinise the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water.
  3. Wondering how different the Augmented freebie and the real thang are.
  4. Got the first 6 installments, particularly loved Astra, Terra and Luna.
  5. Yeah, maybe not in all accounts, but definitely in some (and mine) as I read over at Gearslutz.
  6. To be used on the entire cart. Heck, I just used it on that Twin L (for $5.49) so now it’s gone. Stoopid, I know.
  7. Fleer

    PSP Twin L

    Do check your PSP accounts. There was a 45% off voucher waiting for me so I got that Twin L for $5.49
  8. Fleer

    PSP Twin L

    Thanks. Edith: let’s get it in !
  9. But that Little Alterboy sure is something, I’ll grant you that.
  10. I have some of these AmpleSound libs but prefer OrangeTreeSamples for sound and playability. Edith: Apple made me write AppleSound. Say what?
  11. Fleer

    PSP Twin L

    True, but mostly for drums and percussion I guess. Already lot of stuff for that. Or would it be interesting for other instruments?
  12. Fleer


    Peter, you’re needed in the Group Buy thread.
  13. Fleer

    PSP Twin L

    I’m thinking no as FabFilter Pro-L should cover this nicely.
  14. Interesting to see Analog Lab going to v5.5
  15. Got their Woodwinds and World Flutes bundle. Classy dev.
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