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Posts posted by Shane_B.

  1. 11 hours ago, Tim Smith said:

    My wife just caught it. I'm 2 days in testing negative.

    The home tests and the ones they do at Rite Aid and Walgreens are worthless. You have to go to a doc and get the one done where they ram the stick 3 inches up your nose and it hurts.

    I went to an urgent care place in Blairstown and had it done. The first 2 I did at home and Rite Aid were negative but I kept getting sicker so I had a real test done and they found it.

  2. 10 hours ago, Tim Smith said:

    We have both had two vaccines and the booster. WT..........??????

    I was with a relative who suddenly got sick with it. They were not vaxxed at all. Fever so high they started talking gibberish. I had the single version plus a boost. They got sicker than I did but got over it faster. My symptoms were milder but it's lingering longer. No fever. Neither one of us lost our sense if smell or taste. They also got a wicked sinus infection which I'm hearing is part of this last variant but I didn't. It's morphing and changing so fast nobody can keep track but it is getting weaker. My dad is 84 and was not vaxxed and caught the original version. He had nothing but the sniffles. Yet I know several people who died from it.

    I'm so sorry to hear you're wife got it. It's running rampant in our area right now and they told me at the ER and urgent care that everyone was going to get it. Just a matter of time. The thing is, it keeps changing. There's no such thing as antibodies. You are good for about 60 days then you can get it all over again because it keeps morphing. Kind of making the vaxxes pointless IMO? I don't know. 

    Thanks for the invite. I would have come if things were different. I have a friend I was going to see around the Stroudsburg but he's in his 80s and I don't want to risk it. My quarantine and masking mandate is over Wednesday but I'm still leary about being around people.

    Hope your wife gets well soon with no/mild symptoms and you don't get it.

  3. On 5/28/2022 at 10:50 AM, InstrEd said:

    Hope you turned the tide Shane and are feeling better!

    It's lingering. This trip has been a total disaster. I've gone nowhere and done nothing. I'm supposed to leave next Monday and I'm supposed to isolate/mask until this coming Wed..

    Don't want to go home, can't stay here ($$), can't do anything while I'm here. I'm having a hard time breathing now and my nose is still swollen. Dizziness and disorientation keeps getting worse. And I have to drive 1200 miles in a week. Brought the guitars and amp and never even opened the cases.

    I'm not in a very good place at the moment.

    • Sad 1
  4. Once Were Brothers is about The Band by Robbie Robertson. I learned a ton about them I never knew. Some I wish I didn't know. I always thought Robbie was an ahole. Turns out he wasn't the problem.

    There is an old one that is entertaining about rock in general called The Decline Of Western Civilization iirc. It has Gene Simmons and mamy others in it.

    The one about The Wrecking Crew is great too. It used to be free on youtube. 

    Sorry no links. Only have access on my cell.

    As for The Who Im the same way. I don't get what people see in them. 

    Flight 666 that Steve suggested absolutely blew my mind. I loved it. 

    • Like 2
  5. 33 minutes ago, InstrEd said:

    My wife is getting just as many calls again dealing with Covid as she did in Jan wave.

    It's running rampant is exactly what they told me. The one dr said everyone is going to get it. Just a matter of time.  They also said it's very very mild and they haven't admitted anyone out of thousands so far. I've been sleep deprived lately and I think that's why it hit me so hard. Barely slept in days . . .

  6. 3 hours ago, Bapu said:

    I hope you get better soon Shane. I'm getting my 2nd booster tomorrow at 10AM.

    Thanks. I'm glad you are being so careful. It was too soon for me to get my 2nd booster before I left. From.what 3 doctors have told me, people who are vaxxed and boosted are  the ones getting it now. So please be careful. I started out as neck pain then manifested in to a cold. It spread down in to my chest like bronchitis. Never lost my sense of taste or smell. Have a killer sore throat and cough now.

    I have been very careful too. I must have gotten this before I left. My wife wanted to go see a play at an outdoor theatre in KC called Starlight the day before I left. It's the only place I was near a large group of people but it is outdoor.


    I just got my test results. Positive. Those Jersey girls are always right about everything damn it.

    Lesson here is ... Don't waste your time with the home tests or the tests at pharmacies where they give you the kit to do there then send it out to get results. You have to do the one at a doctor where they ram the stick 3 inches up your nose.

    So now I'm stuck here 5 minutes from my family and can't see them. I told her I didn't want to risk going to that f'ing play even though it was outdoors. She probably did it on purpose.

    • Sad 1
  7. 21 minutes ago, InstrEd said:

    @Shane_B.    I'm shocked they didn't give you a antiviral prescription to start taking.  Hope you feel better soon.

    They said the new strain is so weak and spreads so fast they haven't admitted anyone out of 1000s of new cases and just send them.home and tell them to eat a lot and have lots of salty foods like soup and sleep. It is odd. If I eat a lot I do feel a lot better but then it comes back.

  8. Sorry to take this back on topic. Hah. Well, it finally got me. The big C.

    Arrived in NJ Friday, got sick Saturday night, been getting progressively worse. Long (× 1K) story short . . . I ended up near someone who had it and by association and identical symptoms the hospital said I had it too but didn't test me but did the other person and confirmed.

    They are an anti-you knownwhater. I've gotten the main jab and a nitro boost. They were over it in 2 days .... Its spreading in me like a slow death. It's hitting my lungs now. The ER and Dr. said the current one is hitting ppl who have had the big V hard. So much for that b.s. eh?

    Been isolated since sunday. Had to go to urgent care today. Told them 1 home test and 1 drug store test sent out said negative. They laughed in their Jersey drone and said, "Naaawwww sweetie, you's got the kawvid. We'll have the REAL test results tomawwow and it'll be pazitive.". Told me to go home because there is nothing you can do with the current one except wait it out. If you start to get short of breath get to an ER before you get short of life. Other than that hunker down and have fun.

    It's right about in that chest area now. Having some trouble but not bad. Im gonna take a few shots of fireball, a couple sleeping pills, slap on the ol bipap, and hit the sac. My eyeballs feel like someone has been tapping them with a ballpeen hammer. Hehe ... Ballpeen. That's a fun word. Eh heh.hehheh hehehe.

    I'm here all alone in this cabin I rented right along the delaware in my home town. Its nice and quiet. I can think of worse ways to go.

    Btw I don't believe that's going to happen. Hoping it does, but nah. If I want it then it won't happen. LOL

    Been real dudes. Ya know, just in case.


  9. On 5/22/2022 at 12:24 PM, craigb said:

    He's off working on his next 20-year sentence. ?

    Oh what a tangled web we weave . . .

    But hey. It's been one hell of a *****ing ride so ***** it.

    It's 4am and I haven't slept since I got here. I have no idea how I'm still alive. Thank God I rowed those 60 miles on the row machine last week and got in great shape . . .

    Edit: btw I got here Friday . . .

  10. 46 minutes ago, InstrEd said:

    Make sure you have a nice strong cup of Java   for your drive.

    Already got my electric percolator pot set. Just have to plug it in tomorrow morning. Best coffee you ever had in a percolator. My sister still has her 60 year old glass percolator pot she uses every day on her stove. :)

    • Like 1
  11. 41 minutes ago, Zargg said:

    Congrats on 20 years!

    And have a good trip.

    All the best.

    Thanks! I'm really looking forward to it. Packing my amp and guitars right now actually. Going to leave really early in the morning.

    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, Wibbles said:

    Is that 24 women before you were married or after? 

    As tempting as it has been at times I can't say I ever have. I got married very young. Haven't been around much at all actually. I tend to be loyal to a fault. :)

    • Like 1
  13. Officially 20 years today with Mrs B. Or should I say Mrs S. She refused to take my last name. Women these days. 24 all totaled. It was my 51st birthday a few days ago, her 45th yesterday, and our 20th anny today. Time flies when you're having fun.

    And on that note, I'm packing my bags for the misty mountain. (AKA New Jersey) and she's staying here. I leave at 5am tomorrow morning. I'll be there almost a month.

    I had two bands I was sitting in with and an open mic night scheduled but things changed. I was also going to take my PC and record with friends at the place I'm staying but unfortunately they rented out the other side of the cabin that was vacant so now I can't make any noise. The reason I paid them a enormous amount of money was because of the complete and total privacy. Didn't know until after I booked this time that it wasn't private anymore like it was the last time I stayed there. I'm also building a porch for my sister and doing a lot of work on her house for her while I'm out there. Her husband and son both passed away and she's all alone and needs help.

    So I guess some good will come from my trip home. Some ;). I have no friends or family here (other than you guys virtually) and this is only the 3rd time I've been home in 25 years so I'm looking forward to it. Well, a 4th when my other sister died, but that was a quick in and out trip.

    Really disappointed about the change of plans with the music. I was really looking forward to it. Maybe it will change again. Wishing I would have gotten that Fender Acoustisonic modelling guitar moths ago so I wouldn't have to take my Strat, Martin, and an amp .... grrr.

    • Like 2
  14. There is some really good stuff that has come out in the last 4 ~ 5 years. AI is going to change everything. I couldn't live without Ozone 9 Advanced now. Although, my interest in recording is really waning especially as my audience grows smaller with each passing day while also trying to protect the damaged hearing I have left. I can't imagine ever buying another new plugin. If I do it will probably be to upgrade to an even more advanced version of O9A to rehash past bad mixes and masters. The events of the last couple of years have sucked whatever spark I had left right out of me.

    And besides, how many compressors, EQ's, chorus, delay, reverb, can you have? To this day Sonitus is still one of my favorite suite of plugins. And some of the really old DX stuff that used to come with Cakewalk. I'd like to see the GUI's updated to be modern and work well, but that would come at the cost of revamping them all and losing what makes them sound good to begin with probably. The Sonitus Reverb and Comp are excellent IMO. The only thing that worked better than the Sonitus EQ in my opinion didn't come along until Melda's Auto Dynamic EQ. I could do anything I ever needed with S-EQ. S-Reverb is still to this day my favorite, but it's very unstable now and can't be used outside of CbB. At least not stably IME.

    • Like 3
  15. 8 hours ago, craigb said:

    The kicker?  My hourly rate (to clean bus stations!) is more than my best rate as an IT Help Desk guy over the last 15 years!

    That's so sad actually. It's a messed up world we live in.

    I've been getting emails from my last employer asking me to come back. They even offered to let me run as many or as few service calls as I wanted. Come and go as I please. There is no amount of money they could pay me to do that job again. Mike Rowe should pay a visit to some of the places I've been. Laying on my back in wet moldy basements replacing motors underneath a 1970's washing machine some poor sole got duped in to putting a maintenance agreement on that we had to fix. Cockroaches crawling all over you.

    I have some heavy duty decision to make here soon and I'm scared to death. I have no idea what I'm going to do. I'm terrified.

  16. 6 hours ago, Grem said:

    I understand totally!! I just went back to working out fours days a week (after not working out for yrs) for over two months now and good greif!!! I was out of shape... bad!!

    But I am totally surprised at how fast it is all coming back.

    I've been hitting the gym hard the last month. I hadn't gone in almost a year iirc. I was just telling Craig in another thread that I did 15 .11 miles on the rowing machine Friday. I rowed 11.25 Thursday, and 7.25 Wed. I freaking gained a pound. Stuck at 256. I weighed myself this afternoon after getting out of the shower after mowing . . . 251. My goal is 250 by the time I go home to NJ next Friday. Had a huge steak for my cheat meal today and could barely finish it. It's hot here and I lose my apatite when it's hot. 

    Good job getting back to the gym. It's always very hard for me to get started once I've stopped for a while. But then it almost becomes an addiction again and I feel guilty if I don't go.

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