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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. And if I’m correct, SA 4 should be up and coming, so you’d better sell SA 3 sooner than later. Edith: don’t forget the iLok transfer will add $25 to your sale price.
  2. Still thinking about this, but those FX are already in Falcon and I’ve got the piano. Anyway, time to ponder until March 5.
  3. He’s a fisherman and he’s okay
  4. Always liked these Audiofier Veevum thangs.
  5. Got this one since last year. Love their Normaliser too.
  6. Those Renaissance plugins (with an updated UI/UX) are still pretty pretty good.
  7. This: is right up my alley
  8. Good midi source, particularly for keys and strings.
  9. Fleer


    Pretty pretty pretty pretty ? Labadee-iti ? 9 kegs of beer!
  10. It is absolutely delicious.
  11. That new one (Current Substances) sure is tasty.
  12. It was Domain, which is pretty unique. And Spaces is a subset of Domain, while this one (Phases) gives you Clearmountain’s Flanger and Phaser.
  13. Anyway, thanks @Technosticafor posting, as Scoring Acoustic Guotars was the one I was waiting for. Already got and love Vocalise, Voczlise 2 and Scoring Guitars, as far as Gravity expansions go. Mind you, they run mighty fine on their own without the need for the main Gravity engine they’re based on.
  14. I believe changing to Pound Sterling does the trick.
  15. Fleer


    Yeah baby! tell us about your cruise ?
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